Update on my invite list and some personal notes. Today I’ve decided to cover a few topics. First I’ve added more folks to my invite list. If anyone on my invite lists want off, just let me know. Also if you do not wish to be invited on political articles, please also let me know.
2nd. I want to thank all who have placed orders on the websites I manage. So far all the money I earned goes back into the channels. Updating channels and other miscellaneous uses. Amazon and E-bay are offering some great deals. You can go to Amazon or E-Bay from the links on the channels or the links below.
Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/?tag=analysis1-20&linkCode=ez
E-Bay. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com&campid=5338747452&toolid=10001&customid=home page
3rd. Mods and writers. I’m looking for folks who would be willing to mod or write articles. Recently we’ve had an increase of down voters. Steps have been added to cut down on the down voters. Some of it’s been traced to the lurkers from NV. . Now none of the regulars from NV have been banned. It seems as if the management and their socks are the culprits. Wishy has been added as a mod to help out.
Finally. I’ve been doing disqus for 11 years now. Started back in November of 2009. I’ve also had three trolls, lurkers, or what ever you want to call them, for 11 years. So Happy Anniversary.