Back Door Power Grab Commentary Corruption Links from other news sources.

What Trump did was nothing compared to Ted Kennedy. Russian Collusion.

What Trump did was nothing compared to Ted Kennedy. Russian Collusion. So left wing fanatics and Never Trumpers are upset with Trumps statement on NATO. Even go as far as claiming Russian Collusion(Again).

Well let’s go back to the WP and Forbes Magazine on Russian Collusion and Ted Kennedy. In the 70’s and early 80’s Kennedy had regular meetings with his friends the Russians. Even asked for their help. Oh my.Teddy used another US Senator for assistance in these meetings with his Russian Allies. Double Oh My.

Now some MSM and Politifact ran phony fact checks with Politifact saying it was mostly false. Based on what? The other Senator said not true. In this case I believe The WP and Forbes.

Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Reasons Companies flee NY and CA. Taxes, Legislatures, and Weaponization of Prosecutors.

Reasons Companies flee NY and CA. Taxes, Legislatures, and Weaponization of Prosecutors. Common sense tells us that Blue states are not business friendly.

The taxes and state legislatures have gotten out of hand. But now your local prosecutors and AG’S have started crusades against Corporations and individuals like Trump and Cuomo. James in New York took over where Spitzer left off.

Below is a Newsmax Article.

New York businesses may leave the state following New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron’s historic $364 million verdict against Donald Trump, top financial services executives tell the New York Post.

They already considered the New York State Attorney General’s Office a major obstruction to doing business, starting with New York AG Elliot Spitzer, aka the sheriff of Wall Street. Despite forcing financial firms to fork over billions, Spitzer’s cases primarily focused on minor offenses.

The office has liberally used state laws, such as the Martin act, for political advancement, according to the Post.

In the cases against Trump and former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, New York AG Letitia James has taken Spitzer’s strategies to a new level, Wall Street executives say.

Trump’s case centered on his real estate company’s valuations for its properties on loan applications to a major bank that did its own due diligence, hardly a capital offense.

James ran for office repeatedly vowing she would prosecute Trump. Just for that alone — believe business leaders, most of whom are not supporters of Trump — James should have been disqualified.

The AG’s case against Cuomo was based on sex-offense accusations that never materialized in court — but forced Cuomo from office.

Wall Street bigs are astounded at Friday’s judgment against Trump, the AG’s thirst for power, leftists running the state legislature, and Gov. Kathy Hochul making the state unlivable.

They also fear George Soros-funded Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

This is why major companies are now considering joining Goldman Sachs, which is moving to Texas; hedge funds pulling up stakes for Florida; and private equity titans like Blackstone leaving for Miami.

Bloomberg estimates $2 trillion in assets have left New York and California for Texas, Florida and other Sun Belt states where the cost of living is as much as 40% cheaper. Rampant crime, high taxes and exorbitant housing costs have been their main reasons for leaving — and now they can add to that a hostile political and legal environment.

In the three years through March 2023, 370 major investment firms with $2.7 trillion in assets under management—2.5% of the total assets managed by investment firms in the U.S.—moved their headquarters to a new state.

Even North Carolina and Tennessee saw more than $600 billion in assets seek refuge, primarily due to AllianceBernstein’s jump from New York to Nashville in 2021 and Allspring Global Investment giving up San Francisco for Charlotte in 2022.

The mass migration is taking a toll on California’s and New York’s tax revenue base, as well as career prospects for financial professionals. In 1990, 33% of all U.S. financial industry jobs were in New York, but by last year, New York’s share of these jobs had shrunk to 17.6%.

“It’s embarrassing what you have to put up with to do business here,” one top executive told the Post. “We look like idiots staying here.”


Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Just my own thoughts Medicine MSM Politics Science

The folks who say that Hur doesn’t have the ability to make medical decisions, lack the medical creditionals also.

The folks who say that Hur doesn’t have the ability to make medical decisions, lack the medical creditionals also. Ever since the special prosecutor gave his report on Joe Biden, progressives and the MSM have attacked Hur.

The left is claiming that he’s not qualified to make the statements about Biden’s mental awareness because he’s not a medical expert. So I ask a simple question What’s their medical background and medical expertice?

You have reporters, Politicians, Political pundits, and Holloywood actors and actresses giving their medical opinions. Wait none of them are medical experts, Biden, Doctors, Nurses, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, etc.

So how did Hur come to his conclusion? Simple really. Two things. Speaking with Biden on two separate occasions, and using his two own eyes. What medical crdentials do the folks who attack the special prosecutor have?

Biden Commentary Corruption How sick is this? Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources.

Biden begging House to drop Impeachment now that the Weaponized DOJ charged informant.

Biden begging House to drop Impeachment now that the Weaponized DOJ charged informant. President Biden called on House Republicans to drop their impeachment inquiry after the Justice Department on Thursday criminally charged a paid FBI informant for allegedly lying about the Biden family accepting $10 million in bribes from a Ukrainian oligarch.

As you know, Smirnov’s coming forward got him a court date for testifying. DOJ charged him. So who gets arrested next? Was this used by the cartel to stop others from coming forward?

Evidence indicates that Joe Biden interacted with Hunter and James Biden’s patrons from RussiaMexicoKazakhstan and Ukraine and from two separate Chinese government-linked ventures.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Climate "change" Corruption Economy Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

What does halting the LNG Gas sales to Europe mean? Russia, Russia, Russia

What does halting the LNG Gas sales to Europe mean? Russia, Russia, Russia. In the past Biden went to EU and told them that we would export our LNG at a lower price if they would stop buying from Russia. They agreed and the Russian LNG dropped dramatically.

So what does Biden do? Halts exports of our LNG. So now Europe goes back to buying a more expensive and dirtier LNG from Russia. And why’s that? Climate loon pressure. Another progressive hoax that this stoppage will save the world.

The abundance and versatility of natural gas make it a valuable energy source to meet a variety of needs while also helping the world shift to less carbon-intensive sources of energy.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Uncategorized Weaponization of Government.

Who is Alexander Smirnoff?

Who is Alexander Smirnoff? He’s if anything, a marked man. An informant who has provided information for years. And what does the FBI say about him? In a statement reported by multiple media outlets, Comer said “The FBI told the committee the confidential human source was credible and trusted.”

Grassley’s office was approached in relation to his July release. His team told Newsweek the indictment “confirms several points Senator Grassley has made repeatedly.” Grassley also said the Justice Department should release “all the underlying evidence” in the Biden investigation. Newsweek has approached the DOJ for comment.

Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. The Courts The Law

Yes Virginia (Fani) You are the one who’s on trial.

Yes Virginia (Fani) You are the one who’s on trial. As you all know a poor excuse for a local yokel prosecutor made up a bunch of charges and used the RICO act to go after the former President and 17 others. She was called to the stand and after a disastrous first day, she called in the calvary. Former Black Panther John Floyd, Daddy.

The state couldn’t take her personal attacks and lies. Plus disrespecting the judge and real lawyers (None took ten years to get their law license) in the room. So against the judges orders it was alleged that she prepped her father.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Links from other news sources.

Progressive Russian leader Putin endorses Biden.

Progressive Russian leader Putin endorses Biden. Why would this surprise anyone. Look at how much Russia has gotten away with since 2021. Maybe Joe can ask Vlad to campaign with him.

During an interview with the state-owned television channel Russia-1 on Wednesday, President Putin was asked which presidential candidate, President Biden or former President Donald Trump, would be better for Moscow. “Biden,” President Putin replied. “He’s more experienced, more predictable. He’s an old-school politician.

Biden Cartel Corruption Government Overreach How sick is this? Links from other news sources. Politics The Courts Weaponization of Government.

‘A Rigged Trial’ Judge Orders Trump, Executives to Pay More Than $350 Million

‘A Rigged Trial’ Judge Orders Trump, Executives to Pay More Than $350 Million

This judge — who infamously declared Trump guilty before the trial had even started — proved this was all an attempt to tie up Trump and punish anyone who is associated with him.  No bank or any other entity lost money due to fraud, so where is the crime?

New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron issued a ruling on Feb. 16, ordering former President Donald Trump and Trump Organization executives to pay $355 million in damages, and barring the former president from doing business in the state for three years.

The ruling also modified a previous order to cancel Trump Organization business certificates in a move widely criticized as a “corporate death blow.”

“As detailed herein, this Court now finds defendants liable, continues the appointment of an Independent Monitor, orders the installation of an Independent Director of Compliance, and limits defendants’ right to conduct business in New York for a few years,” the judge wrote.

“This Court finds that defendants are likely to continue their fraudulent ways unless the Court grants significant injunctive relief.”

New York Attorney General Letitia James brought the case against President Donald Trump and the Trump Organization in September 2022, and the trial began on Oct. 2, 2023.

The judge granted most of what the attorney general had asked for in injunctive relief but, in a major departure from the recommended relief, did not permanently ban President Trump from doing business in New York.

This IMHO was an attempt on Engoron’s part to “prove” he wasn’t biased against Trump from the get-go. — TPR

Trump Organization executives are ordered to pay $355 million with backdated interest.

Wait, what? Trump “overvalued” his holdings and now has to pay taxes –with interest, no less– where the state claims the assets were worth LESS than Trump claimed??? Shouldn’t that be that they owe HIM money? I must be missing something here. –TPR

Former Trump Organization executives Allen Weisselberg and Jeffrey McConney are permanently banned from doing business in New York.

“The evidence is overwhelming that Allen Weisselberg and Jeffrey McConney cannot be entrusted with controlling the finances of any business,” the judge ordered.

Mr. Weisselberg, Mr. McConney, and President Trump are banned from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation or legal entity for three years. Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. cannot serve as such for two years.

President Trump and his companies cannot apply for loans from any financial institution chartered by or registered in New York for three years.

This would effectively bar President Trump from doing business in the state for three years.

Former Judge Barbara Jones will continue to monitor the Trump Organization for at least three years and will send a proposal to the court in 30 days outlining what authority she needs to effectively serve as an independent monitor.

Another independent director of compliance will be installed at the Trump Organization, paid for by the defendants, to “ensure compliance with financial reporting obligations and to establish internal written accounting and financial reporting protocols.” Ms. Jones will make a list of recommended persons for the position within 30 days.

Justice Engoron wrote in his order that the ruling is intended to “protect the integrity of the financial marketplace and, thus, the public as a whole.”

He added that ongoing monitorship is necessary because the defendants have testified they do not believe changes need to be made.

Ms. James issued a statement on the ruling through a series of X, formerly Twitter, posts outlining the penalties.

“Today, justice has been served,” she wrote in her last post. “This is a major win for everyone who believes that we must all play by the same rules. No matter how big, how rich, or how powerful you are, no one is above the law. Not even Donald Trump.”

President Trump also posted a lengthy social media statement, and then called a press conference in front of his Mar-a-Lago residence.

“This ‘decision’ is a Complete and Total SHAM,” he wrote. “There were No Victims, No Damages, No Complaints. Only satisfied Banks and Insurance Companies (which made a ton of money), GREAT Financial Statements, that didn’t even include the most valuable Asset – the TRUMP Brand, IRONCLAD Disclaimers (Buyer Beware, and Do you Own Due Diligence), and amazing Properties all over the World.”

No Cancellation of Business Certificates, For Now

The judge vacated his September 2023 order to cancel the Trump Organization business certificates, and decided instead that this penalty could be applied later at the recommendation of the monitor or “based on substantial evidence.”

Again, this, IMHO, was an attempt on Engoron’s part to “prove” he wasn’t biased against Trump from the get-go. — TPR

“Going forward there will be two-tiered oversight, an Independent Monitor and an Independent Director of Compliance, of the major activities that could lead to fraud, cancellation of the business licenses is no longer necessary,” the judge ordered.

These are outsiders (and certainly anti-Trump) — which Trump has to pay for — whose sole goal is to hamstring Trump businesses as much as possible. — TPR

“The restructuring and potential dissolution of any LLCs shall be subject to individual review by the Court appointed Independent Director of Compliance in consultation with Judge Jones.”
Full article can be seen here:

Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach How funny is this? How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Life Links from other news sources. Media Woke Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Racism. Reprints from others. Satire Stupid things people say or do. Weaponization of Government. White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Friday Funnies.

Friday Funnies.

I consider Tucker a mentor of sorts. I strive to be more like Tucker.

Brought to you by Google.

The brainwashing of our youth – by social media corporations is out of control. Unfortunately, for all of us – it isn’t going to stop.

“We know best. We are going to remake the world. We are going to reshape kids around the world”

The government has a remedy for this type of unlawful business practice. The 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act has bee utilized many times to break up monopolies. The Sherman Act outlaws:

“every contract, combination, or conspiracy in restraint of trade,” and any “monopolization, attempted monopolization, or conspiracy or combination to monopolize.”

Google is out of control. They have not only monopolized the internet, they have monopolized the control of advertising. Both business strategies are being challenged by the DOJ in two separate lawsuits. Meta is also being sued for unfair business practices, as it has gobbled up its competitors in a series of buy-outs.

Or you might be watching MSM exclusively and using Google as your search engine.