California. Corruption Democrat Just my own thoughts

So will the Newsom fires in California change peoples political views?

So will the Newsom fires in California change peoples political views?

It’s not like this is the 1st time we’ve seen this happen. Will this change anyone’s mind on how the left runs the state? Time will tell. I myself think that the folks have become used to bad government.

The first step would be a recall. Second since the next 180 days of recovery is being paid by the federal government, let’s hope this also means they direct the recovery and the clearing of brush in areas that haven’t been effected.

Now the state legislature is also to blame. They pass the crazy laws based on what junk science tells them. And the media doesn’t ask questions until after there ‘a a disaster. And the questions never have a follow up.

Finally California Republican politicians need to stop acting like Liberal like clowns. They once ruled the state. Go back to what works.

Black Supremacy California. Commentary Corruption Democrat Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Elections have consequences.

Elections have consequences.

So how does someone this incompetent get elected to one of the largest cities in the US? No reason needed, it’s California and she’s black. Nuff said

America's Heartland California. Commentary Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics Trump

I have a dream. From the Mexican border to the Canadian border. Grasshoppers.

I have a dream. From the Mexican border to the Canadian border. Grasshoppers.

Come January, we will see drilling like never before. And no California, you cannot stop it. With drilling and fracking, you will again see California pumping oil like there’s no tomorrow.

From Bakersfield to the rest of the state.

Kern River Oil Field in Bakersfield, is the third largest oil field in California and is the densest operational oil development in the state, with over 9,000 oil wells in an area just under 11 acres, Bakersfield, Kern County, Calif.
Citizen of the Planet/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

California. Leftist Virtue(!) Medicine Reprints from others. The Courts

Advance Notice of Hospital Emergency Care Fees Unnecessary, CA Supreme Court Rules

By Naveen Athrappully for The Epoch Times

The Supreme Court of California dismissed a lawsuit arguing that hospitals not showing certain costs in emergency care prior to treatment violate state laws, ruling the institutions are not obligated to disclose such fees.
The ruling was made following a class action lawsuit filed by plaintiff Taylor Capito against San Jose Healthcare System, also known as Regional Medical Center San Jose. In 2019, Capito was treated twice at the medical center’s emergency department, paying more than $41,000. She filed a complaint against the center in 2020, accusing the medical center of not providing advance notice of evaluation and management services (EMS) fees.

She alleged that this amounted to an “unlawful, unfair or fraudulent business” practice as per California’s Unfair Competition Law (UCL) and violated the state’s Consumers Legal Remedies Act (CLRA).

The case went to a trial court and the appeals court, both of which rejected the plaintiff’s claims. The Supreme Court of California then took up the case.

According to a Dec. 23 court opinion, the Supreme Court dismissed Capito’s claims on Monday, agreeing with the two courts.

“Hospitals do not have a duty under the UCL or CLRA, beyond their obligations under the relevant statutory and regulatory scheme, to disclose EMS fees prior to treating emergency room patients,” it said.

“The California Legislature, the United States Congress, and numerous rulemaking bodies have already decided what pricing information to make available in a hospital’s emergency room. Just as importantly, they have decided what not to include in those requirements.”

The reason authorities have avoided mandating the inclusion of certain fees is to prevent patients from getting dissuaded by seeing prices and opting out of potentially life-saving care, the court wrote.

Forcing hospitals to show EMS costs would lead to patients weighing the price against the necessity of such procedures. Insisting that such prices be shown assumes that patients in emergency rooms are capable of diagnosing “whether their ailment is relatively minor.”

In the lawsuit, the plaintiff did not accuse Regional Medical Center of failing to comply with the mandated disclosure requirements. Capito also did not allege that she was charged fees for services not provided or that the fees were excessive.

“Neither the UCL nor CLRA requires further disclosure of EMS fees beyond what the regulatory scheme requires,” the court opinion said.

Burden on Hospitals

The California Hospital Association (CHA) has argued against the push for notifying patients about fees in emergency treatment conditions.

In June last year, the organization filed an amicus brief in another lawsuit in which a plaintiff made arguments similar to those in the Capito case. The plaintiff said that California hospitals must disclose EMS fees to patients in emergency care prior to their treatment in accordance with UCL and CLRA laws.

Allowing such a policy would impose “an unreasonable duty” on hospitals, said the association.

“Hospitals cannot determine the costs of patient care prior to treatment, especially emergency care. The treatment necessary for a particular patient depends on the severity of the patient’s condition, which is impossible for either the patient or the hospital to know in advance,” the association said.

“Besides, a patient’s financial responsibility for treatment costs depends on his or her insurance status and coverage. Even assuming a patient has insurance, the hospital cannot foresee whether, and to what extent, the insurer will provide coverage for the services ultimately rendered to the patient.”

Meanwhile, Sen. Gary Peters (D-Mich.) is looking into the potential impact of private equity-run emergency care services provided to hospital patients.

According to an April 1 statement, he sent letters to private equity companies and physician staffing companies asking for information on patient care and other matters.

The letters followed multiple interviews conducted by his office with more than 40 emergency medicine physicians across the United States.

“I am concerned that our nation’s largest emergency medicine staffing companies may be engaging in cost-saving measures at the expense of patient safety and care, which could put our nation’s emergency preparedness at risk,” Peters said. “I am pressing these companies and their private equity owners for needed transparency.”

Just a reminder of how well California is doing in other areas.

Black Supremacy California. Crime Links from other news sources.

California is starting to lock up White and Black Progressives again.

California is starting to lock up White and Black Progressives again.

California Progressives were shocked to learn that they were going to jail for the crimes they commit on a regular basis. Recently three of them found out what happens when you leave the hood and show up in descent neighborhoods.

Police in California released a video of a trio of alleged shoplifters who were shocked to find out that the penalty for their crime had recently changed. California Gov. Gavin Newsom remained adamantly opposed to the effort to undo portions of Proposition 47, saying it “takes us back to the 1980s, mass incarceration.”

Trio of alleged shoplifters

The alleged thieves were shocked to learn that they could be charged with a felony for stealing.  (Seal Beach Police Department)

California. Commentary Corruption Democrat Economy Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

So why so Surprised? California businesses are now shouldering the state’s federal unemployment debt with higher payroll taxes.

So why so Surprised? California businesses are now shouldering the state’s federal unemployment debt with higher payroll taxes.

Business owners are acting like they’re shocked that the taxes went up. Why? This is California, why not? You get the government that you voted for, so live with it. From our friends at KCRA3.

The state failed to repay on time its $20 billion loan from the federal government that helped with California’s unemployment costs during the pandemic. The state forced businesses to close during COVID-19, leaving many jobless and in need of unemployment pay. State officials have said California ended up paying more than $200 billion in benefits. More than $32 billion of was the subject of fraud, according to nationally recognized fraud experts. Officials for California’s Employment Development Department have disputed this, stating the amount of fraud was $20 billion with $6 billion of it recovered.

Now will the business owners wake up and work to get a government for the people? Or will they leave the state or shut up and pay the taxes they voted for?

Hey the state is trillions in debt so the politicians just pass along that debt to you. But not to worry. The undocumented will have a very Merry Christmas.

Back Door Power Grab California. Commentary Corruption Democrat Hate History Immigration Leftist Virtue(!) Loser Senate

Sore Losers: Senate Dems want to Eliminate the Electoral College Via Constitutional Amendment

Sore Losers: Senate Dems want to Eliminate the Electoral College Via Constitutional Amendment.

There’s a good reason why a jackass symbolizes the misnamed “Democratic” party!

I walked away too.

Senate Democrats, having failed to defeat President-elect Donald Trump in the 2024 election, want to change the rules.

Ironically, however, those same Senate Democrats do not seem to understand that their arguments for destroying a core principle of our federal republic would also justify eliminating the Senate itself.

Monday on the social media platform X, the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, announced a “bill to abolish the Electoral College, restoring democracy by allowing the direct election of presidents through popular vote alone.”

Durbin, who has also proposed arming illegal immigrants, joined two of his colleagues, Democratic Sen. Brian Schatz of Hawaii and Democratic Sen. Peter Welch of Vermont, in introducing a proposed constitutional amendment that, if adopted, would abolish the Electoral College.

“In 2000, before the general election, I introduced a bipartisan resolution to amend the Constitution and abolish the Electoral College. I still believe today that it’s time to retire this 18th century invention,” Durbin said.

Fortunately, the authors of the Constitution understood the tyrannical threat posed by people like Durbin.

Hence, an amendment is required to eliminate something as fundamental to our federal republic as the Electoral College, which appears in Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution.

Under Article V, two thirds of both houses of Congress, plus three fourths of the states, must approve said amendment.

In other words, Senate Democrats have no chance of abolishing the Electoral College, that perennial object of their unhinged fixation.

Still, their behavior requires explanation. And voters need to understand why they must never allow Democrats to succeed in their sinister quest.

First, the reason for Monday’s announcement seems obvious. Senate Democrats hope to change the narrative surrounding Trump’s victory.

According to the Associated Press, with all states finally having counted at least 99 percent of votes from the 2024 election, Trump will win the national popular vote by more than two million votes. Thus, Senate Democrats’ constitutional amendment would not have changed the outcome.

Still, Trump has generated significant momentum and stands poised to reenter the White House as popular as ever. Senate Democrats, therefore, needed to rally their own voters around their shopworn lie of defending “democracy.”

Moreover, recent history has proven that Democrats prosper amid the electoral chaos they create. And eliminating the Electoral College would sow unfathomable chaos.

Imagine how presidential elections would unfold if determined by the national popular vote. Imagine waiting on California, for instance, to finish counting its votes more than a month after Election Day.

As it stands, California awards 54 electoral votes — no more, no less. So we know in advance exactly the degree to which Californians will influence the election’s outcome.

But what if California Democrats had an incentive to find as many votes as possible? Would any Republican trust the outcome of elections conducted in that manner?

Second — one marvels at the irony — Senate Democrats’ argument for abolishing the Electoral College also applies to the Senate.

“I’m excited to partner with my friends and colleagues Senator Schatz and Chair Durbin on this important constitutional amendment, which will help empower every voter in every state,” Welch said, per The Hill.

But the Senate itself does not reflect the will of “every voter in every state” — far from it.

In fact, the Electoral College, which awards electoral votes based on a state’s population, comes exponentially closer to reflecting the will of “every voter in every state” than the Senate ever has or ever will.

Indeed, regardless of population, two senators per state hardly sounds like “democracy.”

And that is the point: America’s constitutional republic incorporates democratic principles, but it is not a democracy, and it must never become one, lest we endure the unbridled tyranny of electoral majorities.

Instead, America’s constitutional system provides for a meaningful division of power between the national and state governments. The Electoral College, by empowering the people of all the states to conduct their own elections and award their electoral votes as they see fit consistent with the Constitution, helps prevent the tyrannical consolidation of states into a single, omnipotent national government.

Thus, Democratic leadership must never succeed in eliminating the Electoral College. Should they do so, they would create a convincing argument for abolishing the Senate itself. At that point, the federal constitutional structure would have collapsed, and the Union would likely dissolve.

Back Door Power Grab California. Commentary Corruption Democrat Elections Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Orange County ballot counting. HUGE Ballot Discrepancies. You make the call.

Orange County ballot counting. HUGE Ballot Discrepancies. You make the call. A reprint from GP.

Guest post by Joe Hoft at

The 2024 Election results in Orange County, CA make no sense.

The first indication that something was up in Orange County was on Thursday, November 7, two days after the 2024 Election. Concerned citizens warned that Newsom had sent people to Orange County and that GOP ballots needed to be cured.
Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States but Democrats want control of the House to block the mandate Americans gave us in this election.

President Trump shared this message on Truth Social last night.

That evening, a bomb threat was reported at the election center where ballot counting was taking place in Orange County. Initially, it was reported that staff and members of the public were removed from the center at around 6:45pm, shortly before voting was scheduled to stop for the evening.

The Gateway Pundit was later told that the live stream was taken down and was only running when they were counting ballots.  There were other cameras in the facility, possibly security cameras, that were running in the counting center at all hours.

Per discussions with LEOs with decades of service, the live-stream provided an eye on the operations while the search of the facility was going on.

We don’t know what happened when the live-stream went down, but the registrar told Cristina Laila from The Gateway Pundit that the building was swept for bombs, they evacuated the building for the night, and they locked the facility down for the night.

One month later, five out of six US House races counted in conservative Orange County were “won” by Democrats. We still have no information on who was behind the bomb threat.

The mainstream media is silent about the bomb threats that occurred in 7 California counties after the 2024 election and in more than 50 counties across the nation.

Orange County’s 2024 Election Results

The results of the elections in Orange County were completed weeks after Election Day. In the presidential race in Orange County, 1,417,397 ballots were counted in the 2024 Election. This is out of a reported 1,861,450 registered voters.

This resulted in an unbelievable voter turnout of 76.1%. (Any results in an election with voter turnout over 75% are suspect.)

The total number of votes for President when adding up the votes for all the candidates in the 2024 race in Orange County was only 1,391,307 votes (see below). This is 26,090 votes short of the number of ballots counted in the election. Where did these additional votes go?

Also, although tremendously unpopular in California, somehow Kamala Harris received more votes for President than President Trump in conservative Orange County, California.


In the Senate race in Orange County there were two Senate votes to make. One for the candidate to fill out the remainder of the term of late California Senator Dianne Feinstein, and the other for the next six year term starting in January.

In both races, GOP candidate Steve Garvey received more votes than Adam Schiff. Also, in both cases, Garvey received more votes than President Trump did for President. This too makes no sense.


Orange County also provides information on the number of individuals eligible to vote and active (having voted in the most recent elections). This report (below) shows 1,901,528 active voters in the county.


This is 40,078 voters more than the number of registered voters reported by the county in the reports above (1,861,450).

Orange County election results.

Orange County also provides information on the number of ballots issued in the 2024 Election.

2,186,561 ballots issued in the county. This includes vote-by-mail ballots and military and overseas ballots. This is 325,111 ballots more than the number of registered voters reported by the county in the first report above (1,861,450).

How can Orange County send out over 325,000 more ballots than registered voters in the 2024 Election?

Also, a comparison between the number of ballots counted versus the number of ballots received has a material discrepancy. The number of ballots counted is noted in the first chart above (1,417,397).

However, according to Orange County’s own report, the number of ballots returned to the county is 1,108,281 ballots. This means 309,116 ballots were counted more than the number of ballots returned is less than the number of ballots counted in the county.

How can Orange County count 309,000 ballots more than were returned to the county?


The elections in Orange County, California are a mess. Over 309,000 ballots were counted in the county’s results than were returned in the 2024 election, and more than 325,000 ballots were sent out than the county has registered voters.

What is going on in Orange County?

California. Economy Links from other news sources.

Good news is that California fast food workers got a big raise. Bad news is that 6,000 workers didn’t because they were let go.

Good news is that California fast food workers got a big raise. Bad news is that 6,000 workers didn’t because they were let go.

Newsom claimed that there have been several positive impacts from the policy, including job growth and improved working conditions, in a September op-ed published by Fox News. The facts?

Since the law’s passage in September 2023, the state’s privately-owned fast food restaurants have lost 6,166 jobs through June. But Newsom claims that it’s been better since the passage. Better for who? not the laid off worker, or the customers who now pay more.

“The OpEd in Fox News today by the governor is disappointing because it paints a very misleading picture about what’s going on on the ground,” Rebekah Paxton, director of research and state coalitions at the EPI, told The Center Square in a September interview. “Instead of touting these numbers that most economists would say don’t accurately measure the situation, it would behoove Governor Newsom to talk to the workers and talk to the operators who are losing their jobs and losing their livelihoods as a result of this policy.”

California. Commentary Corruption Immigration Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics The Border The Law Undocumented Voter Fraud

Of course it should take California 30 days to count ballots. 10 million undocumented.

Of course it should take California 30 days to count ballots. 10 million undocumented.

When you add in all of the undocumented, California has over 50 million people. At least 10 million of the undocumented are of voting age.

Being that California allows ballots to come in seven days after election day, of course folks will wonder if there’s fraud. Also when you send up to 5 ballots to the same house and you have a thousand people who use the same apartment number, you tell me that doesn’t make you wonder?

The Federal government needs to take over the elections in California.