Biden Biden Cartel Child Abuse Corruption Democrat Emotional abuse How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Politics Reprints from others. The Law

Scranton Finally Turns on Biden as Officials Demand Removal of His Name from Landmark

President Joe Biden has proudly referenced his roots in Scranton, Pennsylvania, on countless occasions.

But after he pardoned a judge involved in a cash-for-kids program that jailed thousands of juveniles in northeastern Pennsylvania, the Electric City is no longer feeling that spark of love.

The newly elected Pennsylvania Republican State Rep. Brenda Pugh called on officials in Scranton to remove Biden’s name from expressways labeled in his honor after he pardoned former Luzerne County Judge Michael Conahan.

That now-disgraced official was convicted after taking kickbacks in exchange for sending juveniles to jail for committing minor crimes, or committing no crime whatsoever, according to PAHomepage.

Pugh said the fact that Biden pardoned Conahan was a disgrace that merits renaming the “President Joe Biden Expressway,” originally named for the commander-in-chief by the Scranton City Council in 2021.

“Conahan’s conduct is forever a blight on Pennsylvania and is a slap in the face to the victims and their families who deserve justice to be served for his atrocious crimes,” Pugh wrote, per PAHomepage.

“His clemency places complicity and a stamp of approval on his behavior,” she continued. “Children are among the most vulnerable Pennsylvanians. This decision is nothing short of a travesty and his clemency is a miscarriage of justice.”

Pugh is far from the only Pennsylvania official to express concern over the presidential pardon.

Even Pennsylvania Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro cringed at the pardon of the corrupt official.

“I’ll offer these thoughts as an outsider, not privy to all the information he looked at, but I do feel strongly that President Biden got it absolutely wrong and created a lot of pain here in northeastern Pennsylvania,” Shapiro said last week, per the Pennsylvania Capital-Star.

“Some children took their lives because of this. Families were torn apart,” Shapiro said of the original scandal. “There was all kinds of mental health issues and anguish that came as a result of these corrupt judges deciding they wanted to make a buck off a kid’s back.”

It is indeed rather difficult to see why Biden deserves to have any highways named in his honor.

This cash-for-kids scheme was clearly the last straw for at least some in Scranton.

But there are plenty of reasons to remove his name from that highway and other infrastructure in the city named for him.

Even beyond his mismanagement of the economy, his overseeing of several new wars around the globe, and his clear mental decline covered up by staffers over the past four years, Biden and his family are themselves likely corrupt, as their foreign business dealings in places like Ukraine and China would indicate.

Our outgoing president is no fan of justice.

Highways should simply not be named for those who have problems staying on the straight and narrow.

Given the sheer number of pardons and commutations Biden made — and his obvious cognition problems — it’s quite obvious that he didn’t know what he was signing. (So who drew up that list?) –TPR

America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Democrat Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Short and Sweet.

Short and sweet. Biden declares that Hard core criminals must live, but babies must die.

Short and sweet. Biden declares that Hard core criminals must live, but babies must die. According to the White House fact sheet about the move, the recipients of the commutations will have their sentences “reclassified from execution to life without the possibility of parole.”

I’m sure you’ve  heard by now that Joey said that Progressive criminals on death row have a right to live. But when it comes to babies they must be aborted, killed. Makes sense tot he left.

The White House fact sheet said that the move was an effort to prevent President-elect Donald Trump from “carrying out the execution sentences that would not be handed down under current policy and practice.”

America's Heartland Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Crime Democrat Elections Links from other news sources.

Pennsylvania Woman Working for Far Left “New PA Project” Charged with Registering Dead and Non-Existent Voters. And they still lost.

Pennsylvania Woman Working for Far Left “New PA Project” Charged with Registering Dead and Non-Existent Voters. And they still lost.

So what happens when you register dead folks and ghosts? You still lost, but maybe now you’ll go to jail. Another case of the left caught ch

Pennsylvania officials charged Jennifer Hill on Thursday for registering dead and non-existent people to vote in Pennsylvania.

Hill, 38 of Collingdale, worked for the New Pennsylvania Project or New PA Project. She was arrested on Thursday.

According to officials Hill filed more than 300 voter registration forms using an app provided by the Pennsylvania Department of State, but 129 of those were rejected as invalid. She was also caught registering her dead father and a dead acquaintance to vote in the 2024 election.

Censorship Commentary Corruption Democrat Elections January 6 Lawfare Leftist Virtue(!) Lies Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Chairman Loudermilk Releases Second January 6, 2021 Report.

Chairman Loudermilk Releases Second January 6, 2021 Report. A follow up to the first report. Worth going over.

December 17, 2024

WASHINGTON – Today, Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) released an interim report on his findings on the events surrounding January 6, 2021, as well as his investigation into the politicization of the January 6th Select Committee. This report outlines criminal recommendations against former Representative Liz Cheney.


1. Former Representative Liz Cheney colluded with “star witness” Cassidy Hutchinson without Hutchinson’s attorney’s knowledge.

2. Former Representative Liz Cheney should be investigated for potential criminal witness tampering based on the new information about her communication.

3. Cassidy Hutchinson’s most outrageous claims lacked any evidence, and the Select Committee had knowledge that her claims were false when they publicly promoted her.

  • President Trump did not attack his Secret Service Detail at any time on January 6.
  • President Trump did not have intelligence indicating violence on the morning of January 6.
  • Cassidy Hutchinson falsely claimed to have drafted a handwritten note for President Trump on January 6.
  • Representative Cheney and Cassidy Hutchinson baselessly attempted to disbar Hutchinson’s former attorney.

4. Former Representative Liz Cheney used the January 6 Select Committee as a tool to attack President Trump, at the cost of investigative integrity and Capitol security.

5. The January 6 Select Committee was improperly constituted and lacked authority.

6. The January 6 Select Committee neglected or withheld evidence from its Final Report and deleted voluminous records it should have preserved.

7. The Department of Defense scapegoated the Washington D.C. National Guard to distract blame from senior leadership.

  • Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller dismissed President Trump’s order prior to January 6 to use “any and all” military assets to keep the demonstrations safe.
  • Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy intentionally delayed the D.C. National Guard’s response to the Capitol on January 6, despite authorization.
  • The Department of Defense Inspector General published a flawed report containing fabrications and ignored relevant information.
  • The Department of Defense and the Department of Defense Inspector General knowingly and inaccurately placed blame on D.C. National Guard leadership for the delayed response on January 6.
  • The Department of Defense Inspector General was not responsive to the Subcommittee’s requests and even obstructed the Subcommittee’s investigation.
  • The Subcommittee detected an inappropriately close relationship between the Department of Defense and its watchdog Inspector General.

8. The FBI and Capitol Police both failed to investigate the individuals responsible for building fake gallows on Capitol grounds on January 6.

9. The Subcommittee published more than 44,000 hours of CCTV footage from the Capitol.

10. The Subcommittee conducted an extensive review of the investigation into the two pipe bombs on January 5 and 6, and that report is set to be released within the next few days.

Click here or below to view the full report.

Click here or the image above to view the report.

This interim report reveals that there was not just one single cause for what happened at the U.S. Capitol on January 6; but it was a series of intelligence, security, and leadership failures at several levels and numerous entities.

Over the course of the 118th Congress, this Subcommittee has interviewed hundreds of witnesses, scoured over millions of pages of documents, analyzed thousands of hours of surveillance videos, listened to hundreds of hours of radio communications, and conducted hearings.

Chairman Loudermilk released his first January 6, 2021 report, “Initial Findings Report” on March 11, 2024 which focused on identifying and reviewing the numerous security failures on and leading up to, January 6, 2021, and reviewed the creation, operation, and claims made by Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Select Committee to investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. Click here to view the Initial Findings Report.

Back Door Power Grab California. Commentary Corruption Democrat Hate History Immigration Leftist Virtue(!) Loser Senate

Sore Losers: Senate Dems want to Eliminate the Electoral College Via Constitutional Amendment

Sore Losers: Senate Dems want to Eliminate the Electoral College Via Constitutional Amendment.

There’s a good reason why a jackass symbolizes the misnamed “Democratic” party!

I walked away too.

Senate Democrats, having failed to defeat President-elect Donald Trump in the 2024 election, want to change the rules.

Ironically, however, those same Senate Democrats do not seem to understand that their arguments for destroying a core principle of our federal republic would also justify eliminating the Senate itself.

Monday on the social media platform X, the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, announced a “bill to abolish the Electoral College, restoring democracy by allowing the direct election of presidents through popular vote alone.”

Durbin, who has also proposed arming illegal immigrants, joined two of his colleagues, Democratic Sen. Brian Schatz of Hawaii and Democratic Sen. Peter Welch of Vermont, in introducing a proposed constitutional amendment that, if adopted, would abolish the Electoral College.

“In 2000, before the general election, I introduced a bipartisan resolution to amend the Constitution and abolish the Electoral College. I still believe today that it’s time to retire this 18th century invention,” Durbin said.

Fortunately, the authors of the Constitution understood the tyrannical threat posed by people like Durbin.

Hence, an amendment is required to eliminate something as fundamental to our federal republic as the Electoral College, which appears in Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution.

Under Article V, two thirds of both houses of Congress, plus three fourths of the states, must approve said amendment.

In other words, Senate Democrats have no chance of abolishing the Electoral College, that perennial object of their unhinged fixation.

Still, their behavior requires explanation. And voters need to understand why they must never allow Democrats to succeed in their sinister quest.

First, the reason for Monday’s announcement seems obvious. Senate Democrats hope to change the narrative surrounding Trump’s victory.

According to the Associated Press, with all states finally having counted at least 99 percent of votes from the 2024 election, Trump will win the national popular vote by more than two million votes. Thus, Senate Democrats’ constitutional amendment would not have changed the outcome.

Still, Trump has generated significant momentum and stands poised to reenter the White House as popular as ever. Senate Democrats, therefore, needed to rally their own voters around their shopworn lie of defending “democracy.”

Moreover, recent history has proven that Democrats prosper amid the electoral chaos they create. And eliminating the Electoral College would sow unfathomable chaos.

Imagine how presidential elections would unfold if determined by the national popular vote. Imagine waiting on California, for instance, to finish counting its votes more than a month after Election Day.

As it stands, California awards 54 electoral votes — no more, no less. So we know in advance exactly the degree to which Californians will influence the election’s outcome.

But what if California Democrats had an incentive to find as many votes as possible? Would any Republican trust the outcome of elections conducted in that manner?

Second — one marvels at the irony — Senate Democrats’ argument for abolishing the Electoral College also applies to the Senate.

“I’m excited to partner with my friends and colleagues Senator Schatz and Chair Durbin on this important constitutional amendment, which will help empower every voter in every state,” Welch said, per The Hill.

But the Senate itself does not reflect the will of “every voter in every state” — far from it.

In fact, the Electoral College, which awards electoral votes based on a state’s population, comes exponentially closer to reflecting the will of “every voter in every state” than the Senate ever has or ever will.

Indeed, regardless of population, two senators per state hardly sounds like “democracy.”

And that is the point: America’s constitutional republic incorporates democratic principles, but it is not a democracy, and it must never become one, lest we endure the unbridled tyranny of electoral majorities.

Instead, America’s constitutional system provides for a meaningful division of power between the national and state governments. The Electoral College, by empowering the people of all the states to conduct their own elections and award their electoral votes as they see fit consistent with the Constitution, helps prevent the tyrannical consolidation of states into a single, omnipotent national government.

Thus, Democratic leadership must never succeed in eliminating the Electoral College. Should they do so, they would create a convincing argument for abolishing the Senate itself. At that point, the federal constitutional structure would have collapsed, and the Union would likely dissolve.

Black Supremacy Corruption Democrat Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Loser Opinion Work Place

This must happen to all white, brown, and black Progressive Supremacists. D.C. restaurant server fired after comments about refusing service to some Trump officials.

This must happen to all white, brown, and black Progressive Supremacists. D.C. restaurant server fired after comments about refusing service to some Trump officials. Not only should Restaurants fire folks like this, but also this should be the norm in all public and private work places.

By Friday, the restaurant said it had decided to dismiss the server because of this incident, calling her comments and subsequent behavior, “unforgivable.” It also said she had signed on to the restaurant’s social media accounts to speak on behalf of the restaurant without authorization.

“Not only do Ms. Van Rooy’s comments clearly violate our zero-tolerance policy on discrimination, but her decision to sign into our social media accounts in the middle of the night to post her own rhetoric in wildly offensive responses to comments is a further breach of conduct and protocol. She has no authority to speak on our behalf, and her comments do not reflect the positions of over twenty other people who make up our staff,” the Friday statement read.

“For these reasons as well as the sheer dismay and disgust we feel at her unforgivable behavior, Ms. Van Rooy has been dismissed immediately. Our staff and families (many of whom are personally offended by Ms. Van Rooy’s comments about them) are still reeling from what Ms. Van Rooy said and did, and we as a restaurant are simply horrified to be associated with base prejudice.”

Commentary Corruption Democrat Government Overreach How sick is this? Just my own thoughts Uncategorized

Short and sweet. How did Obama get on? Then I remembered others like him.

Short and sweet. How did Obama get on? Then I remembered others like him.

Hitler, Putin, Stalin, Khomeini, do I need to say more? Now Trump for a second time has added some sense and pride to Time magazine.

Controversial past winners of the award, including Adolf Hitler in 1938 and Vladimir Putin in 2007, have left many wondering how Time’s Person of the Year is chosen.

Obama- 2008-2012

Adolf Hitler – 1938



Joseph Stalin – 1939 and 1942



Ayatollah Khomeini – 1979

Vladimir Putin – 2007

This group are not good guys, but they did something that definitely stood out. Did they deserve it? Not really. Trump? Absolutely. Don’t be surprised if he doesn’t add the Nobel Peace Prize.

Commentary Corruption Democrat Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Winning. Manchin, Sinema tank Schumer lame-duck effort to secure Dem majority on top labor board.

Winning. Manchin,Sinema tank Schumer lame-duck effort to secure Dem majority on top labor board.

In a lame duck effort, President Biden and Senate Democrats tried to reconfirm National Labor Relations Board Chair Lauren McFerran, a Democrat, to another five-year term, and thereby solidify a Democratic majority on the board until well into President-elect Trump’s term.

However, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., failed to handicap Trump’s impact on labor and unions for the first two years of his term with the vote, which took place on Wednesday afternoon.

Outgoing Sens. Joe Manchin, I-W.Va., and Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., dealt their caucus a blow, voting down the test vote.

Chuck Schumer, Lauren McFerran

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., teed up a controversial vote that would have solidified the National Labor Relations Board’s Democratic leadership under Lauren McFerran well into President-elect Trump’s term. (Reuters)

McFerran was not reconfirmed on the floor, despite the Democrats’ effort. Her nomination has been waiting to be considered since August, when Democrats advanced her out of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP). The Democrats notably have a razor-thin majority of only 51 and making sure all senators are there to vote can often be tricky.

Senators voted 49 to 50 against ending debate and proceeding to a vote on her reconfirmation.

Schumer said in a statement following the failed cloture vote: “It is deeply disappointing, a direct attack on working people, and incredibly troubling that this highly qualified nominee — with a proven track record of protecting worker rights — did not have the votes.”

A point of frustration for Republicans was the fact that HELP Chairman Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., denied a request from his counterpart, ranking member Bill Cassidy, R-La., to hold a public hearing on McFerran before advancing her.

Sen. Bernie Sanders

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on Aug. 20. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images)

“This NLRB seat should be filled by President Trump and the new incoming Senate. Not a historically unpopular president and a Senate Democrat Majority that has lost its mandate to govern,” Cassidy said in a statement. “I am glad the Senate rejected Democrats’ partisan attempt to deny President Trump the opportunity to choose his own nominees and enact a pro-America, pro-worker agenda with the mandate he has from the American people.”

Schumer filed cloture on her nomination on Monday, setting up a vote on Wednesday. In floor remarks, the New York Democrat did not acknowledge the lame-duck nature of the vote, telling his colleagues, “If you truly care about working families, if you care about fixing income inequality in America, then you should be in favor of advancing today’s NLRB nominees. You can’t say you are for working families, then go and vote no today, because the NLRB protects workers from mistreatment on the job, and from overreaching employers.”

Sen. Bill Cassidy

Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., attends a press conference at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 5, 2022. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

In his own remarks, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said, “The NLRB member who’s held primary responsibility for executing on the Biden-Big Labor agenda is its chair, Lauren McFerran. And she’s up for confirmation to another term.”

He added, “This is to say nothing of the fact that her confirmation would give a lame-duck president control of an independent board well into his successor’s term!”

A source familiar with the vote told Fox News Digital that Vice President-elect JD Vance flew to D.C. from Mar-a-Lago on Wednesday morning to vote to block McFerran.

Since McFerran was not reconfirmed, the position will be Trump’s to fill.

Trump’s transition team did not immediately provide comment to Fox News Digital.

Turning Point USA founder and CEO Charlie Kirk sounded the alarm bell on Schumer and Biden’s effort on Monday, writing on X, “EMERGENCY: Chuck Schumer is trying to ram through Dem activist Lauren McFerran for another term chairing the National Labor Relations Board—a very big deal. If successful, we will have a Dem Chair of the NLRB for the first 2 YEARS of Trump’s Presidency. We need every GOP Senator to show up and block her!”

America's Heartland Commentary Corruption Crime Democrat Just my own thoughts Opinion Race Baiter Racism White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Yes Virginia, White Progressive Supremacists can be compared to Luigi Mangione.

Yes Virginia, White Progressive Supremacists can be compared to Luigi Mangione.

Luigi the alleged shooter is your perfect picture of White Progressives. Mostly upper class and supposedly well educated, and full of hate. Some compare him to race baiters and others say this is what the Mafia wanna be’s look like.

Seems like they came out of the woodwork in 2015. Right after Trumps announcement that he was running for President. What’s interesting is that they claim to be anti capitalism, but don’t give up the wealth they got from being capitalists.

What’s scary is the fact that Alvin Brag will be prosecuting this case when it goes to trial.

Nuff Said.

Back Door Power Grab California. Commentary Corruption Democrat Elections Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Orange County ballot counting. HUGE Ballot Discrepancies. You make the call.

Orange County ballot counting. HUGE Ballot Discrepancies. You make the call. A reprint from GP.

Guest post by Joe Hoft at

The 2024 Election results in Orange County, CA make no sense.

The first indication that something was up in Orange County was on Thursday, November 7, two days after the 2024 Election. Concerned citizens warned that Newsom had sent people to Orange County and that GOP ballots needed to be cured.
Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States but Democrats want control of the House to block the mandate Americans gave us in this election.

President Trump shared this message on Truth Social last night.

That evening, a bomb threat was reported at the election center where ballot counting was taking place in Orange County. Initially, it was reported that staff and members of the public were removed from the center at around 6:45pm, shortly before voting was scheduled to stop for the evening.

The Gateway Pundit was later told that the live stream was taken down and was only running when they were counting ballots.  There were other cameras in the facility, possibly security cameras, that were running in the counting center at all hours.

Per discussions with LEOs with decades of service, the live-stream provided an eye on the operations while the search of the facility was going on.

We don’t know what happened when the live-stream went down, but the registrar told Cristina Laila from The Gateway Pundit that the building was swept for bombs, they evacuated the building for the night, and they locked the facility down for the night.

One month later, five out of six US House races counted in conservative Orange County were “won” by Democrats. We still have no information on who was behind the bomb threat.

The mainstream media is silent about the bomb threats that occurred in 7 California counties after the 2024 election and in more than 50 counties across the nation.

Orange County’s 2024 Election Results

The results of the elections in Orange County were completed weeks after Election Day. In the presidential race in Orange County, 1,417,397 ballots were counted in the 2024 Election. This is out of a reported 1,861,450 registered voters.

This resulted in an unbelievable voter turnout of 76.1%. (Any results in an election with voter turnout over 75% are suspect.)

The total number of votes for President when adding up the votes for all the candidates in the 2024 race in Orange County was only 1,391,307 votes (see below). This is 26,090 votes short of the number of ballots counted in the election. Where did these additional votes go?

Also, although tremendously unpopular in California, somehow Kamala Harris received more votes for President than President Trump in conservative Orange County, California.


In the Senate race in Orange County there were two Senate votes to make. One for the candidate to fill out the remainder of the term of late California Senator Dianne Feinstein, and the other for the next six year term starting in January.

In both races, GOP candidate Steve Garvey received more votes than Adam Schiff. Also, in both cases, Garvey received more votes than President Trump did for President. This too makes no sense.


Orange County also provides information on the number of individuals eligible to vote and active (having voted in the most recent elections). This report (below) shows 1,901,528 active voters in the county.


This is 40,078 voters more than the number of registered voters reported by the county in the reports above (1,861,450).

Orange County election results.

Orange County also provides information on the number of ballots issued in the 2024 Election.

2,186,561 ballots issued in the county. This includes vote-by-mail ballots and military and overseas ballots. This is 325,111 ballots more than the number of registered voters reported by the county in the first report above (1,861,450).

How can Orange County send out over 325,000 more ballots than registered voters in the 2024 Election?

Also, a comparison between the number of ballots counted versus the number of ballots received has a material discrepancy. The number of ballots counted is noted in the first chart above (1,417,397).

However, according to Orange County’s own report, the number of ballots returned to the county is 1,108,281 ballots. This means 309,116 ballots were counted more than the number of ballots returned is less than the number of ballots counted in the county.

How can Orange County count 309,000 ballots more than were returned to the county?


The elections in Orange County, California are a mess. Over 309,000 ballots were counted in the county’s results than were returned in the 2024 election, and more than 325,000 ballots were sent out than the county has registered voters.

What is going on in Orange County?