Biden Pandemic COVID Just my own thoughts Life

Just my two cents. I’m not a medical professional, and neither is Tony the fauch.

The fauch and I have one thing in common. We both haven’t practiced medicine for decades ( Actually I never have ). I admit it. He does not. He’s been a administrator since 1984. Famous for the finger in the air to see which way the political wind’s blowing.

What’s being ignored by the fauch and his loyalists is that Omicron so far isn’t the deadly one. Testing healthy people makes no sense. Why not test folks to every disease and virus known to man?


Now as we look into the future, ( 2022 ) what other nonsense will he hit us with? Spoke with my family doctor on anti bodies and T cells. Both for me are way up there I have what’s called CD8+ T cells. They directly kill infected cells.  His medical opinion is that the Johnson booster will put me through the roof. He feels that since I started with Johnson, stay with it since my counts are so high. Will test again in March. And yes it’s still free. Thanks Medicare Advantage.


Biden Pandemic COVID How funny is this? Just my own thoughts Life

How funny is this? California still hasn’t learned. Mask up Kemosabe.

Well, the loons after lockdown after lockdown, strict restrictions, are still dropping like flys. COVID running rampant, and what is the solution? Masks.

Yes, same masks that the fauch at first said didn’t work, then did work, then said wear two, then said not needed, is needed again. What a bunch of loons.

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration announced the new mandate will start Wednesday and last until Jan. 15. The order comes as the per capita rate of new coronavirus cases in California has jumped 47% in the past two weeks. So when do the SS start their door to door and business to business searches?



Crime How funny is this? Just my own thoughts Life Politics Sexual Abuse

How funny is this? Don Lemon feels his boy Jussie’s lie will hurt legitimate hate crime claims. No Don, believing someone just because they are a person of color hurts the facts.

Please no pictures of Lynching. They will be removed.


The left has been fooled so many times now but still they don’t get. Just because a person of color makes these wild claims, doesn’t make it so. Jussie being the latest incident. When I heard that two white boys jumped a gay black man, my first thought was that two white Progressives attacked a successful black man cause of jealousy and the fact that he was black and gay. See how that works?

Right on the Progressives but wrong on everything else. What ever happened to just the fact? We’ve seen it in so many of these hate crimes, but the hate’s coming from the MSM and the left.

After Smollet attacked himself and posted a video of himself with a rope around his neck, (and blamed two white Trump supporters), both Cory Booker and Kamala Harris used that attack to generate support for their bill. Here’s a picture of their tweets.

Please no pictures of Lynching. They will be removed.

Crime Just my own thoughts Opinion

Just think if the Michigan boy shooter was black. Then what?

Unless you’re living in a cave somewhere you’ve heard about the terrible shooting in Michigan at Oxford High School. Yes they caught the boy plus they also charged the parents. I’m for one glad he’s white.

If the boy was black, you would have riots and protests. Hate groups like Antifa and BLM would be out in full force. ACLU would be defending him and the list goes on. Just something to think about.

Now you have your typical loons calling for more gun laws. The Oakland County Sheriff was asked about that. His response.

We have a a whole lot of gun laws that are meant to hold criminals accountable when they commit a crime, when they use a gun, when they carry a gun illegally, and they are not utilized today. That’s one of our constant concerns around the country…we see this across the nation, we catch somebody illegally with a gun and it’s plead down to a misdemeanour and they’re out.

He added, “I believe the surest way to get a handle on holding people accountable when they’re doing things illegally with a gun is to punish them, and that’s not happening in many communities across America today.”



Crime Just my own thoughts Opinion

Second Black guy that we know of who walked. Who will speak up for Breonna Taylor and Alteria Woods?

With all the loons on the left claiming that black folks don’t walk when crimes are committed, maybe the left should do the research. People ask who are Breonna Taylor and Alteria Woods. Two women associated with thugs, they died but the thugs walked free. Oh My.

Both cases were similar. Police serving warrants, two women died cause the males they were with fired on the police. As I said, the females died and the males who fired on police walked. So don’t tell me that blacks are treated differently in all cases.

So the next time someone falsely says that if Kyle were black, he wouldn’t have walked? Give them a link to this article.

Elections Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics

So how powerful is the Trump message? You tell me.

So how powerful is the Trump message? Powerful enough to see the Republicans make major inroads in Blue states, and helping Republicans keep their seats in red states. NJ is still a toss up, but for a Republican to make it this close in a state that Biden won by 20 points is amazing. And the win in VA.?

The left will learn nothing from this. They’ll say the Democrat candidates aren’t progressive enough. Of course they forget that the progressive  candidates got beat. America’s not ready for left wing racism. What say you?

President Donald Trump celebrated the victory of Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin in the Virginia governor’s race on Tuesday.

“The MAGA movement is bigger and stronger than ever before,” Trump wrote in a statement.

Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Economy Elections Just my own thoughts MSM Opinion Stupid things people say or do. Uncategorized

The Airline of Champions. Let’s go Brandon.

I have to admit that I don’t fly Southwest that often but after the other day I’m convinced that I’ll be making it an airline worth looking at. So now the left wing fanatics and the MSM are upset about old Joe being called out for F ing up this country.

In less than 10 months this man has done damage that may take generations to fix. Now for some reason the fanatics think that firing a pilot will fix all the worlds ills. This is a  movement that Joe will take to his grave. Jill may even put it on his headstone.

So for the foreseeable let’s let Joe know how we feel.

Let’s go Brandon.

Economy How funny is this? How sick is this? Just my own thoughts

When is a Wealth tax not a tax? When the Biden folks say so.

When is a Wealth tax not a tax? During an interview with CNN on Sunday, Yellen touted the idea of taxing the unrealized capital gains of the wealthiest 1 percent, though she claimed the measure would not count as a “wealth tax.” But that’s not what Pelosi says.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), in contrast to Yellen’s claim, called the kind of tax Democrats are considering a “wealth tax.” “We probably will have a wealth tax,” Pelosi told CNN on Sunday.

Here’s how this works. Capital Gains will be taxed on what the value is at the time. Not when it’s sold. When sold, it’s taxed and that’s it. But under this new plan, You’re taxed every year if you don’t sell the stocks, collectibles, etc.

Now supposedly this would pay for the new social programs. What happens when that wealth goes down? Now your not raising the money you claimed. Now the only way to get that revenue is to go after everyone.

Here’s an example.

The proposal slated to be released would slap annual taxes on the increased value of the assets of the wealthiest Americans, even if they’re not sold, or “realized.” Currently, assets like stocks are taxed only when a person sells them.

Biden Pandemic COVID Just my own thoughts Science

I don’t know, I’m just asking. Why no flu mandate?

Every year since the Obama-Biden flu hit us, we’ve had thousands die. That’s right. thousands. But no panic and no mandate. Why not? Over 60 million have gotten the flu. On average 200,000 people are yearly hospitalized. And here’s the kicker. Reporting flu cases are not mandatory. Also funding to the CDC was cut under Obama-Biden.

Now the flu deaths we will never know, cause the CDC was ordered by the Obama administration to stop the count of deaths and infections. So we only have estimates.

And this from NBC News.

U.S. health officials have lost track of how many illnesses and deaths have been caused by the first global flu epidemic in 40 years. And they did it on purpose.

Government doctors stopped counting swine flu cases in July, when they estimated more than 1 million were infected in this country.

SMH. Where’s the flu mandate?

Not sure if she has a chance to win in Nevada, but Republicans need to focus on what she’s pointing out. Plus add The poor economy and the foreign policy failures.


Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics

CNN commentator attacks CNN medical expert for being truthful.

In case you haven’t heard, the CNN medical expert went on a podcast of a Conservative blogger. There he admitted that the medically prescribed medicine that he took wasn’t the horse dewormer, but a dose of medicine that was given under a doctor care.

Well the affirmative leftist on CNN lost it. How dare someone from CNN tell the truth on a Conservative venue. Now Gupta did not back up what he said earlier, but continued the attack on the medically prescribed drug in a human dose.


Here’s what Gupta said before the backtrack.

Rogan confronted CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta over the network’s coverage of his bout with the virus, falsely claiming Rogan used “horse dewormer” instead of the common human form of ivermectin, something Gupta conceded his CNN colleagues should not have said.

“Does it bother you that the network you work for out and out lied, just outright lied about me taking horse dewormer?” Rogan grilled Gupta.

“They shouldn’t have said that,” Gupta admitted. “Why did they do that?” Rogan asked. “I don’t know,” Gupta responded. “You didn’t ask? You’re the medical guy over there!” Rogan exclaimed. “I didn’t ask,” Gupta said. “I should’ve asked before coming on this podcast.”