Commentary Facebook Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Media Woke Opinion Politics WOKE

Hey Mark Z, what did you think was going to happen?

Hey Mark Z, what did you think was going to happen?

The other day Zuckerberg was cry that leaks were going on at Meta. So he had a meeting with the employees and that was leaked. That’s what happens when you hire folks who are racist and misogynists.

Mark has them in all colors. White,Black, Brown, etc. He created this monster and now is crying the blues that he cant control them.

Zuckerberg’s army of ultra-woke progressive employees may feel more inventive to leak to journalists now that their leader has seemingly experienced a change of heart. Among the changes Zuckerberg has brought to Meta is ending its DEI practices and removing tampons from men’s restrooms.

Commentary Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Social Venues-Twitter Stupid things people say or do.

Videos worth looking at again.

Videos worth looking at again.

Below is a collection of videos over the past few days. They jump around with several different topics.


Abortion rights? Corruption Democrat Hate House How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Medicine Pro Life

204 House Dems vote AGAINST bill to give lifesaving treatment to infants who survive abortions(!)

Just one Democrat, Rep. Henry Cuellar, voted for the bill.

By Elizabeth Elkind for Fox News

The House of Representatives has passed a bill that would penalize doctors who do not provide life-saving care to infants born alive after an abortion attempt.

All but one Democrat voted against the bill, which passed 217 to 204, with all Republicans in favor. One Democrat, Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, D-Texas, voted “present.”

The bill directs health care practitioners to operate with the “same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence” for a baby born with a heartbeat after an abortion as during a normal birth. Doctors who run afoul of the rule would be fined or given up to five years behind bars.

House GOP leaders lauded the bill, with Majority Whip Tom Emmer, R-Minn., telling Fox News Digital, “Requiring medical care for babies born alive after a failed abortion isn’t controversial, it’s common sense.”

“The fact that Democrats would rather support infanticide than vote in favor of this bill shows how extreme and out-of-touch their party has become,” Emmer said.

Democrats have argued that the bill is redundant, given existing laws against infanticide and murder, and could imperil the lives of women seeking late-term abortions due to medical emergencies while unfairly penalizing doctors.

“No one goes through pregnancy and all that comes with it…and then after eight or nine months of that is like ‘nah, I don’t want to do this,’” Rep. Sara Jacobs, D-Calif., said during debate on the bill, adding that late-term operations made up about 1% of abortions. “It is because of a serious fetal abnormality or the health of the mother.”

She said the bill was “not based on science or reality.”

(Yet Dims claim that the ACTUAL birth rate of “intersex” babies of 0.018% means that the mental cases that declare they are not their biological sex must be kowtowed to.  Sounds like their claim that we should “follow the science” about Covid-19 doesn’t it? – TPR )

Several Democrats who spoke out against the bill themselves went through emergency abortion procedures with a nonviable pregnancy.

Among them was Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez, D-N.M., who said the bill would allow women to “die on the operating table because doctors are scared of going to jail.”

(Q: If the doctors are “scared of going to jail” as this Dimwit stupidly suggests, how could women  “die on the operating table” ????? – TPR)

Republicans, meanwhile, argued the bill would stop babies from being “left to die in a closet, alone and discarded like medical waste,” as Rep. Michelle Fischbach, R-Minn., said during debate.

“These precious babies, fellow Americans, deserve protection because they are alive,” said Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas.

The vote comes after Democrats tanked the bill in the Senate earlier this week. The legislation failed to pass a procedural hurdle that needed 60 votes to allow for debate on its final passage.

Commentary Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Military Woke Opinion Winning

Short and Sweet. How justice can be served in reference to the traitor Milley.

Short and Sweet. How justice can be served in reference to the traitor Milley. Taking down his portrait wasn’t enough.

Milley, the former chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has admitted the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal in 2021 where 13 U.S. troops lost their lives was a “strategic failure.”

Of course he did receive a pardon for his criminal acts, but there is something that would be worse. Uniform Code of Military Justice.

He can be called before the board and they could reduce his rank or if justified, drummed out of the military all together. Of course he would first have to be called back to duty.

America's Heartland Commentary Corruption January 6 Just my own thoughts Lawfare Leftist Virtue(!) Opinion Politics The Law Trump

What law enforcement officers from J6 should be investigated and possibly charged.

What law enforcement officers from J6 should be investigated and possibly charged.

There are Law enforcement officers and higher ups who need to be looked at. First Wray and his staff. Plus the 26 FBI agents who worked the mostly peaceful protest on January 6th.

Also the officers who directed the crowds to enter the Building. And any under cover officers who encouraged the mostly peaceful crowd. But my main concern is this.

The officers who stood by as a rogue cop gunned down an unarmed female and killed her in cold blood. They must be held accountable. Especially after the rogue cop went over the air and claimed he was shot at and was returning fire.

Biden Pandemic Censorship Corruption COVID Drugs Emotional abuse Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Tony the Fauch

PART II: Congressional Report Validates COVID “Conspiracy Theories”

This is the second part of the article “Congressional Report Validates COVID Conspiracy Theories” (Part 1) from January 15, which concluded that the Wuhan lab is the most likely origin of the COVID-19 virus.

Furthermore, it revealed that the federal government funded gain-of-function research and that Fauci not only knew about it but actively suppressed information to keep it hidden from the public.

This article will highlight the reality of coordinated censorship of opposing views, the ineffectiveness of vaccines in stopping the spread of the disease, and the lack of scientific support for mandates, which ultimately caused more harm than good—along with other measures such as lockdowns and school closures.

According to the congressional report, President Trump’s travel restrictions, implemented rapidly during the pandemic, saved lives and were supported by Dr. Fauci, contradicting the narrative that these measures were xenophobic.

However, public health officials frequently spread misinformation through conflicting messages and a lack of transparency, with the federal government unjustly demonizing off-label drug use and the lab leak theory.

The Biden Administration employed undemocratic methods, including pressuring social media companies to censor COVID-19 content it deemed misinformation.

While Operation Warp Speed successfully accelerated the development of the COVID-19 vaccine and saved millions of lives, the vaccine did not prevent the spread or transmission of the virus, as promised.

The FDA rushed vaccine approval to meet the Biden Administration’s mandate timeline, ignoring warnings from senior scientists about potential adverse effects.

Vaccine mandates, unsupported by science, caused harm by undermining individual freedoms, harming military readiness, and ignoring natural immunity from prior infections.

Furthermore, vaccine injury reporting systems created confusion and eroded public trust, while the government failed to efficiently and transparently adjudicate claims for those injured by the vaccine.

Other measures taken by the government, supported by Dr. Fauci, had widespread negative economic impacts on individuals, communities, businesses, healthcare providers, and local governments.

Mandatory lockdowns led to over 160,000 business closures, 60% of which were permanent, while supply chain disruptions worsened disparities for businesses that remained operational.

The healthcare system suffered from reduced quality of care, longer wait times, and missed diagnoses.

Unemployment rates soared to Great Depression-era levels, with low-wage sectors hit hardest by broad mitigation measures like the now-debunked “6 feet apart” guidance.

While the Federal Reserve’s swift actions helped prevent a severe economic downturn, its aggressive approach also fueled soaring inflation.

Prolonged COVID-19 school closures, which lacked scientific justification, caused significant societal harm.

Children, who were unlikely to contribute to the virus’s spread or face severe illness, suffered historic learning loss, increased psychological distress, and decreased physical well-being.

The Biden Administration’s CDC allowed political influence from the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), which edited school reopening guidance to include measures that prolonged closures unnecessarily.

AFT, a political union rather than a scientific organization, advocated for mitigation efforts like automatic closure triggers, further delaying reopenings. Testimony revealed AFT President Randi Weingarten had direct access to CDC Director Rochelle Walensky.

The long-term effects include decades of academic progress lost, mental health crises, and a 51% increase in suicide attempts among girls aged 12-17.

A CATO Institute report similarly highlighted that the long-term closure of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic caused significant harm to children academically, mentally, and physically, with little to no impact on reducing virus transmission or child mortality.

These closures were driven more by politics than science, influenced by powerful teachers unions and their ties to Democratic politicians.

Research from Michigan State University found that decisions on in-person education in 2020 were tied more to local political partisanship and union strength than to COVID-19 severity, despite early evidence showing children were at low risk for severe illness.

The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) successfully lobbied the CDC to include union-driven language in school reopening guidance.

Freedom of Information Act documents obtained by CATO confirmed the findings of the congressional report, namely that the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) successfully lobbied the CDC to include union-driven language in school reopening guidance.

Studies further demonstrated the consequences: districts with in-person learning experienced less academic loss, and remote learning disproportionately harmed older, minority, and low-income students.

The fallout from these decisions has led many families to shift to homeschooling and private education, with homeschooling rates doubling post-pandemic.

Even mainstream media outlets that supported lockdowns and other pandemic measures are now acknowledging the lack of scientific backing behind some public health guidance and the damage done to public trust in government health authorities.

The New York Times reported that during congressional hearings, top NIH officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, admitted that key aspects of early COVID-19 guidance were not based on solid science.

Fauci revealed that the six-foot social distancing rule “just sort of appeared” without supporting studies and acknowledged the virus is airborne, contradicting initial claims that it spread primarily through droplets.

According to the New York Times, officials not only promoted questionable guidance but also suppressed dissenting views, with some actively deleting emails to avoid public scrutiny.

Dr. David Morens of the NIH admitted to using his personal account to bypass oversight, writing that they avoided “smoking guns” and deleted sensitive emails.

This lack of transparency and accountability led to poor decision-making, such as closing beaches and parks unnecessarily, delaying school reopenings, and wasting millions on ineffective plexiglass barriers.

These failures, driven by obstinacy and arrogance, had significant negative impacts on Americans’ lives and undermined trust in public health leadership.

Over the past year, several diseases have been highlighted in news reports as potential sources of the next pandemic. Notably, the World Health Organization (WHO) has identified pathogens such as Ebola, Marburg, Nipah, and various coronaviruses as having significant pandemic potential.

Additionally, the emergence of a new, more virulent strain of the mpox virus (formerly known as monkeypox) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has raised concerns among health experts. Despite these concerns, none of these diseases have escalated to a global pandemic over the past year.

Because of the many lies and invasive rights violations during COVID, many people have lost trust in the NIH and CDC. The constant identification of “the next great” pandemic is increasingly falling on deaf ears. With each new cause for panic, skeptics claim victory as the previous one fails to materialize.

These people and organizations should be class action sued out of existence –TPR

California fires. California. Commentary Corruption Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

LA’s burning cause waters not there.

LA’s burning cause waters not there.

A Pacific Palisades reservoir was closed when wildfires swept through the area and devastated the community, officials told the Los Angeles Times.

The Santa Ynez Reservoir is connected to the Los Angeles water supply system, and authorities said it was shut down for repairs at the time the fires erupted, “leaving a 117 million gallon water storage complex empty in the heart of the Palisades,” the newspaper reported on Friday.|twcamptweetembed|twterm1877759691767357461|twgr946dd311acd160ac3ed9af86fc599336aef7f287|twcons1_&

Black Supremacy California. Commentary Corruption Democrat Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Elections have consequences.

Elections have consequences.

So how does someone this incompetent get elected to one of the largest cities in the US? No reason needed, it’s California and she’s black. Nuff said

Leftist Virtue(!) Media Woke Reprints from others. Team MAGA

IRONY: As Team Trump Takes Over, MSNBC Leftists Scream ‘Oligarchy!’

Liberals (really, the “Progressive Left”) cannot be satisfied unless government — their preferred instrument of exerting power — is in a position of complete supremacy over private business, i.e., the free economy. But the prospect of a new Trump administration next month threatens to reverse the Left’s gains of the past several decades, so their new buzzword is “oligarchy,” suggesting a handful of super-rich villains are on the verge of taking over.

Never mind that Donald Trump won re-election in November thanks to the votes of 77,301,997 Americans, extremely few of whom are billionaires (or even millionaires). Watching MSNBC the past few days, you’d have heard a cacophony of journalists insisting that democracy was already being supplanted by “oligarchy” as successful businessmen like Elon Musk are on the ascent.

This is basically the new Gilded Age that we are living in,” MSNBC legal analyst Melissa Murray fretted on Friday’s Alex Wagner Tonight. “It’s not a surprise that the administrative state is under assault. It’s a real problem for these oligarchs and corporations,” she added.

“This is what we are headed for. It’s not dictatorship. It’s oligarchy, government by the rich,” former longtime Newsweek writer Jonathan Alter warned on Saturday’s Velshi.

An hour later, Slate senior writer Mark Joseph Stern agreed: “It really seems like this coterie of billionaires and benefactors all sort of entrenching and reinforcing each other’s power and privilege. And if that isn’t an oligarchy, Katie, I’m really not sure what is.

Earlier (on Monday, December 23), occasional host Rachel Maddow suggested Musk’s success in blocking a massive government spending bill was a dangerous sign that billionaires were about to have the upper hand. She approvingly quoted from The American Prospect’s David Dayan: “This is going to be a constant theme of the next four years. Personal business interests are going to constantly take precedence over governance in the Trump/Musk White House. The word for this is oligarchy, and oligarchs do not think about the country first.

And on Tuesday’s The ReidOut, David Corn of Mother Jones magazine blasted Republicans for their “acquiescence” when it comes to Trump’s nominations: “They’ve accepted this clown car cavalcade of cranks, oligarchs and cronies for his appointments to very important positions that will threaten our health and safety.”

Of course, one way to avoid the power of a dangerous “oligarchy” is to reduce government’s authority over economic activity — with less power at stake, there would be less for the super-rich to gain from buying up compliant pols. But a less powerful federal government would also be a less powerful tool for the Left, so don’t expect them to discover their inner Libertarian.

Here are short transcripts of MSNBC’s liberals on Friday and Saturday wailing about the coming “oligarchy,” each followed by a video showing the context of each remark.


# Alex Wagner Tonight
December 27, 9:20pm ET

Host ALEX WAGNER: It says something as we look towards the broader landscape of the incoming Trump administration about the power of billionaires, right? It’s largely unchecked. This is what Dick Durbin had to say — he’s the outgoing chair of the Judiciary Committee — he says, “Whether failing to disclose lavish gifts or failing to recuse from cases with apparent conflicts of interest, it’s clear that the Justices are losing the trust of the American people at the hands of a gaggle of fawning billionaires.” I mean, you have Elon Musk in the executive branch, you have Harlan Crow in the judicial branch, you have untold billionaires working their way into the legislative branch. I mean, just give me your opinion on this sort of, I’m not going to call it, officially, ‘kleptocracy,’ but man, Melissa, this is deeply problematic on a number of levels when you looking at the amount of money and the outsized influence it could buy.

MSNBC legal analyst MELISSA MURRAY: Wouldn’t we call it a kleptocracy? Maybe an — certainly an oligarchy gone amok, for sure, Alex. This is basically the new Gilded Age that we are living in, and we’ve seen the effects of it. The Supreme Court overturned the Chevron Doctrine last year, and there’s been reporting from the New York Times that has made clear that that was a multi-year project funded by the conservative legal movement and the Koch brothers network, which has a true interest in corporate deregulation, in hobbling the administrative state. Because administrative agencies issue regulations that often make it more costly for corporations to run because those regulations make it safer for consumers but more expensive for corporations to make their products. It’s not a surprise that the administrative state is under assault. It’s a real problem for these oligarchs and corporations, and so it’s no surprise the American people are losing faith in the Court when they see these cozy relationships between the Supreme Court justices and these oligarchs who sometimes function, apparently, as emotional-support billionaires….


# Velshi
December 28, 11:07am ET

Former Newsweek writer JONATHAN ALTER: He [Trump] becomes a lame duck on January 20th. I know people talk about him getting around the 22nd Amendment and being in office forever. That’s not going to happen. So he, his political power will start to ooze out of him, and a lot of the accountability will be reflected in the — first in the Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial elections this coming year, and then in the 2026 midterms. But if he ends up governing with a billionaires boys club — you know, he’s already appointed 12 billionaires — that’s not what he promised. He promised to look out for middle class working families. And if his policies include, you know, deep cuts to very popular programs, or other things that don’t really seem to resemble the populist promises that he made during the campaign, his popularity is going to suffer….

There are a lot of ways of fighting back, but it depends on ordinary people to organize against oligarchy. This is what we are headed for. It’s not dictatorship. It’s oligarchy, government by the rich. And we need to get a sense in the days ahead of whether Democrats, independents and even some anti-Trump Republicans are willing to organize against this. This doesn’t mean, like, massive resistance. You have to pick your battles, but Democrats have a lot of tools available to them, and it’s on. This is going to be a struggle between his critics and the administration for the next four years.


# The Katie Phang Show
December 28, 12:26pm ET

Slate’s MARK JOSEPH STERN: [Supreme Court Justice] Clarence Thomas has devoted his career to destroying campaign finance laws and granting billionaires a First Amendment right to purchase elections. Elon Musk, the richest man on the planet took advantage of those decisions to essentially buy Trump the presidency, to bail him out and to put Trump back in the White House. And because of Musk’s work now, [Justice Thomas’s wife] Ginny Thomas is going to have access to the Oval Office, Ginny Thomas is going to have meetings with Donald Trump, pushing her preferred policies, and there is no real chance that the President will approve of any kind of accountability for Clarence Thomas’s violation of the law. Come on! We know Trump is not going to approve court reform, he’s not going to impose a code of ethics, or sign one if Congress happens to pass it. His Attorney General is certainly not going to bring the civil or criminal penalties that could be on the table because of Thomas’s law-breaking here. And so it really seems like this coterie of billionaires and benefactors all sort of entrenching and reinforcing each other’s power and privilege. And if that isn’t an oligarchy, Katie, I’m really not sure what is.

California. Leftist Virtue(!) Medicine Reprints from others. The Courts

Advance Notice of Hospital Emergency Care Fees Unnecessary, CA Supreme Court Rules

By Naveen Athrappully for The Epoch Times

The Supreme Court of California dismissed a lawsuit arguing that hospitals not showing certain costs in emergency care prior to treatment violate state laws, ruling the institutions are not obligated to disclose such fees.
The ruling was made following a class action lawsuit filed by plaintiff Taylor Capito against San Jose Healthcare System, also known as Regional Medical Center San Jose. In 2019, Capito was treated twice at the medical center’s emergency department, paying more than $41,000. She filed a complaint against the center in 2020, accusing the medical center of not providing advance notice of evaluation and management services (EMS) fees.

She alleged that this amounted to an “unlawful, unfair or fraudulent business” practice as per California’s Unfair Competition Law (UCL) and violated the state’s Consumers Legal Remedies Act (CLRA).

The case went to a trial court and the appeals court, both of which rejected the plaintiff’s claims. The Supreme Court of California then took up the case.

According to a Dec. 23 court opinion, the Supreme Court dismissed Capito’s claims on Monday, agreeing with the two courts.

“Hospitals do not have a duty under the UCL or CLRA, beyond their obligations under the relevant statutory and regulatory scheme, to disclose EMS fees prior to treating emergency room patients,” it said.

“The California Legislature, the United States Congress, and numerous rulemaking bodies have already decided what pricing information to make available in a hospital’s emergency room. Just as importantly, they have decided what not to include in those requirements.”

The reason authorities have avoided mandating the inclusion of certain fees is to prevent patients from getting dissuaded by seeing prices and opting out of potentially life-saving care, the court wrote.

Forcing hospitals to show EMS costs would lead to patients weighing the price against the necessity of such procedures. Insisting that such prices be shown assumes that patients in emergency rooms are capable of diagnosing “whether their ailment is relatively minor.”

In the lawsuit, the plaintiff did not accuse Regional Medical Center of failing to comply with the mandated disclosure requirements. Capito also did not allege that she was charged fees for services not provided or that the fees were excessive.

“Neither the UCL nor CLRA requires further disclosure of EMS fees beyond what the regulatory scheme requires,” the court opinion said.

Burden on Hospitals

The California Hospital Association (CHA) has argued against the push for notifying patients about fees in emergency treatment conditions.

In June last year, the organization filed an amicus brief in another lawsuit in which a plaintiff made arguments similar to those in the Capito case. The plaintiff said that California hospitals must disclose EMS fees to patients in emergency care prior to their treatment in accordance with UCL and CLRA laws.

Allowing such a policy would impose “an unreasonable duty” on hospitals, said the association.

“Hospitals cannot determine the costs of patient care prior to treatment, especially emergency care. The treatment necessary for a particular patient depends on the severity of the patient’s condition, which is impossible for either the patient or the hospital to know in advance,” the association said.

“Besides, a patient’s financial responsibility for treatment costs depends on his or her insurance status and coverage. Even assuming a patient has insurance, the hospital cannot foresee whether, and to what extent, the insurer will provide coverage for the services ultimately rendered to the patient.”

Meanwhile, Sen. Gary Peters (D-Mich.) is looking into the potential impact of private equity-run emergency care services provided to hospital patients.

According to an April 1 statement, he sent letters to private equity companies and physician staffing companies asking for information on patient care and other matters.

The letters followed multiple interviews conducted by his office with more than 40 emergency medicine physicians across the United States.

“I am concerned that our nation’s largest emergency medicine staffing companies may be engaging in cost-saving measures at the expense of patient safety and care, which could put our nation’s emergency preparedness at risk,” Peters said. “I am pressing these companies and their private equity owners for needed transparency.”

Just a reminder of how well California is doing in other areas.