Opinion Politics Sports

I’m sorry but they will always be the Cleveland Indians

I’m sorry but they will always be the Cleveland Indians. First let me say that even though the city of Cleveland is 65 miles from my home, I’ve always been a NY Yankees fan. But today I shed a tear for dear old Chief Wahoo.

The Cleveland Indians officially announced their new name on Friday.

The decision to change the name came last year amid racial tension in the U.S. as professional sports teams came under fire for having Native American monikers.

The choice of Guardians will undoubtedly be criticized by many of the club’s die-hard fans.

The organization spent most of the past year whittling down a list of potential names that was at nearly 1,200 just over a month ago. But the process quickly accelerated.

The baseball team will be known as the Guardians.


Biden Pandemic How funny is this? Opinion Politics

How funny is this? The left looking silly. Joe Biden has a town hall meeting and the hall was only 1/3 filled.

How funny is this? The left looking silly. So Joe had a town hall meeting, but it looks as if nobody cared.

The auditorium at President Biden’s town hall is barely half full, according to pool reporters covering the event.

Voice of America journalist Steve Herman posted video and photos that showed dozens and dozens of empty seats at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Ohio.

The town hall, which was broadcast on CNN, showed attendees packed into the front rows – shoulder to shoulder. Most of the crowd was unmasked as was the CNN staffers.

Herman said he asked the White House for an explanation about the audience size.

“When I queried @WhiteHouse officials about why the auditorium is only 1/3 full, the answer I got is: ‘Ask CNN.’” he said.


Biden Pandemic COVID Opinion Politics Stupid things people say or do.

Here’s how you bitch slap a bold faced liar. Call him out.

Here’s how you bitch slap a bold faced liar. Call him out. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) grilled Dr. Anthony Fauci during a hearing on the Chinese coronavirus Tuesday over his prior claim that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has never funded gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

As you know, the fauch has flip flopped so often, that I’m going to ask the US Olympic committee put forth a resolution that the fauch flip flopping be made a sport.

What’s really sad is that he hides behind junk science. If you have some fauch lies, go and post them.



Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

I know folks like this. Many ‘End Up Pretending to Agree’ with Certain Opinions on Race So They Don’t Get Embarrassed on Twitter.

I know folks like this. Many ‘End Up Pretending to Agree’ with Certain Opinions on Race So They Don’t Get Embarrassed on Twitter.

Rarely do I fear my tongue. I do admit that my wording is changed so the thought police who lurk here, cut, paste, and lie to social media about my articles. 

During an interview aired on Friday’s broadcast of PBS’ “Firing Line,” Columbia University Professor and author John McWhorter argued that many people “end up pretending to agree with ideas” on race because they’re afraid of being attacked on social media.

We have this from Professor McWorther.

 “So, the common idea that you get nowadays, black kids tend not to do as well on standardized tests. Well, instead of saying, how do we get black kids to do better on them? Which is something that has happened in the past, the new idea is that you say, let’s just get rid of the test. Because the test must be racist. You don’t have to specify how. But if the black kids don’t do as well on it, the test is a racist practice. That’s a real leap. That is a hyper-radical way of looking at things that I think most people, if presented with the mechanics of the argument, would think of as rather cruel, frankly, to black kids. That’s not the way to run a society, most of us would think. Some people might be able to make a case for it, but most of us wouldn’t agree with that. But, instead, we’re being taught that if you’re not an anti-racist, you’re bad, and we’re going to embarrass you on Twitter. And, as a result, many people end up pretending to agree with ideas like this.”



Biden Pandemic COVID Opinion Politics

So who’s putting out misinformation on COVID-19?

So who’s putting out misinformation on COVID-19? The Surgeon General is worried about misinformation out there being spread about COVID-19. Now he’s afraid about folks not being properly informed.

Now we have the CDC releasing this on vaccines and masks for school children.  Vaccinated teachers and students don’t need to wear masks inside school buildings, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday in relaxing its COVID-19 guidelines.

The nation’s top public health agency is not advising schools to require shots for teachers and vaccine-eligible kids. And it’s not offering guidance on how teachers can know which students are vaccinated or how parents will know which teachers are immunized.

But now we have the fauch saying children from the age of three need to mask up. And the county of  LA is saying mask up indoors. So will the surgeon general get on the fauch and LA county for their misinformation?

Opinion Politics Uncategorized

My two cents. Patriots in Cuba, Hong Kong, and Venezuela. But not in Blue States and Cities.

My two cents. Patriots in Cuba, Hong Kong, and Venezuela. But not in Blue states and Cities. Has anyone noticed how folks fighting for Democracy are waving American flags? Yes folks outside of the USA.

Recently I received an e-mail where a person was from the left, but was shocked that a white  progressive was bragging how they wouldn’t fly an American flag, but would fly three flags that were Italian flags. I guess a gift from Benito to one of his mistresses.

But folks in Blue states and cities are burning them. What am I missing? 

Trading every foreigner who loves the U.S. for every resident who hates it? Did Ben Shapiro just read my mind? I thought that exact thought today! And I completely agree.

Biden Pandemic Economy Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Reprint. Thanks Joe Biden. Why we need to change course in 2022. Inflation higher than expected in June as price index rises 5.4%.

Article can be found  here.


Thanks Joe Biden. Why we need to change course in 2022. Inflation higher than expected in June as price index rises 5.4%. But but the fed said this is just short term remember? Yeah right.

Inflation continued its rapid surge in June, rising its fastest pace in nearly 13 years, the Labor Department reported Tuesday.

The consumer price index increased 5.4% from a year ago, the largest jump since just before the financial crisis. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had been expecting a 5% gain.

Stripping out volatile food and energy prices, the core CPI rose 4.5%, the sharpest move for that measure since September 1991 and well above the estimate of 3.8%. On a monthly basis, headline and core prices both rose 0.9% against 0.5% estimates.


Education Opinion Politics Uncategorized

My two cents. Who are the folks that support CRT?

Who are the folks that support CRT? Besides the usual Union teachers, I see very few Minorities. Why is that? This CRT is supposed to make things right. Get rid of white supremacy. So what’s the dirty little secret? Those who are supporting CRT are mostly white progressives who are elderly and have no children in our school system.


Opinion Politics The Courts

Reprint. Federal Judge Won’t Block Challenged Parts Of Georgia Election Law For Now

Original can be found here.

Federal Judge Won’t Block Challenged Parts Of Georgia Election Law For Now.

A federal judge on Wednesday declined to block some challenged sections of Georgia’s new election law ahead of two runoff elections next week, but he didn’t rule out the possibility for future elections.

Election integrity activists had asked U.S. District Judge J.P. Boulee to prohibit the state from enforcing sections of the new law that have to do with observation of elections, as well as a new deadline for requesting absentee ballots. Their request arose from one of eight federal lawsuits challenging the new law.

The Republican-backed overhaul of election rules enacted this year has been blasted by Democrats and others who say it creates unnecessary obstacles to voting, particularly for people of color. Most of the lawsuits, including one filed last month by the U.S. Department of Justice, challenge the parts of law that critics say threaten voting rights.

The targeted request that led to Wednesday’s ruling didn’t focus on the most commonly criticized parts of the law. The challenged provisions mostly have to do with monitoring or photographing parts of the election process.

The activists, led by the Coalition for Good Governance, said the challenged sections of the law criminalize normal election observation activities and could intimidate voters, election observers and members of the news media. A tighter absentee ballot request deadline makes it virtually impossible to request an absentee ballot for a runoff, they argue.

Lawyers for the state countered that the provisions reinforce protections that were already in place and are necessary for election integrity.

Two state House districts held special elections June 15 and are set to hold runoff elections on Tuesday. Boulee wrote in his ruling that making changes now could risk “disrupting the administration of an ongoing election.”

Marilyn Marks, executive director of the Coalition for Good Governance, expressed disappointment but said she’s pleased that Boulee’s order was limited to the July runoffs.

“We’re concerned about the voter confusion that will no doubt occur with these little-known rapid changes to the rules,” she said.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said this is “just another in a line of frivolous lawsuits” against the state’s election law, adding, “We will continue to meet them and beat them in court.”

The challenged provisions prohibit observers from: intentionally observing a voter in a way that allows them to see how the person is voting; reporting anything they see during absentee ballot processing to anyone other than an election official; estimating or tallying the number of absentee ballots cast or any votes on the absentee ballots cast; and photographing the touchscreen of a voting machine while a voter is voting, or photographing a voted ballot.

The final challenged provision sets an absentee ballot application deadline 11 days before an election.

Boulee is presiding over all eight of the lawsuits challenging the state’s new law. He held a hearing last week on the narrow request at issue because the activists had asked for an emergency temporary ruling on those parts of the law. There haven’t been any similar requests for immediate action in the other lawsuits.

Boulee said in his order that he found the timing in this case problematic. The law was signed in late March and the request to block these provisions was filed the day before the House special elections, he noted. 

The law is now in effect and barring its enforcement, he wrote, “would change the law in the ninth inning.” But he said he reserves judgment on the propriety of taking steps to block any of the challenged parts of the law for future elections.

Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

Have you heard the latest? Being an indentured servant only pays about $176,000 a year.

Have you heard the latest? Being an indentured servant only pays about $176,000 a year. Yes my friends we have several folks from Congress who are not free. I call them indentured servants, but they say black folks aren’t free, so I guess they call it slavery.

Just think about this. Back in the day when Democrats legally owned slaves, did they ever think that some day they would be paying slaves about $176,000 a year?

So Congresswomen Bush and Waters can not enjoy the freedoms that white folks have. I guess $176,000 doesn’t buy that much.