Affirmative Action Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics The Courts

Is AG James upset that she doesn’t get the Presidential suite now?

Is AG James upset that she doesn’t get the Presidential suite now?

I guess the affirmative action queen thought that Trump wouldn’t have the bail so she had her sights on the Presidential suite. Well now that it’s gone, she’s not giving up. You believe this?

New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a notice on Thursday seeking more information about former President Donald Trump’s bond for the civil fraud case, which was issued by Knight Specialty Insurance Company.

KSIC is not admitted in New York, and James “takes exception to the sufficiency of the surety to the undertaking” given to Trump without a certificate of qualification being issued to the company, James said in the filing.

America's Heartland Anti Semitic Biden Cartel Commentary Free Speech Links from other news sources. Terrorism

Progressives gather in Michigan and show their support for Hamas.

Progressives gather in Michigan and show their support for Hamas.

As you know by now, the left gathered in Michigan and showed their support for Hamas. They not only chanted death to Israel but also death to America. Free speech? You bet, but call a spade a spade. White Progressive Supremacists and Muslim Hamas supporters  are mostly one in the same.

We were supposed to be a melting pot. But that requires melting. And instead what we are seeing is a hardening. It is a hardening. And we are always accused of xenophobia if we exalt our country’s awesomeness or make fun of another country’s customs. Fair enough. I get it. But it’s a two-way street. If you come here and reject assimilation, free speech, cooperation with people different than you.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Education Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Hey Joe? What part of we’re suing your ass again don’t you understand?

Hey Joe? What part of we’re suing your ass again don’t you understand? Biden has already been rebuked by the Supreme Court, but he keeps on forgiving loans to these deadbeat students who are refusing to pay for loans they took out. No one forced them to take these loans.

Now Biden has come up with another hair brain scheme to get around the courts. We have this from the AP. Seven states led by Missouri filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday challenging Biden’s SAVE Plan, which has become a new legal target for conservative opponents after the Supreme Court toppled the Democratic president’s first attempt at student loan cancellation. It largely mirrors another suit filed last month by Republican attorneys general in 11 states, led by Kansas.

America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Commentary Corruption COVID Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Medicine Science

Why it’s called the Obama- Biden Pandemic. Just ask the USA Today, LA Times, and Bloomberg.

Why it’s called the Obama- Biden Pandemic. Just ask the USA Today LA Times, and Bloomberg. Back in April of 2020 the USA Today did a fact check on why we had a supply shortage.

Every once and a while I get e-mails asking why I call this the Obama- Biden Pandemic. The latest e-mail says there was no COVID when Obama was President. This from USA Today.

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.

The article draws from the reporting of outlets including Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times. According to Bloomberg News, “after the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which triggered a nationwide shortage of masks and caused a 2- to 3-year backlog orders for the N95 variety, the stockpile distributed about three-quarters of its inventory and didn’t build back the supply.”

Remember the MSM, Tony the Fauch, NIH, CDC,WHO, ETC. SAID THESE WERE LIFE SAVING SUPPLIES. So those folks needed someone to blame. And the USA, LA Times, and Bloomberg said the Obama administration.


USA Today. Our rating: True

We rate this claim TRUE because it is supported by our research. There is no indication that the Obama administration took significant steps to replenish the supply of N95 masks in the Strategic National Stockpile after it was depleted from repeated crises. Calls for action came from experts at the time concerned for the country’s ability to respond to future serious pandemics. Such recommendations were, for whatever reason, not heeded.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Crime Free Speech Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics The Law Uncategorized Weaponization of Government.

Garland claims he must protect Biden no matter what. Refuses to release Biden Audio.

Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Opinion Polls

What happens if you allow Ukraine into NATO now. WWIII.

What happens if you allow Ukraine into NATO now.

WWIII.During a Thursday press briefing in Brussels, Blinken said, “Ukraine will become a member of NATO. Our purpose at the summit is to help build a bridge to that membership.”

People forget that Russia is part of an alliance that includes China, Iran, and North Korea. You have loons on the left who think China and Iran are our friends.

Remember that the Bidens got rich off of China and Russia. Also it was Biden who removed the sanctions off the Iranian money.

Blinkin is “encouraging China with Taiwan. He’s encouraging more of the flood of these terrorist groups that have already come across our nation. He’s encouraging more instability in the Middle East because everybody sees that these academics who have not worn a stitch of uniform or ever pondered military strategy in their lives are just wreaking havoc with our alliance.”

Biden Biden Cartel Education Life Links from other news sources. Transgender

One Law. One Page. Part 10. Bar males from female sport teams and individual competition.

One Law. One Page. Part 10. Bar males from female sport teams and individual competition. This nonsense of males who can’t compete against other males decide they are now females needs to stop. In sports these male losers are giving it one last shot of competing against the weaker sex.

My law would make it a federal crime for males to compete against females in all sports. No team would be allowed to have males on the female teams. Also males would be barred from individually competing against females in any sports activity. The NAIA took the first step to stop this nonsense.

The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics announced a policy Monday that all but bans transgender athletes from competing in women’s sports at its 241 mostly small colleges across the country.

The NAIA Council of Presidents approved the policy in a 20-0 vote at its annual convention in Kansas City, Missouri. The NAIA, which oversees some 83,000 athletes competing in more than 25 sports, is believed to be the first college sports organization to take such a step.

Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Links from other news sources.

Hey Joe, who do the rich and famous billionaires support?

Hey Joe, who do the rich and famous billionaires support? Biden claims that Trump relies on fundraisers from the rich and famous. But it was Biden who was charging $100,000 to have a picture taken. And who does Biden have backing him? Billionaires.

Steven Spielberg and his wife, Kate Capshaw, George Soros, Filmmaker J.J Abrams and former Alphabet executive chairman Eric Schmidt, Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Steve Jobs, Casey Wasserman, casino magnate Neil Bluhm, real estate mogul Kurt Rappaport, businessman Haim Saban and philanthropist Ellen Bronfman Hauptman. These folks gave 70 million last quarter.



Biden Biden Cartel California. Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

And I thought only women smoked menthol cigs. Biden administration US ban on menthol cigarettes delayed.

And I thought only women smoked menthol cigs. Biden administration US ban on menthol cigarettes delayed. Growing up I always thought only women and men who flicked their wrists smoked menthol cigs. Boy was I wrong.

About 81% of Black adults who smoked cigarettes used menthol varieties, opens new tab,  According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). I can see Joe’s hesitation.

But some observers say other priorities are behind the delay, namely the lack of support for the idea as the election sharpens into view.

Democratic strategist TJ Rooney argues the president is right to put off the ban until next year.

“People of all race, creeds, and colors know the dangers of smoking,” he said. “My hope is that the big thinkers are equally concerned with explaining the broader picture of what’s at stake in this election. This is a great issue for 2025.”

America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Economy Links from other news sources.

Yes Virginia there were 300,000 new jobs. Part-Time and foreign born workers.

Yes Virginia there were 300,000 new jobs. Part-Time and foreign born workers. So the MSM and the fanatics on the left are rejoicing about the jobs report. A report that states new jobs are mostly part time and foreign workers including the undocumented are benefitting. Also more people under Bidenomics are working two jobs.

This from CNBC.

Gains tilted heavily to part-time workers in the household survey. Full-time workers fell by 6,000, while part-timers increased by 691,000. Multiple job holders rose by 217,000, to 5.2% of the total employment level.