Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Elections Links from other news sources. Uncategorized

How the Media covers a story.

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How the Media covers a story.

Below is an article covered three different ways. From the Center, Right, and Left. I found this very interesting. If there’s an interest, I’ll be doing more of these comparisons.


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Biden Cartel Commentary Crime Links from other news sources. Terrorism

Progressive Democrats who support Hamas protest at The White House.

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Progressive Democrats who support Hamas protest at The White House. We see where Leftist Democrats attempted to gain entrance onto White House Grounds.

A White House fence was vandalized Saturday night by pro-Palestinian protesters who doused red paint on it. During the rowdy protest, marchers rattled a gate while one demonstrator climbed the black gate to wave a Palestinian flag. A nearby statue of General Marquis de Lafayette in Lafayette Park was tagged with graffiti and festooned with Palestinian flags, according to Fox News. The protest ended at about 8 p.m. “Demonstrators are beginning to disperse from the area and the attempted gate trespass from earlier was handled without incident by Secret Service.





Biden Biden Cartel Climate "change" Commentary Green Energy Links from other news sources.

Converting your house from Natural Gas to Electricity isn’t cheap.

Views: 20

Converting your house from Natural Gas to Electricity isn’t cheap. So, you’re considering of switching over to all electric. Sounds like you bought the climate activists charge that it’s cheaper and better for the environment. Let’s see.

First the old furnace and air conditioning unit needs to go. New ductwork needs to be added. Now replace all those appliances that are gas powered. What’s that cost you? Finally installing an electric heat pump and going solar. The cost there is what?

Homes that are fully electrified — heat pump HVAC, heat pump water heater, electric stove/oven, electric dryer, solar, storage, EV — cannot get by on smaller 100-amp or 125-amp electric services. Costs for individual consumers can range from $5,000 for a simple electric service upgrade to well over $20,000 if underground wiring or transformers need to be updated. Upfront utility engineering fees and delays of six months or more are typical. Cities and states that plan to electrify existing buildings must find ways to proactively streamline and reduce costs for electric service upgrades.



Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Government Overreach Green Energy Links from other news sources.

Bidens plans for fossil fuel in 2024.

Views: 19

Bidens plans for fossil fuel in 2024. The Biden administration plans to eliminate fossil fuels as a form of energy generation in the U.S. by 2035. The White House set out a target of 80% renewable energy generation by 2030 and 100% carbon-free electricity five years later.

A lofty goal, hopefully after this year’s election that all ends. but if not, and Joe wins, we are in for some hard times. His war on fracking will continue. He said there would be no new fracking on Federal land. How long before he bans fracking on all land?


Biden Cartel Commentary Government Overreach Links from other news sources. The Border

Texas National Guard takes over launching area where the Undocumented are dispersed across the country.

Views: 21

Texas National Guard takes over launching area where the Undocumented are dispersed across the country. With the blessing of the Border Patrol Union.

“Governor Abbott is not harming Border Patrol operations, he is enhancing them,” National Border Patrol Council Brandon Judd said in a statement. “His seizing control of Shelby Park allows our agents to deploy to troubled spots that experience high numbers of gotaways. Governor Abbott’s actions should be seen as a force multiplier.”

The Texas National Guard has seized control of a park at the U.S. southern border and is now blocking Border Patrol from entering the area – part of an effort to stop the surge of illegal immigration into Texas and a move likely to significantly increase tensions between Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and the federal government.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Government Overreach Just my own thoughts

So how does 2024 close out politically if Republicans win the White House?

Views: 25

So how does 2024 close out politically if Republicans win the White House? President Joe Biden is all but a lock to be the Democratic Party’s nominee for the second time, but he is facing down a long list of competitors. While this pack is led by former President Donald Trump, there are a host of other GOP contenders looking to usurp the lead from the former president. A number of independent candidates also remain in the race as well.

Here’s my fear if the Biden administration is out. The Administration would just give in at the border all together. I can even see them laying off border agents. Millions upon millions would cross. What say you?



Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Government Overreach Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources. The Courts

If True, Fani Willis Secretly Colluded with January 6 Committee.

Views: 3

If True, Fani Willis Secretly Colluded with January 6 Committee. If this really happened, this would hurt both cases. What I don’t get is this. This was a Federal Election. Why is a local county prosecutor filing charges, and why is this even in a local court?

Committee staff quietly met with lawyers and agents working for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in mid-April 2022, just as she prepared to convene a special grand jury investigation. In the previously unreported meeting, the Jan. 6 committee aides let the district attorney’s team review — but not keep — a limited set of evidence they had gathered.

The committee aided Willis’ nascent probe even as it rebuffed the Justice Department’s requests for material in the separate federal criminal probe of Trump’s election subversion. At the time, one reason the committee was more inclined to cooperate with the Fulton County team than with the federal prosecutors was that federal prosecutors might have been required to disclose the evidence in ongoing criminal cases related to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Jan. 6 committee chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) had previously described “staff-level contacts” between his panel and Fulton County prosecutors. In early April 2022 — nearly two weeks before the panel’s staff met with Willis’ team — Thompson told reporters he wasn’t aware of how extensive those contacts were. And on Wednesday, Thompson told POLITICO that he did not know about the in-person visit that spring.


Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption COVID Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Playing Cat and Mouse with Tony the Fauch(Anthony Faucci).

Views: 20

Playing Cat and Mouse with Tony the Fauch(Anthony Faucci). For two days The House had Fauci in hearings. It really looked like a game of Cat and Mouse. At times Fauci looked like Sylvester the Cat, and at times so did the House Republicans. Democrats were in their Denial.

Below is the key takeaway. Follow the link and you will see a lot of what he said and didn’t say.

Americans who trusted the science when Dr. Anthony Fauci told them to be six feet apart to prevent the spread of COVID-19 learned Wednesday there was no science behind the edict.

After two days of interviews behind closed doors to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, a news release posted on the website of the House Oversight Committee revealed that “Fauci claimed that the ‘6 feet apart’ social distancing recommendation promoted by federal health officials was likely not based on any data. He characterized the development of the guidance by stating ‘it sort of just appeared.’”

GOP Rep.  Brad Wenstrup of Ohio, the panel’s chairman, said Fauci admitted to legislators that “the policies and mandates he promoted may unfortunately increase vaccine hesitancy for years to come.”

“He testified that the lab leak hypothesis — which was often suppressed — was, in fact, not a conspiracy theory,” Wenstrup said. The lab leak theory claims that the coronavirus was released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, and not from natural sources, as Fauci initially claimed.


Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Black Supremacist Affirmative Action Congresswoman attacks fellow White Congresswoman for calling Hunter Biden a White Supremacist.

Views: 31

Black Supremacist Affirmative Action Congresswoman attacks fellow White Congresswoman for calling Hunter Biden a White Progressive Supremacist. Congresswoman Mace called Hunter Biden an example of White Privilege. And with that you must also add White Progressive Supremacist. What Mace said to Hunter.

“My first question is who bribed Hunter Biden to be here today? That’s my first question. Second question, you are the epitome of white privilege. Coming into the Oversight Committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a Congressional subpoena to be deposed. What are you afraid of? You have no balls to come up here,” Mace said.

“It does not matter who you are, where you come from or who your father is or your last name. Yes, I’m looking at you Hunter Biden as I’m speaking to you: you are not above the law at all,” she said, adding, “you [broke the law] so flagrantly, you showed up on the Hill on the Senate side the day of that congressional subpoena to defy it and spit in the face of this committee. That’s what you did.”

“The question the American people are asking us is, what is Hunter Biden so afraid of? Why can’t you show up for a Congressional deposition? You’re here for a political stunt. This is just a PR stunt to you, this is just a game you are playing with the American people. You’re playing with the truth.”

Congresswoman Crockett responded to Mace as if only Black folk are allowed to label a person of White Privilege. Leaving out the fact that Affirmative Action Blacks for some reason label Conservatives as people who benefit from White Privilege.

“I just can get over the gentlelady from South Carolina talking about white privilege,” Crockett said.

“It was a spit in the face, at least of mine as a black woman, for you to talk about what white privilege looks like, especially from that side of the aisle,” she said. “So let me tell you something. Y’all don’t know what white privilege looks like,” she said.



Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Aren’t you just a bit curious as to why all the lawsuits by Biden against Trump?

Views: 28

Aren’t you just a bit curious as to why all the lawsuits by Biden against Trump? Remember when Biden said something like Trump must never be anywhere near the White House again?

Well, we have four lawsuits and counting. Now the latest polls show Trump still more popular than Biden.



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