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Cher Attacks Anti-vaxxers Claiming They Are Responsible for Her “Major B*tch” Flu

Views: 57

Thanks to the folks over at Gateway.

So Cher gets the flu and said the anti vaxxers are to blame cause she didn’t get the flu shot. In a tweet earlier in December,  the 76-year-old claimed that she hesitated to get a flu shot last 2022 because of the anti-vaxxers propaganda and is now suffering from a persistent cough and a burning sensation in her throat.

What does that mean? Maybe she was no longer believing the fauch on the COVID jab? So because of possible doubts she didn’t get the flu  shot? Here’s a bit from that loon.

“Was going to get Flu Shot, but Hesitated, Cause of Antivaxers PROPAGANDA. If [you] don’t Want Vaccination, keep it to [yourself]. WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE [PEOPLE],” she continued.













COVID Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. Uncategorized

So this is where the loons get their junk science. The Case for Wearing Masks Forever

Views: 40

So this is where the loons get their junk science. The Case for Wearing Masks Forever.

Now we know why extremists that follow the fauch ,were always attacking scientists from the Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins, AMA, and other main stream medical sources. They are following A ragtag coalition of public-health activists who believe that America’s pandemic restrictions are too lax—and they say they have the science to prove it.

Mindy Thompson Fullilove, a professor of urban policy and health at the New School who is Black, has spent her career studying epidemics: first aids, then crack, then multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. She has seen how disease can ravage cities, especially in Black and working-class communities. From the beginning, Fullilove was skeptical of how the federal government handled the coronavirus pandemic. But these new recommendations from the C.D.C., she said, were “flying in the face of the science.” Not long after the announcement, she sent an e-mail to a Listserv called The Spirit of 1848, for progressive public-health practitioners. “Can we have a people’s CDC and give people good advice?” she asked. A flurry of responses came back. And what did the CDC recommend?

Last December, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that it was shortening the recommended isolation period for those with covid-19 to five days. Getting exposed to the virus no longer meant that people needed to quarantine, either, as long as they were fully vaccinated and wore a mask.

What emerged was the People’s C.D.C.: a ragtag coalition of academics, doctors, activists, and artists who believe that the government has left them to fend for themselves against covid-19. As governments, schools, and businesses have scaled back their covid precautions, the members of the People’s C.D.C. have made it their mission to distribute information about the pandemic—what they see as real information, as opposed to what’s circulated by the actual C.D.C.

They believe the C.D.C.’s data and guidelines have been distorted by powerful forces with vested interests in keeping people at work and keeping anxieties about the pandemic down. “The public has a right to a sound reading of the data that’s not influenced by politics and big business,” Fullilove said.

Below is the last paragraph I’ll post This group’s leader is a race baiter.. You can find the whole article here.

And then there are masks. The People’s C.D.C. strongly supports mask mandates, and they have called on federal, state, and local governments to put them back in place, arguing that “the vaccine-only strategy promoted by the CDC is insufficient.” The group has noted that resistance to masks is most common among white people: Lucky Tran, who organizes the coalition’s media team, recently tweeted a YouGov survey supporting this, and wrote that “a lot of anti-mask sentiment is deeply embedded in white supremacy.”




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ABC, NPR, CNN, NBC, Washington Post among media outlets that had gaffes, scandals and debacles in 2022

Views: 15

Thanks to FOX  for this article.

The legacy media was plagued with scandals, gaffes, and clear bias in 2022, with outlets ranging from CNN, NPR, ABC, NBC and The Washington Post all creating embarrassing headlines.

Some made unforgettable national news, such as ABC News sidelining “GMA3” co-hosts Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes when their extramarital affair became tabloid fodder, billionaire Elon Musk purchasing Twitter and revealing the once-secret communications of its previous management, and NBC News reporter Dasha Burns being widely scrutinized for simply reporting that Pennsylvania Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman had issues making small talk a few months after suffering a stroke.

But other fiascos received less attention, or have become afterthoughts during a wild, jam-packed election year. Here are some of the biggest gaffes, scandals and debacles from 2022.

Chief Justice Roberts debunks NPR story on SCOTUS drama

In January, Chief Justice John Roberts offered a devastating blow to an NPR report alleging a feud between Associate Justices Neil Gorsuch and Sonia Sotomayor.

A report by NPR’s chief legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg went viral within liberal media circles, which alleged that Gorsuch refused to wear a mask while on the bench next to Sotomayor, who has diabetes and makes her vulnerable to COVID, despite having been asked by Roberts.

Gorsuch and Sotomayor later issued an unprecedented joint statement declaring the NPR’s story “false.” However, their statement did not satisfy liberals in the media, who continued to defend NPR’s report, so Roberts himself stepped in.

Roberts flatly denied NPR’s reporting, stating, “I did not request Justice Gorsuch or any other Justice to wear a mask on the bench.”

NPR repeatedly defended its report both after the Gorsuch-Sotomayor statement and the Roberts statement, telling Fox News it was standing by Totenberg’s report.

Whoopi Goldberg suspended from ‘The View’ following Holocaust remarks

“The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg was suspended in February following controversial remarks about the Holocaust.

Goldberg went viral when she argued that the Holocaust “isn’t about race,” stunning her colleagues at the table.

“What is it about?” co-host Joy Behar asked.

“It’s about man’s inhumanity to man, that’s what it’s about,” Goldberg said.

“But it’s about a White supremacist going after Jews and Gypsies,” guest co-host Ana Navarro said as Goldberg attempted to speak over her.

“But these are two White groups of people,” Goldberg said as her colleagues disagreed.


Jewish groups condemned the comments, accusing Goldberg of minimizing Jewish suffering.

Goldberg issued an apology, saying she stood corrected.

“As Jonathan Greenblatt from the Anti-Defamation League shared, ‘The Holocaust was about the Nazi’s systematic annihilation of the Jewish people – who they deemed to be an inferior race.’ I stand corrected,” Goldberg wrote in a statement.

ABC News president Kim Godwin suspended her for two weeks despite the apology.

“While Whoopi has apologized, I’ve asked her to take time to reflect and learn about the impact of her comments,” Goldberg said. “The entire ABC News organization stands in solidarity with our Jewish colleagues, friends and communities.”

However, Goldberg revived the controversy in December after she repeated the remarks that landed her in hot water during an interview, forcing her to apologize again. 

CNN+ streaming service shut down after one month

On March 28, CNN threw a swanky launch party for its new streaming service CNN+ on the eve of its highly publicized premiere. Executives, on-air personalities and reporters attended the soiree at an event space located on the 101st floor of Hudson Yards, overlooking Manhattan. For months, the network had been making headlines for its high-profile hires who were set to host their own programs including Eva Longoria, Chris Wallace, Jemele Hill, Kasie Hunt, Audie Cornish and Rex Chapman.

The next day, CNN’s streaming service launched with minimal fanfare and was swiftly mocked when leaked subscription data revealed startlingly low numbers.

WarnerMedia and Discovery completed a long-planned merger on April 8, putting CNN under the control of the newly formed Warner Bros. Discovery. Many industry insiders wondered why CNN even launched the service with the merger was looming, as Discovery CEO David Zaslav was known to have a different vision from previous management. It turned out that CNN+ critics were correct in their skepticism.

By April 21, Warner Bros. Discovery announced it would pull the plug on CNN+, only one month after the network’s much-hyped streaming service launched. The previous management team reportedly spent $100 million on development costs and had roughly 500 employees working on the service, but it failed to resonate with viewers and was quickly scrapped.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow reduces workload 

Rachel Maddow, who makes roughly $30 million per year, announced earlier this year that she would only host "The Rachel Maddow Show" once a week, on Monday evenings, so that she could focus on other projects. 

Rachel Maddow, who makes roughly $30 million per year, announced earlier this year that she would only host “The Rachel Maddow Show” once a week, on Monday evenings, so that she could focus on other projects.  (FOX)

Rachel Maddow, who has long been MSNBC’s biggest star, caused agitation for Comcast honchos in 2022 when she decided to scale back her workload.

Maddow, who makes roughly $30 million per year, shocked MSNBC viewers in April when she announced she would only be hosting “The Rachel Maddow Show” on Mondays to pursue other projects despite the enormous salary.

She previously competed for the title of “most-watched cable news host” during much of the Trump administration when she attracted a massive liberal audience, in part by pushing various conspiracy theories tying the former president to Russia.

“The Rachel Maddow Show” thrived off the left’s loathing of Trump, averaging 2.5 million viewers in 2017, 2.9 million in 2018, 2.8 million in 2019 and 3.2 million in 2020. However, media insiders speculated during the first year of Biden’s presidency in 2021 that Maddow was not long for the job, and in April 2022, Maddow returned from a lengthy hiatus and announced she would roll back her on-air presence.

Maddow now hosts “The Rachel Maddow Show” on Mondays only, leaving MSNBC without its cash cow for the remainder of the week. The network selected Alex Wagner to fill the coveted time slot Tuesday through Friday, but her program hasn’t been able to replicate Maddow’s success in the liberal zeitgeist.

CNN’s regime change

Jeff Zucker, left, was replaced by CNN chairman and CEO Chris Licht earlier this year.

Jeff Zucker, left, was replaced by CNN chairman and CEO Chris Licht earlier this year. (Mike Coppola/Getty Images)

CNN is now under the control of Warner Bros. Discovery after a long-planned merger was finalized in 2022, but the transition wasn’t exactly smooth. Jeff Zucker, who presided over the network prior to the merger, was forced out shortly before the deal became official. It was initially thought that he stepped down for failing to disclose a personal relationship with a fellow CNN executive, but it was eventually revealed he violated the network’s standards and practices.

Many believe Warner Bros. Discovery simply wanted a fresh face, after Zucker was known to be responsible for CNN’s dramatic shift to the left. However, many of CNN’s most prominent faces fawned over Zucker on his way out the door.

Warner Bros. Discovery eventually named media veteran Chris Licht as Zucker’s replacement, and he quickly made a series of polarizing decisions. Licht, who has been blamed by CNN insiders for low morale within the company, has been forced to lay off hundreds of employees and scrap entire units of the network.


CNN is set to finish 2022 with historically low viewership and went the entire year without naming a replacement host for the coveted 9 p.m. ET time slot that has been vacant since Chris Cuomo was fired in 2021.

Media embraces White House recession talking points

Liberal media outlets fell in line with the Biden administration's spin on redefining what a recession is.

Liberal media outlets fell in line with the Biden administration’s spin on redefining what a recession is. (Screenshot/Twitter)

Liberal media outlets fell in line with the Biden administration’s spin on redefining what a recession is over the summer ahead of the release of potentially devastating economic stats.

As economic data was set to be revealed showing two consecutive quarters of negative gross domestic product (GDP) growth, the White House preemptively declared that even if the U.S. economy had shrunk in two consecutive quarters, that didn’t necessarily mean the economy was in recession.


Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen asserted that two quarters of negative GDP growth is not the “technical definition” of a recession despite acknowledging that it is the “common” definition, defining it on NBC as a “broad-based contraction in the economy” based on a wide range of data.

White House Director of the National Economic Council Brian Deese echoed Yellen in citing the so-called “technical definition” of a recession, which he said on CNN involves a “much broader spectrum of data points,” and dismissed having “technical debates about backward-looking data.”

The media embraced and parroted the talking points.

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman told readers “there’s a pretty good chance” that GDP shrank in the second quarter, which will trigger “breathless commentary” about there being a recession. But he insisted “we won’t be.”

“That’s not how recessions are defined; more important, it’s not how they should be defined,” Krugman wrote.

Many other media outlets, including the CNN, Boston Globe, Politico, MSNBC, the Associated press and Bloomberg, also echoed the White House talking points.

NBC News mysteriously retracts Paul Pelosi report

In one of the strangest media controversies of the year, NBC News retracted a report in November after correspondent Miguel Almaguer suggested four days before the midterms that Paul Pelosi, the husband of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, might not have been in immediate danger before he was attacked in his San Francisco home.

Almaguer reported that police who responded to a 911 call from the Pelosi residence didn’t realize the House Speaker lived there, and that Paul Pelosi didn’t attempt to escape or declare an emergency before walking away from cops and back toward alleged attacker David DePape, who is accused of then assaulting him with a hammer.


The report that aired on “Today” stunningly contradicted the mainstream narrative. After the segment went viral on Nov. 4, NBC News retracted it that afternoon, scrubbing it from the internet and effectively vanishing Almaguer in the process. NBC declined comment throughout the process and refused to explain why the story was retracted aside from a vague line about not meeting standards.

Almaguer was sidelined from NBC News for over a month, although NBC News never admitted he was suspended on the record, and the Comcast-owned news division still hasn’t explained why the story was quashed. Almaguer has since returned but has not mentioned his weeks-long absence, or the report that NBC News mysteriously retracted.

Adding to the oddness of the story, a local NBC Bay Area report that same month had many of the same details as Almaguer’s.

The Washington Post’s week from hell

The paper known for its slogan “Democracy Dies in Darkness” should perhaps be more concerned about its own well-being after the disastrous week it had in June.

Then-reporter Felicia Sonmez went after fellow Post reporter Dave Weigel, who has since left the paper, for retweeting a joke critics deemed sexist while also putting the paper on blast.

“Fantastic to work at a news outlet where retweets like this are allowed!” Sonmez reacted.

Weigel was placed on a one-month unpaid suspension despite having removed the retweet and issuing an apology.

However, Sonmez’s tweetstorms berating her colleagues continued and began receiving public pushback from at least two colleagues, reporters Jose A. Del Real and Lisa Rein, who Sonmez also then attacked.

After Post boss Sally Buzbee urged staff to be respectful to one another, several prominent reporters expressed solidarity with the paper, all of whom were mocked by Sonmez.

Following six days of constant viral warfare towards colleagues and the Post, Sonmez was terminated. Weigel left later that year and joined Ben Smith’s new venture, Semafor.


The ordeal occurred days after the Post had to address the controversial 2018 op-ed penned by actress Amber Heard, which became the center of the explosive defamation lawsuit launched against her by ex-husband Johnny Depp.


In the op-ed, published just days before the release of her film “Aquaman,” Heard alleged she was the victim of domestic abuse, heavily implying Depp was her abuser without actually naming him. But during the stunning six-week trial, it was revealed that the ACLU had ghostwritten her op-ed. In the end, a jury found that Heard’s piece against Depp was in fact defamatory.

The following day, the Post issued an editor’s note acknowledging the verdict.

“In 2019, Johnny Depp sued Amber Heard for defamation arising out of this 2018 op-ed. On June 1, 2022, following a trial in Fairfax County, Va. Circuit Court, a jury found Heard liable on three counts for the following statements, which Depp claimed were false and defamatory: (1) ‘I spoke up against sexual violence — and faced our culture’s wrath. That has to change.’ (2) ‘Then two years ago, I became a public figure representing domestic abuse, and I felt the full force of our culture’s wrath for women who speak out.’ (3) ‘I had the rare vantage point of seeing, in real time, how institutions protect men accused of abuse,'” the note read, adding that the jury also found Depp had defamed Heard on one count through comments made by his lawyer Adam Waldman.

While the verdict was largely seen as an indictment of Heard’s credibility, some critics argued the Post should also be held accountable for publishing it in the first place.

That same week, the Post published a report headlined, “Who won the Depp-Heard trial? Content creators that went all-in.”

Authored by the Post’s left-wing “internet culture” columnist Taylor Lorenz, the article shined a light on how online influences thrived during the Depp-Heard trial. Cited in the piece were two YouTubers, “LegalBytes” host Alyte Mazeika and an anonymous user named ThatUmbrellaGuy, who Lorenz alleged had a spike in revenue for their coverage of the courtroom drama.

Included in the paragraph was a parenthetical statement reading, “Mazeika and ThatUmbrellaGuy did not respond to requests for comment.” Both Mazeika and ThatUmbrellaGuy pushed back at Lorenz’s report, claiming that not only did she mischaracterize their coverage of the trial and their earnings but how she did not actually reach out to them for comment in the first place. The Post was later caught stealth-editing its report when it scrubbed that sentence and was forced to issue multiple corrections.

Lorenz publicly blamed her editor for including the erroneous statement. The Post later shuffled Lorenz to a different team and reports alleged that the paper’s senior managing editor was “asked” to “review her articles before publication” going forward.

Fox News’ Ronn Blitzer contributed to this report. 


Links from other news sources. The Courts

Winning. Not in Florida. Federal appeals court backs Florida school district that blocked transgender student from using boys bathroom

Views: 39

Federal appeals court backs Florida school district that blocked transgender student from using boys bathroom. Yes the appeals court ruled in favor of normalcy.

The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals announced its 7-4 decision on Friday, ruling that the St. Johns County School Board did not discriminate against transgender students based on sex, or violate federal civil rights law by requiring transgender students to use gender-neutral bathrooms or bathrooms matching their biological sex.

Judge Barbara Lagoa wrote in the majority opinion that the school board policy advances the important governmental objective of protecting students’ privacy in school bathrooms. She said the district’s policy does not violate the law because it’s based on biological sex, not gender identity.


Links from other news sources.

What did Twitter start? Facebook considering bringing back President Trump.

Views: 30

My sources tell me that Twitter may have started something by bringing back President Trump.

Facebook owner Meta Inc is preparing to announce whether it will allow former U.S. President Donald Trump back on to Facebook and Instagram, the Financial Times reported on Sunday.

The social media giant had previously said it will decide by Jan 7 whether to allow the former president to return. However, that decision is now expected to be announced later in the month, the newspaper said, citing a person familiar with the matter.

Reuters first ran with this story. I believe January 7th is the big day.



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Oldie but goodie. The Biden cartel. Money laundering?

Views: 14

The Biden cartel. Money laundering? Thanks Breitbart.

I know this happened a few months back, but with so many progressives now following my articles, I feel I must bring them up to speed. In April, U.S. banks flagged over 150 suspicious financial transactions from Hunter and James Biden, according to CBS News. The wire transfers included “large” amounts of money tripped for further review by American banks.

Wire transfers have been the tool of choice for money launderers. To mitigate the risks to the financial institutions, suspicious wire transfers over $10,000 are flagged for review. Wire transactions involving more than $10,000 are also to be reported to the Internal Revenue Service.

“The focus is on day one are those bank violations and those bank records,” Rep. James Comer (R-KY) told Breitbart News. “We are pretty confident in what we’re going to find in those. We have two bank violations. We have some bank statements in hand, and we believe that suspicious activity reports, which are bank violations when the bank notifies the federal government that we’re pretty confident that our client has committed a crime, Hunter Biden and Jim Biden have at least 150 of those. And I’ve said this before, and I come from a strong banking background, I don’t think there’s anyone in the history of the United States that’s had that many suspicious activity reports.”



COVID Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Just putting this out there. The Six Major Fails of (Tony the Fauch) Anthony Fauci.

Views: 27

I know this is an old article and odds are we’re way past six. But this is a nice start. The Six Major Fails of (Tony the Fauch) Anthony Fauci.

When the pandemic hit, America needed someone to turn to for advice. The media and public naturally looked to Dr. Anthony Fauci—the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, an esteemed laboratory immunologist and one of President Donald Trump‘s chosen COVID advisers. Unfortunately, Dr. Fauci got major epidemiology and public health questions wrong. Reality and scientific studies have now caught up with him.

Here are six key issues:

1. Natural immunity

By pushing vaccine mandates, Dr. Fauci ignores naturally acquired immunity among the COVID-recovered, of which there are more than 45 million in the United States. Mounting evidence indicates that natural immunity is stronger and longer lasting than vaccine-induced immunity. In a study from Israel, the vaccinated were 27 times more likely to get symptomatic COVID than the unvaccinated who had recovered from a prior infection.

We have known about natural immunity from disease at least since the Athenian Plague in 430 BC. Pilots, truckers and longshoremen know about it, and nurses know it better than anyone. Under Fauci’s mandates, hospitals are firing heroic nurses who recovered from COVID they contracted while caring for patients. With their superior immunity, they can safely care for the oldest and frailest patients with even lower transmission risk than the vaccinated.

2. Protecting the elderly

While anyone can get infected, there is more than a thousand-fold difference in mortality risk between the old and the young. After more than 700,000 reported COVID deaths in America, we now know that lockdowns failed to protect high-risk older people. When confronted with the idea of focused protection of the vulnerable, Dr. Fauci admitted he had no idea how to accomplish it, arguing that it would be impossible. That may be understandable for a lab scientist, but public health scientists have presented many concrete suggestions that would have helped, had Fauci and other officials not ignored them.

What can we do now to minimize COVID mortality? Current vaccination efforts should focus on reaching people over 60 who are neither COVID-recovered nor vaccinated, including hard-to-reach, less-affluent people in rural areas and inner cities. Instead, Dr. Fauci has pushed vaccine mandates for children, students and working-age adults who are already immune—all low-risk populations—causing tremendous disruption to labor markets and hampering the operation of many hospitals.

3. School closures

Schools are major transmission points for influenza, but not for COVID. While children do get infected, their risk for COVID death is minuscule, lower than their already low risk of dying from the flu. Throughout the 2020 spring wave, Sweden kept daycare and schools open for all its 1.8 million children ages 1 to 15, with no masks, testing or social distancing. The result? Zero COVID deaths among children and a COVID risk to teachers lower than the average of other professions. In fall 2020, most European countries followed suit, with similar results. Considering the devastating effects of school closures on children, Dr. Fauci’s advocacy for school closures may be the single biggest mistake of his career.

4. Masks

The gold standard of medical research is randomized trials, and there have now been two on COVID masks for adults. For children, there is no solid scientific evidence that masks work. A Danish study found no statistically significant difference between masking and not masking when it came to coronavirus infection. In a study in Bangladesh, the 95 percent confidence interval showed that masks reduced transmission between 0 percent and 18 percent. Hence, masks are either of zero or limited benefit. There are many more critical pandemic measures that Dr. Fauci could have emphasized, such as better ventilation in schools and hiring nursing home staff with natural immunity.

5. Contact tracing

For some infectious diseases, such as Ebola and syphilis, contact tracing is critically important. For a commonly circulating viral infection such as COVID, it was a hopeless waste of valuable public health resources that did not stop the disease.

6. Collateral public health damage

A fundamental public health principle is that health is multidimensional; the control of a single infectious disease is not synonymous with health. As an immunologist, Dr. Fauci failed to properly consider and weigh the disastrous effects lockdowns would have on cancer detection and treatment, cardiovascular disease outcomes, diabetes care, childhood vaccination rates, mental health and opioid overdoses, to name a few. Americans will live with—and die from—this collateral damage for many years to come.

In private conversations, most of our scientific colleagues agree with us on these points. While a few have spoken up, why are not more doing so? Well, some tried but failed. Others kept silent when they saw colleagues slandered and smeared in the media or censored by Big Tech.

Some are government employees who are barred from contradicting official policy. Many are afraid of losing positions or research grants, aware that Dr. Fauci sits on top of the largest pile of infectious disease research money in the world. Most scientists are not experts on infectious disease outbreaks. Were we, say, oncologists, physicists or botanists, we would probably also have trusted Dr. Fauci.

The evidence is in. Governors, journalists, scientists, university presidents, hospital administrators and business leaders can continue to follow Dr. Anthony Fauci or open their eyes. After 700,000-plus COVID deaths and the devastating effects of lockdowns, it is time to return to basic principles of public health.

A version of this article originally appeared in Newsweek


  • Martin Kulldorff

    Martin Kulldorff, Senior Scholar at Brownstone Institute, is an epidemiologist and biostatistician. He is Professor of Medicine at Harvard University (on leave) and a Fellow at the Academy of Science and Freedom. His research focuses on infectious disease outbreaks and the monitoring of vaccine and drug safety, for which he has developed the free SaTScan, TreeScan, and RSequential software. Co-Author of the Great Barrington Declaration.

  • Jayanta Bhattacharya

    Jay Bhattacharya, Senior Scholar at Brownstone Institute, is a physician, epidemiologist and health economist. He is Professor at Stanford Medical School, a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economics Research, a Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, a Faculty Member at the Stanford Freeman Spogli Institute, and a Fellow at the Academy of Science and Freedom. His research focuses on the economics of health care around the world with a particular emphasis on the health and well-being of vulnerable populations. Co-Author of the Great Barrington Declaration.


COVID Links from other news sources.

A Bitch slapping moment. MSNBC contributor Katty Kay was ‘appalled’ her kids refused COVID boosters before holidays

Views: 17

An MSNBC contributor was taught a valuable lesson. Her two children said enough with the boosters, we refuse anymore jabs.

Katty Kay.

“But I had a strange conversation with my 22-year-old and my 16-year-old last night, and I said, ‘Okay, I booked you in for COVID updates, you’re both back for holidays, you’re going to get your boosters,’ and both of them said, ‘No, we don’t want to. We’ve had enough vaccines, and we don’t think we need them,’” Kay said. “I was sort of shocked and appalled.”

Sad when the children have to educate the adults.


Links from other news sources. The Border

Winning. Razor wire fencing seems to be working.

Views: 22


This does my heart good to see that there are states who are willing to protect the border. Governor Abbott has so far lived up to his promise to keep us safe and secure.

Migrant crossings have plummeted in a mile-long stretch of Downtown El Paso where the Texas Army National Guard has set up concertina wire and portable fencing along the Rio Grande.

The guard began setting up the barrier last week at a gap in the border wall west of the Paso del Norte port of entry. In the space of eight days, the barbed wire has nearly reached a second port of entry and chain-link fence anchored by sandbags extends even farther. The result is that asylum seekers can no longer walk across ankle-deep water in the Rio Grande and turn themselves in to waiting Border Patrol agents in that area.

“The difference is vast,” said 1st Sgt. Suzanne Ringle. “The 19th, the 20th and the 21st we had large groups of families and individuals who were wanting to come across. Now, it’s almost a ghost town out there.”

She attributed that to the “visual deterrent” of the barbwire, parked Humvees and soldiers patrolling the area with their semi-automatic rifles. As of Tuesday, 600 guard members were in El Paso on border security duty associated with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star.

We have this from the Governor.

Migrant crossings “plummet” in El Paso as Texas National Guard expands barbwire fence.

We will continue to deploy the National Guard, razor wire, large container boxes and building the wall to do all we can to deter illegal immigration caused by Biden.


Links from other news sources. The Border Uncategorized

Winning. Texas doing what Biden wont. Building barriers to keep the undocumented out.

Views: 4

Building barriers to keep the undocumented out. Yes Texas is doing the federal governments job. Keeping the undesirables out. The Texas National Guard has built two miles of razor wire fencing around El Paso. At the other end of the Texas border with Mexico, National Guard soldiers placed addition razor-wire border fending in strategic areas, Breitbart Texas reported.

In other locations along the border, the state expanded its use of shipping containers to extend border barriers. Maybe they can get the additional shipping containers from Arizona.

Major General Ronald “Win” Burkett described the 72-hour mission for the Guardsmen.

“They’re focused on deterrence, they’re focused on sending a message that unlawful crossings is not an option,” General Burkett stated. “You’ve got to go to the POE (Port of Entry).”

The general described the logistics of the operation with the Texas Air National Guard airlifting 400 soldiers and equipment to El Paso in four C-130 aircraft on Saturday morning.

The soldiers went to work at 4 a.m. to string the triple-level wire along the riverbank in El Paso. By Tuesday morning, the soldiers erected more than two miles of the barrier, CNN reported. Texas Military Department officials told the news outlet they will build more in the coming days.

During the past week, Border Patrol officials released nearly 6,000 migrants to NGO’s in El Paso or onto the city’s streets, according to the city’s Migrant Situational Awareness Dashboard. More than 10,000 were released the week before.

At the other end of the Texas border with Mexico, National Guard soldiers placed addition razor-wire border fending in strategic areas, Breitbart Texas reported.



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