America's Heartland Commentary Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Opinion

What is Series.

What is Series. There’s a great watch company out there that put out the YouTube videos below. All the videos have a message. A what is message. This company gives a great series of messages.

Égard, as a brand, goes beyond being a purveyor of men’s luxury watches. It steps forward as a beacon of traditional values, standing up for the importance of biological women in sports, respecting their unique competencies and strength, and advocates for fair competition.

In the face of the ‘defunding the police’ movement, Égard unflinchingly recognizes the vital role law enforcement plays in safeguarding our communities. It underlines the bravery and dedication of law enforcement personnel, acknowledging the sacrifices they make every day to ensure the safety and security of society.

Amidst the increasing social and cultural polarization, Égard stands as a staunch advocate of positivity, respect, and unity. The brand’s commitment to its values is exemplified in every watch it creates. It’s not just about creating beautiful timepieces—it’s about standing for something bigger than us.



Abortion rights? America's Heartland Commentary Links from other news sources. Opinion Reprints from others.

Thousands Protest Abortion at March for Life Rally in DC.

Thousands Protest Abortion at March For Life Rally in DC.

Below is the Allsides summary of yesterday’s March for Life. Below that are three articles covering it. Left, Right, and Center.

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Thousands attended the 51st National March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Friday in protest of legalized abortion.

Details: The annual march marks the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision that enshrined abortion access as a constitutional right. This court decision was overturned in the summer of 2022. The organization’s website states the annual march continues because “the necessary work to build a culture of life in the United States of America is not finished.”

Key Quotes: House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) spoke at the rally, stating, “We can stand with every woman for every child, and we can truly build a culture that cherishes and protects life.”

Political Fight: The overturning of Roe in the summer of 2022 placed abortion at the center of elections across the country, with many Democratic candidates positioning themselves as defenders of abortion access, and many Republican candidates positioning themselves as champions of the pro-life cause. From congressional races to state supreme court races, the issue of abortion has repeatedly been credited as benefitting Democratic candidates at the ballot box, and is expected to be a key issue in 2024 elections.

How the Media Covered It: Outlets across the spectrum covered the rally, but right-rated outlets covered the event more prominently. The Associated Press (Lean Left bias) and The Hill (Center bias) labeled the attendees “opponents of abortion rights,” while the Washington Times (Lean Right bias) labeled them “pro-life activists.”

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America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Censorship Commentary Corruption Debates Government Overreach How funny is this? How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Media Woke MSM Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Racism Reprints from others. Stupid things people say or do. Trump White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Left and Right Disagree on “Racism” Definition.

Left and Right Disagree on “Racism” Definition.

For conservatives, the definition of “racism” encompasses a narrower range of thought and behavior than it does for leftists or progressives. Conservatives see racism as an endorsement of one’s own racial group’s superiority, a belief about another racial group’s inferiority, or harmful behavior directed at someone specifically because of their race. Conservatives often require a higher standard of proof, relying on explicit evidence rather than implicit assumptions to charge someone with racist behavior.On the other hand, progressives define racism as not necessarily being limited to conscious intent, but as encompassing unconscious bias fundamental to everyone’s cultural upbringing and reaffirmed through systemic structures designed to support white people. They perceive racism as built into people’s way of being or seeing in the world. Therefore, progressives may charge someone with racism without explicit evidence the behavior or remarks of the accused were based on race, due to their belief that racism can operate as unconscious bias. Because progressives perceive many fundamental societal structures as built on systemic racism — meaning certain groups have more power than others — they view racism as linked to power, holding the belief that disadvantaged groups cannot be racist toward groups that have power.In the case of Trump’s tweets, the right sees a lack of explicit proof that Trump views the Squad as inferior due to their race, or denies that he criticized them based solely on their race and not their ideas. Progressives, on the other hand, perceive Trumps’s attempts to curb illegal immigration and the “go back” remarks as evidence of unconscious bias against immigrants and people of color.

We break down the differing “racism” definitions and hundreds of other terms in more detail in the AllSides Red Blue Dictionary. Understanding what other groups mean when they use certain terms can help us to appreciate other people’s worldview — even when we disagree.

Julie Mastrine is the Director of Marketing at AllSides. She has a Center bias.

This piece was reviewed by Samantha Shireman, Information Architect at AllSides, who has a Lean Left bias. It was also reviewed by AllSides Daily News Editor Henry Brechter, who has a Center bias.

America's Heartland Black Supremacy Leftist Virtue(!) Reprints from others.

Heroic Teen Uses Final Moments to Save Friends After Horrific Road Rage Attack

A Texas teen managed to safely steer her car off the road and save her passengers’ lives after being fatally shot in a road rage incident.

Louise Jean Wilson, 17, along with her boyfriend and a friend, were driving through Houston on Dec. 10 when the incident occurred, the New York Post reported.

According to police, Wilson unintentionally swerved in front of a four-door sedan to avoid getting into an accident on Interstate 45.

“The vehicle that they had cut off accelerated and overtook her on her driver’s side,” Det. Caleb Bowling said during a news conference. That was when the driver of the sedan opened fire.

Wilson pulled her vehicle off to the side of the freeway before succumbing to her injuries. She died at the scene.

“Louise’s last act was to safely pull over, most likely saving the lives of the two [passengers],” Bowling said. “It was a heroic act for her to be able to get that car to the side and stopped with the injuries that she sustained.”

A 17-year-old male passenger was hospitalized with a gunshot wound and released. A second male passenger was not injured.

“Our daughter was just trying to go to the beach to watch the sunrise with her boyfriend on her day off before she had to go back to work again,” said Wilson’s father, Daniel Wilson.

“She ended up dying a hero. She was shot through her heart, and she was still able to safely pull over the car and save people in her car and other people who were driving. She wanted to help people, and she helped them.”

Daniel Wilson also addressed his daughter’s killer.

“Just think about … what you took from this world and what she could have done,” he said. “Lay that on your conscience, whoever did this. Just know you gave an angel, but you took our baby girl.”

“Louise was a great girl, a wonderful soul, a great daughter, granddaughter and sister, and to have her life senselessly taken by a dirtbag — this should not have happened,” Wilson’s uncle, Leo Amoling, told KTRK-TV.

“I know it’s not just happening to us. There is a real crime issue in this country. We just want justice.”

The suspect, described as a black male in his mid-20s, is still at large, according to the Post.

According to Wilson’s obituary, she graduated high school a year early and was “just a few classes shy” of obtaining an associate’s degree. She hoped to work in law enforcement.

“Louise was a caring and gentle soul with a lovely personality that could light up a room,” the obituary said.

“Her life had far reaching impacts that only now we are able to comprehend. She is forever in our hearts and memories. We know she is up there with God singing and dancing in the perfect, peaceful landscape of heaven.”

America's Heartland Commentary Economy Links from other news sources. Opinion Uncategorized

Hybrid VS Plug in Hybrid.

Hybrid VS Plug in Hybrid. Some folks confuse the two with an all electric car. But the two hybrid’s still have gasoline Engines. And the EV does not. I leave out the EV because I think it’s time still hasn’t come. So below I used a Honda dealership that explains the difference.

Hybrid vs. Plug-in Hybrid: The Basics

You may be wondering: What’s the difference between hybrid and plug-in hybrid? We’ve listed the main differences between these vehicles below:

  • Standard hybrid vehicles rely on their gas engines to keep their batteries charged as you drive.
  • Standard hybrid vehicles use their gas and electric motors interchangeably to maximize your fuel efficiency.
  • Plug-in hybrids use a larger battery that is charged with a 120-volt or 240-volt outlet at your Tampa home. They also have a “backup” gas engine.
  • Plug-in hybrids use electric power until it’s depleted, then switch to the gas engine.

Hybrid vs. Plug-in Hybrid: Benefits of Standard Hybrid Vehicles

There are many benefits that come with making the switch to a hybrid vehicle over a conventional model. To begin, hybrid vehicles can maximize your fuel economy by switching between using their electric engine at lower speeds and the gas engine at higher speeds. Plus, traditional hybrid vehicles are an excellent option for Land O’ Lakes drivers who don’t want to rely on home charging. Since the gas engine charges the battery as you drive, you won’t need to stop and recharge the internal batteries to continue receiving high fuel economy ratings.

Hybrid vs. Plug-in Hybrid: Benefits of Plug-In Hybrid Models

Plug-in hybrid models also work with a gas engine and an electric motor, but the way that energy is distributed is different compared to standard hybrid models. A plug-in hybrid will primarily run on its electric motor until it’s depleted, then the gasoline engine will take over.

Rather than having two engines working simultaneously, plug-in hybrid vehicles use the gasoline engine as a “backup” for when the electric engine is out of charge. The distance traveled while operating solely on the battery is known as the vehicle’s electric range. However, once that limit is reached, you’ll need to plug your car in to regain battery power.

Since you can pre-charge your vehicle, many plug-in hybrid cars offer the range you need to run errands around town or take your commute on pure battery power, allowing you to save gas for longer trips.

America's Heartland Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Child Abuse Commentary Corruption COVID Emotional abuse Government Overreach Just my own thoughts Medicine Science

So what are your COVID vaccine side effects?

So what are your COVID vaccine side effects? Of course if you didn’t get the jab, there was none. The most common side effects of a COVID vaccine are a sore arm and sometimes fever, chills, tiredness and headaches for a day or two, according to the CDC.

We all know that the main side effects are hospitalization, and sometimes death. The true numbers may never be released, but hopefully people will contimue to tell their story.

Tell us your story in the comments.

America's Heartland Biden Cartel Commentary Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. Work Place

Thanks Joe Biden. US Steel idles steelmaking at Granite City plant indefinitely, will likely lead to 1,000 layoffs.

US Steel idles steelmaking at Granite City plant indefinitely, will likely lead to 1,000 layoffs. This was the location that opened under Donald Trump back in 2018.

Sam Clancy.

GRANITE CITY, Ill. — U.S. Steel announced it would be idling steelmaking at the Granite City Works plant indefinitely.

Workers learned of the decision in an email from U.S. Steel Senior Vice President & Chief Manufacturing Officer Scott Buckiso that was sent out Tuesday morning. As part of the decision, U.S. Steel issued approximately 1,000 employees a Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act notice that they might be laid off and said they anticipated about 60 percent of those workers would likely lose their jobs.

The WARN Act requires most employers with more than 100 employees to provide notice 60 days in advance of planned closings and mass layoffs.

United Steelworkers Local 1899 President Dan Simmons said the email was the official announcement of something the union knew was coming.

The move comes two months after U.S. Steel temporarily idled furnace B in a move it called “risk mitigation” in response to the now-resolved United Auto Workers strike. At the time, Simmons said they weren’t feeling the effects of the United Auto Workers strike and it would take months and more locations going on strike for it to affect them.

In Tuesday’s email, Buckiso said the company could meet demand with other active iron and steelmaking facilities. He said the rolling and finishing lines in Granite City would continue to run using slabs from other facilities.

“They’re claiming there is still some low volume yet, hasn’t increased where they want it to be. But the price of steel is in good shape right now,” Simmons said.

“I don’t see how they can not make the right decision, do the right thing and start us back up at full operation,” he said.

In June of 2022, U.S. Steel told the Pittsburgh Business Times, a sister publication to the St. Louis Business Journal, that it planned to sell two blast furnaces at its big Granite City, Illinois, facility. The company said the sale of the blast furnaces would result in an estimated 550 jobs remaining out of 1,500 at Granite City Works.

As part of the plan, the plant would be sold to a company called SunCoke Energy. SunCoke would use the blast furnaces to produce a type of crude iron called pig iron.

America's Heartland Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Censorship Child Abuse Commentary Emotional abuse How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Progressive Racism White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Progressive writer attacks a child in the name of WOKE.

Progressive writer attacks a child in the name of WOKE. Yes the left has no shame a no name writer tweeted part of a childs face showing what this writer called racism and somehow connected it as derrogatory towards Native Americans and Blacks. Because of that child the KC Chiefs must stop using an Indian name.

Deadspin writer Carron Phillips smeared an innocent child who attended Sunday’s Kansas City vs Las Vegas game by posting a deceptive photo of only one side of his face.

“It takes a lot to disrespect two groups of people at once. But on Sunday afternoon in Las Vegas, a Kansas City Chiefs fan found a way to hate Black people and the Native Americans at the same time.” Carron Phillips wrote.


deceptive photo used by Carron Phillips

America's Heartland Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Links from other news sources.

Hand counting ballots the way to go? Another voting machine glitch.

Hand counting ballots the way to go? Another voting machine glitch. Arizona, New Jersey, Virginia, Pennsylvania, just to name a few states that are having issues with the voting machines.

Sure hand counting takes longer and you have human error, but human error was the reason used for the last two machine glitches in Pennsylvania. So what’s the difference?

I don’t know the answer, but with 2024 elections 11 + months away, it’s obvious that machines can make a difference in close races.

Social media users are sharing similar sentiments, with one Pennsylvania voter posting to X, “Every. Single. Northampton County voter should sue the county for this travesty. This is disgusting, and these machines cannot be used for another election”:

America's Heartland Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Education Leftist Virtue(!) Life Links from other news sources. Public Service Announcement

Catholics, Jews, and Muslims unite against anti religious Michigan law.

The Michigan civil rights law was amended to allow the state to dictate who the religious schools hire. Parents from Sacred Heart Academy in Grand Rapids have filed a federal lawsuit against Michigan officials.

Catholics, Jews, and Muslims unite against anti religious Michigan law. Three major religions in America are united as one when it comes to a civil rights law that was amended to go after Conservative religious beliefs.

The lawsuit has gained support from the Jewish Coalition for Religious Liberty and the Religious Freedom Institute’s Islam and Religious Freedom Action Team, both of which say the legislation will have “an especially deleterious effect” on minority faiths, according to a report from Fox News.

The Michigan Civil Rights Act was amended to cover sexual orientation and gender identity but “provided no protection for religious organizations that believe marriage between one man and one woman and the immutability of sex support human flourishing,” according to Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), who is representing Sacred Heart.

“The missing protections mean that the change to the law requires Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish and its school, Sacred Heart Academy, to hire faculty and staff who lead lives in direct opposition to the Catholic faith, speak messages that violate Church doctrine, and decline to articulate Catholic beliefs in teaching students and when advertising the school to prospective students or job applicants,” ADF said in a statement.