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How funny is this? Harris cookies passed out.

How funny is this? Harris cookies passed out. When I saw this, I could not believe this. USA Today reporter Courtney Subramanian shared a photo of the cookies in question, which are styled after the vice president’s official White House portrait. While some conservatives offered more measured takes pointing out that it’s slightly strange and possibly narcissistic to hand out gifts modeled in one’s own likeness, it was nothing short of an outrage to others.

How does one get away with this? Just think of the outrage if Pence did this?

“I never even imagined this level of narcissism. And, all on YOUR tax dollars America! Democrats, even you can’t be cool with this,” tweeted Republican congressional candidate Buzz Patterson.

How funny is this? Opinion Politics

So Joe never did break off his friendship with Putin. Russian lobbyist donates to the Biden campaign.

So Joe never did break off his friendship with Putin. Russian lobbyist donates to the Biden campaign. Remember when Biden dumped the Russians for the Chinese cause they wouldn’t give his son a job and the Chinese did? Well I guess all’s forgiven. This from the NY Post.

President Biden and his allies raked in campaign cash from a top Russia lobbyist in 2020, just months before his administration’s decision to scrap sanctions on a controversial firm building a Russian oil pipeline to Germany.

Richard Burt, a managing partner at McLarty Associates and a former US ambassador to Germany during the Reagan administration, ponied up $4,000 for Joe Biden in October 2020 and dropped another $10,000 in the lefty-aligned political action committee Unite The County in March 2020, FEC records show.


Biden Pandemic How funny is this? Opinion Politics

How sad that Joe would forget History.

How sad that Joe would forget History. Sorry Joe, CBS indirectly says that you lied. First, did you forget what happened on 911?  Also how about five other attacks on the capitol? One of them we had Five congressmen — Republicans Alvin Bentley and Ben Jensen, and Democrats Clifford Davis, George Hyde Fallon and Kenneth Roberts — were injured by gunfire. Bentley was the most seriously injured and required numerous surgeries.


One was Obama’s old friends from the Weather Underground. But Joe for some reason forgets history. Below are the dates. All after the Civil War.

Three sticks of dynamite — July 2, 1915

Puerto Rican nationalists attack Congress — March 1, 1954

Bombing in protest of U.S. military in Laos — March 1, 1971

Armed Resistance Unit bombing — Nov. 7, 1983

On July 24, 1998, Russell Eugene Weston, Jr. burst into the Capitol and opened fire, killing two Capitol Police officers, Jacob Chestnut and John Gibson. Weston’s motives remain unknown and he faced murder charges for the shootings. However, he was committed in a mental institution with paranoid schizophrenia.


For some reason the MSM just let’s Joe say these loony tune things.

How funny is this? Opinion Politics

Why is the Conservative Media the only ones carrying this? Biden jokes about running over a reporter.

Why is the Conservative Media the only ones carrying this? Biden jokes about running over a reporter. So the MSM was all over the coverage of Biden driving a truck at the Ford plant. Oh they covered the meeting with the terrorist supporter. And they covered Joe on the track. But for some reason they left this out.

So how funny was that? Biden kidding around about running someone over. What would the MSM thought if President Trump said this? I for one wonder if Joe was really kidding.

How funny is this? Life Opinion Politics Stupid things people say or do.

She’s back. What part of irrelevant doesn’t she get? Michelle Obama again comes out in support of hate groups. Supports BLM rioting, protesting, and looting.

She’s back. What part of irrelevant doesn’t she get? Michelle Obama again comes out in support of hate groups. Supports BLM rioting, protesting, and looting. She’s putting out the Le-Bron narrative that all blacks will die if they’re out driving and stopped by the police.

Why does she even get any press notice? So many folks still remember the eight years of racism, bigotry, and hate speech we got from the Obama-Biden administration.

How funny is this? Life

How funny is this? I can’t believe they interrupted Seal Team and SWAT to carry Joe Biden.

I can’t believe they interrupted Seal Team and SWAT to carry Joe Biden. C’mon man those are quality TV shows. We had to watch two hours of torture. Any good part of the special programming was watching Senator Scott bitch slap Joe.

What say you?