America's Heartland Commentary Free Speech Life Links from other news sources. Public Service Announcement

The true story of Thanksgiving.

The true story of Thanksgiving. The great one did this for several years and no-one could do it better. Kick back and enjoy the one and only true master of Conservatism and talk. Rush Limbaugh.

I first started listening to Rush back in 1988 when he was working in Sacramento ( one of the few things that came out of a shit hole ).

His Thanksgiving message became an annual tradition over the years. Limbaugh recounted the “True Story of Thanksgiving” in his book See, I Told You So. He also included the true story in his Rush Revere series.

“The point is, The True Story of Thanksgiving is spreading, and I couldn’t be happier about that. Bottom line: It is spreading. I’m just gonna cut to the chase here before getting into reading the text. The Real Story of Thanksgiving, going back to the very first early days of the Pilgrims arriving at Plymouth Rock, is that socialism failed,” Limbaugh said during his final Thanksgiving radio broadcast.


America's Heartland Commentary History Links from other news sources.

At 160 the Gettysburg Address still has meaning.

At 160 the Gettysburg Address still has meaning. Edward Everett was to be the main speaker. Inviting Lincoln was an afterthought. Lincoln received the Invitation a week before the event.

Everett spoke for two hours. Lincoln for two minutes. But what two minutes it was.

Lincoln’s ability to imbue those 272 words with meaning is one of the reasons the speech has become hallmark of American oratory; by the early 20th century, especially after the horrors of World War I, Americans increasingly returned to the Gettysburg Address not just as a definition of what the war was about, but also what America was about.

By 1914, the construction of the Lincoln memorial began, with the Gettysburg Address prominently part of the neoclassical tribute to the 16th President of the United States. At the same time, the country’s first cross-country road, the “Lincoln Highway,” is named.

An address we still need.

The Gettysburg Address has had a “shelf life” throughout our modern history, where we can brush it off and take it out when we need it. “In part, because of the way that Lincoln composed it — he doesn’t mention a single place by name. He doesn’t mention a single person by name. He only alludes to one date, and that’s 1776.”

Thankfully, the veterans of that war — in their search for purpose and meaning — plucked those words out of obscurity and refused to allow the consequences of time to erode a profound ethos that endures — and in many ways defines who we are — today.


America's Heartland Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic COVID Government Overreach How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Medicine MSM Public Service Announcement Reprints from others.

Surge in Vaccine Lawsuits Forces Biden Admin to Hire More Attorneys.

Surge in Vaccine Lawsuits Forces Biden Admin to Hire More Attorneys.


The administration of President Joe Biden is hiring additional attorneys to help handle the workload from vaccine lawsuits after seeing a spike in people filing claims.

The COVID-19 pandemic thrust the potential side effects of vaccines into the spotlight, prompting fierce debate about whether the benefits outweigh the potential negative outcomes. While COVID vaccine side effects have been limited, several lawsuits from plaintiffs who have experienced adverse effects have attempted to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable.

A job posting on LinkedIn from the Department of Justice advertised for a trial attorney to specialize in cases related to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. The legislation provides compensation to those injured by certain vaccines.

It’s unclear if the attorneys the Biden administration is hiring will be responsible for COVID-19 vaccine claims. COVID-19 vaccines are covered under the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), not the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), according to the Health Resources and Services Administration. Vaccines covered under the VICP include tetanus, measles, mumps and rubella, and polio.

Newsweek has reached out to the Department of Justice on Monday via media form for comment but did not receive a response in time for publication.

The position posted online advised applicants that they will have to handle heavy caseloads and work on cases that involve complex scientific issues that require expert witnesses. Since most cases are resolved without a trial, attorneys should be prepared to engage in settlement and damage negotiations, according to the posting.

vaccine lawsuit doj
A man gets a monkeypox vaccine at a clinic in California on August 9, 2022. The Biden administration has seen an increase in vaccine lawsuits and is hiring more attorneys to handle the influx of cases.PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

Adverse side effects to the COVID-19 vaccine are rare, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), although some have died from them. Myocarditis, among the side effects, is most common in young males.

People who were negatively affected by the vaccine have expressed frustration with getting compensation from the U.S. government. In a recent lawsuit in Louisiana, plaintiffs called the process unconstitutional and a “black hole” in the judicial process. The lawsuit argues that the CICP provides “no timeline” for resolving their cases and one plaintiff had their case denied. The plaintiffs allege the COVID-19 vaccine led them to experience Bell’s palsy, brain blood clots, vascular inflammation and heart palpitations.

The CICP was created in 2005 and was used to deal with claims resulting from public health emergencies like anthrax exposure and the Ebola virus. It offers limited compensation, according to Reuters, and doesn’t have the option to provide compensation for damages or legal fees.

Unaccustomed to handling a large volume of cases, the program was flooded with more than 12,000 COVID-related claims. Only 32 had been deemed eligible for compensation and 1,129 had been denied as of October, according to Reuters.

Petitioners argued they didn’t have the opportunity to review evidence used against them or engage in other basic practices that would be afforded them in a trial. There are no hearings in CICP cases, and the decision is made by unidentified officials based on what a claimant submits.

Frustrations with vaccine injury compensation suits isn’t something unique to COVID claims. Attorneys and activists for years have been pushing for reform, pressing for the hiring of additional staff to handle the VICP cases. As of October, there was a backlog of nearly 4,000 claims, according to Bloomberg. Lawyers working on the cases hope Congress will pass legislation to reform how vaccine injuries are handled and for people to take action against pharmaceutical companies, not just the government.

“‘This is the first domino to fall,” David Carney, a Green & Schafle LLC attorney representing people injured by vaccines, told Bloomberg. “We’re going to start to see a windfall.”

America's Heartland Biden Cartel Commentary Elections Links from other news sources. Opinion Polls

Winning again. Trump Bests Biden in Key Swing States in 3rd Poll This Week.

Winning again. Trump Bests Biden in Key Swing States in 3rd Poll This Week. Not once,or twice, but three times in a week. Former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden in six of seven crucial swing states, according to a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll, mirroring a trend in two separate polls published Sunday and Thursday.

In hypothetical head-to-head match ups, Trump leads Biden to varying degrees in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and Michigan.

So the polls by NY Times, Emerson, and Bloomberg all show Trump beating Biden.  It’s now Trumps to lose.

America's Heartland Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Education Free Speech Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Racism Reprints from others. White Progressive Supremacy

Scandal-plagued liberal college faces new probe over antisemitism, embrace of Hamas.

Scandal-plagued liberal college faces new probe over antisemitism, embrace of Hamas.

By Benjamin Weinthal Fox News

The scenic Ohio-based Oberlin College has been rocked again by a major antisemitism scandal with the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights investigating the college for failing to stop harassment of Jewish students.

The new federal probe is just the latest setback for the liberal arts college, which has been reeling from a 2021 Fox News Digital report that its “Professor of Peace” Mohammad Jafar Mahallati called for the eradication of the Jewish state when he served as the Islamic Republic of Iran’s ambassador to the U.N. in the late 1980s.

According to a late September U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) letter, “OCR will investigate whether the College failed to respond to the harassment of students based on national origin (shared Jewish ancestry).”

The OCR letter was sent to Oberlin College alumnus Dr. Melissa Landa, who filed the formal complaint in 2019. Landa told Fox News Digital: “Before Professor Mahallati deleted his students’ blogs, I read them along with other alumni, and saw that they reflected his violent antisemitic teachings. Through his lectures and his readings, Mahallati taught his students that Israel is an apartheid, settler-colonial regime and that Hamas is a benevolent organization that represents the will of the Palestinian people.”


Photo shows person riding bike on Oberlin's campus

Oberlin College in Ohio is being investigated by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights for allegedly failing to stop harassment of Jewish students. (AP Photo/Tony Dejak)

Landa spoke to “The Big Money Show” on Fox Business in early November about the alleged outbreaks of antisemitism at Oberlin College.

The OCR investigation into the management of Oberlin College and Mahallati coincides with Hamas’ mass murder of 1,400 people in southern Israel on October 7. The massacre has catapulted Hamas’ lethal antisemitism and violent jihadi ideology into the spotlight. Landa said, “Mahallati endorsed the terrorist group that was responsible for the worst massacre of the Jewish people since the Holocaust. For this reason alone, Oberlin should terminate his employment.”

Landa, who graduated from the college in 1986, said “Oberlin College is happy to see Jewish students attending Shabbat dinners and baking challah on Friday afternoons. But there is intolerance for Jewish students and faculty who wish to express their Jewishness by supporting Israel. There is a fundamental lack of understanding that for most Jews, a connection to Israel is central to their Jewish identity and an expectation that to be accepted on Oberlin’s campus, all expression of that Zionist expression must be forfeited.”

Andrea Simakis, director of media relations for Oberlin College, told Fox News Digital, “On September 29, the United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) notified Oberlin of a 2019 complaint pertaining to alleged harassment of Jewish students on campus. This complaint was filed by a 1986 Oberlin graduate. Oberlin is cooperating with the OCR and working to respond to the request.

Former Iranian Ambassador to the UN Mohammad Mahallati

Then-Iranian Ambassador to the UN Mohammad Mahallati. Mahallati, now a professor at Oberlin college in Ohio, is under fire for his radical anti-Israel views. (Photo by Bill Foley/Time & Life Pictures) (Getty Images)


She continued that Professor Mahallati is on sabbatical this semester. Professor Mahallati has stated that he believes in the right of all people to exist in peace and endorses a two-state solution that would allow the people of Israel and Palestine to peacefully coexist.”

Landa submitted a dossier to the OCR of the alleged anti-Jewish and anti-Israel incidents from 2014 to 2017, including student comments about Judeophobia on campus.

According to Landa’s complaint, in the Autumn of 2016, “Oberlin students enrolled in Religion 270 with Professor Jafar Mahallati of Islamic and Peace Studies post anti-Israel blogs online that reflect the professor’s lectures and assigned readings.”

The complaint asserts that Mahallati’s course teaching involved claims that “Israel is a colonialist state” and “Israel is an apartheid state.” The complaint cites him in connection with “support for Hamas and terrorism.”

Numerous Fox News Digital press queries to Mahallati were not returned.

Supporters of Palestinians at Harvard University

Supporters of Palestinians gather at Harvard University to show their support for Palestinians in Gaza at a rally in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on October 14, 2023. (Photo by JOSEPH PREZIOSO/AFP via Getty Images)

Simakis said, “Oberlin abhors antisemitism and all forms of hate, discrimination and harassment. The college works every day to ensure that our campus is safe for all students, faculty, and staff, including those who identify as Jewish. Antisemitism has no place on our campus.”

Landa fired back that “To correct this oppression, harassment, and ostracization of Jewish students, Oberlin should adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism. Alumni made this request to President Ambar a few years ago, but she ignored our communication.”

Oberlin College’s highly controversial President, Carmen Twillie Ambar, has refused over the years to meet with the family of members of murdered Iranian dissidents whose killings were reportedly covered up by Mahallati, according to two Amnesty International reports.

Fox News Digital has been told by critics that Ambar’s chief of staff, David Hertz, is said to vehemently oppose the college’s adoption of the IHRA definition. Hertz declined to respond to a Fox News Digital press query.

In a fact sheet supplied by the college Mahallati has denied that he was complicit in the clerical regime’s mass murder of 5,000 Iranian political prisoners in 1988.

The federal investigation into alleged Jew-hatred at Oberlin College is unfolding at a time when the U.S. Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona announced on Tuesday that he would pull the plug on federal funding for colleges if they fail to combat antisemitism.  In 2023, Oberlin College received over $5 million in federal grants.

MIT students in seated protest

Students gather in the Dertouzos Amphitheater at the Stata Center of M.I.T. to show support for the Palestinian people. (Fox News Digital/Kassy Dillon)


Andrew Patinkin, Oberlin class of 2019, told the Jewish Press that the bashing of Israel is “pervasive” at the college. The 2016 Jewish Press titled its article about pro-Israel students at Oberlin: “At ‘Liberal’ Oberlin No Speech Rights for Non-Haters of Israel.”

Dr. Frieda Fuchs, an Oberlin-based academic who has previously taught at the college, told Fox News Digital that “Oberlin College has taken limited steps to ensure a balanced approach to the Israel question. Presently, pro-Palestinian students dominate the discourse surrounding the ongoing conflict. While it is commendable that Jewish students receive counseling, support, and comforting meals from organizations like Chabad, there is room for a more proactive engagement from all students.”

Fuchs, a veteran campaigner against antisemitism in Oberlin, noted, “As long as Oberlin College maintains a culture of passivity on the Israel issue, the challenges related to anti-Israel sentiments will persist. Empowering students to take a more proactive stance and address the issues surrounding the Israel narrative is crucial. Overcoming the fear of potential social or academic repercussions, along with the support of campus leadership, is essential for students to express their perspectives and contribute to a constructive dialogue.”

Gibsons Bakery GE

The owners of Gibson’s Food Mart and Bakery sued Oberlin College in 2017, claiming that the school had libeled them and said that their business was harmed by their actions. (AP)

In 2016, after a high-intensity campaign to oust an Oberlin professor, Joy Karega, who wrote a series of antisemitic Facebook posts blaming Israel and Jews for 9/11, the college grudgingly fired the non-tenured academic.

The prominent Iranian-American human rights activist Lawdan Bazargan has campaigned to compel Oberlin to fire Mahallati’s from his college position since 2020.

Landa and Bazargan spoke at a protest against Mahallati on the campus of Oberlin in November 2021. Bazarga’s brother Bijan was murdered by the regime for his left-wing views in 1988. Bazargan told Fox News Digital, “Oberlin College maintains that Professor Mahallati ‘believes in the right of all people to exist in peace.’ Mahallati’s silence on the October 7, 2023, attack by Hamas terrorists against Israel raises questions about his stated beliefs.”


Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei speaks in Tehran

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei attends a meeting with a group of students in Tehran, Iran, on Wednesday, November 1.  (Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader via AP)

Iranian dissidents from Bazargan’s organization have accused Mahallati of being loyal to the Islamic Republic of Iran. The U.S. government has classified Iran’s regime as the world’s worst international state-sponsor of terrorism.

Bazargan said “Mahallati has not publicly condemned the atrocities committed by the gender-apartheid Islamic regime of Iran against women, children, and youth. Despite the regime’s well-documented human rights abuses, there is a conspicuous absence of critique from Mahallati on these issues. Furthermore, documents suggest that Mahallati glorifies Hamas terrorists and labels Israel as an apartheid state, yet he has never articulated his perspective on the two-state solution or acknowledged the rights of Jewish people to a sovereign state.”


She added, “Oberlin College’s continued support for Mahallati is a shameful endorsement of Mahallati’s views and a disregard for justice, accountability and human rights.”

Oberlin College has a long tradition of radical activism. In 2019, the owners of a local bakery were awarded $44 million after being falsely accused of racism by students and members of the school administration.

Abortion rights? America's Heartland Biden Cartel Corruption Links from other news sources. The Courts The Law

Fight Fire with Fire. Pro Life Group to use law that baby killers use.

Fight Fire with Fire. Pro Life Group to use law that baby killers use. It’s about time the pro life groups fought back. Garland has for the most part sat back and did very little.

After one of its pro-life pregnancy center facilities was allegedly firebombed and vandalized by pro-choice activists, CompassCare is attempting to use a law against the alleged culprits that is commonly used against pro-life activists.

“On October 5, 2023, firebombed pro-life medical network CompassCare, filed a civil Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrance (FACE) Act complaint against pro-abortion extremists,” CompassCare wrote in an October press release.


CompassCare property vandalized

CompassCare is using the FACE Act to come after alleged far-left vandals after their property was targeted by arson and graffiti. The graffiti reads “Jane was here,” purportedly referencing pro-abortion radicals group “Jane’s Revenge.”  (Courtesy of CompassCare)



CompassCare wreckage

Burnt debris inside a CompassCare facility targeted with arson.


BGPC vandalism

The Bowling Green Pregnancy Center in Bowling Green, Ohio, was one of many pregnancy centers that have reportedly been vandalized by the radical pro-abortion group Jane’s Revenge. (Fox News Digital)



Jane's Revenge Graffiti

Graffiti reading “Jane was here” a phrase associated with pro-abortion radicals calling themselves “Jane’s Revenge.” (Cor)


CompassCare sign

A sign for a CompassCare facility that was vandalized with the word “LIARS.”



America's Heartland Biden Cartel Commentary Crime How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Liberals attempt an Insurrection and DOJ, Capitol Police, DC Police, etc. do nothing.

Liberals attempt an Insurrection and DOJ, Capitol Police, DC Police, etc. do nothing. Under the pretense of free Palestine.

A violent mob tried to storm the White House and seize power, but thank the Lord there were thousands of law enforcement personal there to protect the President and WH staff.

Actually the authorities just stood back and did nothing. Where was the coward cop who guns down unarmed women? Hopefully arrests will be made.

This from Breitbart.

Video captured during the protests Saturday, which NPR notes saw tens of thousands of demonstrators, shows vandals desecrating the Rochambeau Statue. As night fell on Penn Quarter, the protesters began shaking the gates of the White House while holding Palestinian flags and screaming, “You stand with genocide” and “Fucking cowards” at the Secret Service agents on the other side of the fence.

America's Heartland Biden Cartel Commentary Links from other news sources. MSM Opinion Politics Polls Reprints from others.

Winning. NYT poll says that Biden is in trouble in the swing states.

Winning. NYT poll says that Biden is in trouble in the swing states.

Sadly the only one who doesn’t see this is Biden.

ABC’s “This Week” host George Stephanopoulos said of the new poll: “This is probably going to lead to a lot of Democrats increasing chatter that Joe Biden should step aside and make room for another Democrat.”

“Voters are just plain frustrated across the board — 76% of adults in this poll say the country is headed in the wrong direction,” Stephanopoulos said.




America's Heartland Biden Cartel Commentary Links from other news sources. Media Woke MSM Reprints from others.

News we missed. Can Alternative Media Really Save America?

News we missed. Can Alternative Media Really Save America? Some tines there are some great article that slip through the cracks. This article is one of those articles.

By Larry Bell

This writer firmly believes that if we had an honest “legacy mainstream” media, America wouldn’t have elected arguably the most inept and dangerous president in our nation’s history.

Were this not the case, major social and commercial networks wouldn’t have buried the demons in Hunter’s laptop from hell revealed in the blockbuster New York Post report which FBI partisans sat on throughout the 2020 election season, going so far as alerting those outlets to dismiss any such reports as the propaganda product of a Russian operation.

An honest media would be outraged that 51 intel officials backed that “earmarks of Russia disinformation” ruse with no evidence whatsoever, an unsupported claim that Joe Biden used to great advantage in the presidential debates.

A responsible media would report congressional whistleblower and eyewitness testimony supported by communications and banking records indicating that Joe Biden not only knew about his son Hunter’s hugely lucrative foreign influence peddling, but that the money trail leads to “the Big Guy.”

One might have reasonably expected some media coverage concerning Hunter’s July 30, 2017, WhatsApp shakedown text message to an executive connected to China’s Communist Party threatening that dad Joe and his political allies would “make certain . . .  that you will regret not following my direction” while negotiating a six-figure business deal.

Referring to his dad, Hunter clarified: “if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the [CEFC] chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction.”

Records revealed to the House Ways and Means Committee show that the following month Hunter’s Owasco P.C. firm received nearly $5 million in a series of CEFC payments.

It’s also been pretty much crickets regarding Hunter business partner Devon Archer’s July 31 testimony before the House Oversight Committee that Joe was plugged into more than 20 of his son’s foreign business telephone conversations.

Included is at least one with a top-level representative of Burisma, a Ukraine energy company where Hunter served as a no-show board member receiving a million-dollar annual salary.

According to Miranda Devine at the New York Post, three days after a Dec. 6, 2015,  phone call involving Hunter, Joe and Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi regarding the company’s “need for support,” V.P. Biden — the Obama administration point guy on Ukrainian issues — flew to Kyiv to ironically address its parliament about corruption.

The following month Joe bragged before the Council on Foreign Relations about threatening to withhold $1 billion in U.S. Ukraine aid unless it dropped the Burisma case.

Biden famously said, “I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a b***h, he got fired.”

Then in February 2016, roughly two months after Biden’s trip and two months before Shokin’s firing, Hunter sent an email thanking Burisma’s owner Mykola Zlochevsky for “the beautiful birthday gifts,” which he described as “far too extravagant.”

A redacted FD-1023 form released by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, shows that during a 2016 meeting at a Vienna, Austria, coffee shop, Zlochevsky claimed to have been “coerced” into paying Hunter and Joe $10 million; “5 [million] to pay one Biden, and 5 [million] to another Biden.”

Nevertheless, much of the public has remained woefully uninformed regarding such apparent pay-for-play scandals papered over with wall-to-wall coverage of endless transparently contrived charges against former President Donald Trump.

A survey by the Media Research Center (MRC), found that the “Big Three” networks — ABC, CBS, and NBC — avoided discussing national security-compromising Biden influence peddling evidence altogether between June 8-12, while devoting 291 minutes to Trump distractions.

Based upon half-hour newscasts which typically devote 10 minutes to advertising, this amounted to nearly 15 shows devoted to nothing but Trump.

The only good news about blatantly complicit bad Biden-DOJ/FBI scandals is that they’re becoming increasingly difficult to contain.

According to a nationwide June Trafalgar-Convention of States Action poll, fewer than one-third (31.4%) of voters believe Joe Biden to be innocent of allegations connected to a foreign policy bribery scheme.

Somehow, and here I’ll especially thank the New York Post, numerous radio talk show program hosts, some Fox commentators, and yes, most certainly my Newsmax affiliates, for making a difference.

It has been hard to muffle the implosion of Hunter’s proposed DOJ sweetheart deal that allowed the statute of limitations to expire on felony IRS tax fraud charges and provided blanket immunity from a host of other criminal offenses in exchange for pleading out for a couple of misdemeanors.

Reliably anti-Trump Wall Street Journal editors now confirm that “Hunter Biden made big money abroad by dropping the name of his powerful father, and the same tactic seems to have nearly helped him evade tax and gun charges.”

The newspaper’s writer William McGurn has called upon special counsel David Weiss who engineered the Delaware Hunter investigation fiasco to resign.

Recall how outrageous it seemed but a few years ago when Donald Trump audaciously called out a “fake media”?

Hate Donald Trump, love the guy, or maybe a mix of the two, give him credit for being entirely right on that.

Larry Bell is an endowed professor of space architecture at the University of Houston where he founded the Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture and the graduate space architecture program. 



America's Heartland Commentary Education Links from other news sources.

Homeschooling is booming.

Homeschooling is booming.

A historically high number of US parents see their kids as too cool for public, private, or charter school and have opted to educate them at home instead.

The number of homeschooled children during the last academic year was 51% higher than in 2017–2018 in states with available info, according to government data crunched by the Washington Post. At the same time, public school enrollment dropped by 4%.

Though homeschooling rates have decreased from pandemic highs, what used to be a niche education arrangement favored mostly by religious parents is now going mainstream nationwide.

  • WaPo’s analysis puts the total number of American kids learning their ABCs at home between 1.9 million and 2.7 million, exceeding the Catholic school student body in the US.
  • The uptick in alternative schooling doesn’t seem to be associated with a low quality of traditional education, as it’s popular in academically high-performing districts as well.

Why has homeschooling gotten so big?

Parents cite several reasons for doubling up as education administrators: schools failing to meet their kids’ unique needs, bullying, and increasing concerns that curricula don’t align with their values. But there are also economic factors at play. Government programs in several states offer parents thousands of dollars’ worth of homeschooling support each year, while nonprofits provide funds to homeschoolers too.

The booming homeschooling rates have created an entire industry catering to parents who don’t want their kids to spend their days waiting for the bell.

  • OutSchool, a platform that allows parents to design bespoke curricula out of crowdsourced classes, has brought in $255 million in VC funding since 2015.
  • Companies like Prenda, which describes itself as an “Airbnb for education,” help parents set up microschools where five to 25 students learn under a supervisor.

While lunch is doubtlessly better at home…many education experts are skeptical that most parents can match the teaching skills of trained teachers. They note that few requirements exist to ensure quality in homeschools, and they worry that homeschooled kids might miss out on formative schoolyard socializing.—SK