
Think you’re safe cause you live in a blue state? Just ask New Mexico.

Think you’re safe cause you live in a blue state? Just ask New Mexico. OK you’re in a blue state and you voted for Joe. Happy days are here again? I don’t think so. Just ask the 100,000 New Mexico folks who stand to join the ranks of the unemployed. Here’s why.

The federal government’s 60-day suspension of new oil and gas leasing and drilling permits on public lands sent shockwaves through the industry in New Mexico and divided industry experts over potential impacts.

“It’s very much putting politics above science,” said Ryan Flynn, president and CEO of the New Mexico Oil and Gas Association.

The move would cost 72,818 jobs per year, totaling in $19.6 billion in lost wages and cause an overall economic decline of $43.8 billion, the study showed.

Tax revenues would drop by up to $10.8 billion in New Mexico, North Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, California and Alaska, read the study, by the end of Biden’s first term – states that make up 75 percent of U.S. onshore fossil fuel production.

By 2040, such policy would cause the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to decline by $670.5 billion and see up to 351,000 jobs lost across the west, the study read.


We’re winning in the House. Winning on a state and local level. And now with 75 million followers, we win the media wars.

We’re winning in the House. Winning on a state and local level. And now with 75 million followers, we win the media wars. So what does this all mean? This from our friends at American Thinker.

We have over 75 million followers.  That number is our floor, not our ceiling.  Our ranks are growing every day.  The more our ruling class attempts to suppress us, the faster our movement will grow.  Remember when the left used to warn us, “Don’t mistreat terrorists.  They’ll use it as a recruiting tool.”  They were right, and it applies here too.

Republicans control a majority of state governments now.  Republicans control 32 upper chambers (versus 18 for Democrats) and 30 lower chambers (versus 19 for Democrats and one TBD in Alaska).  Republicans are in the driver’s seat for reapportionment.  They’ve been on the receiving end of gerrymandering for a long time.  Now it’s their turn.

Getting the message out there is what’s needed. So as the MSM will do cover ups for the Biden administration, Conservative venues like ours will call them out.



So this is Christmas.

So this is Christmas. I won’t be around much today and only early morning Christmas Day. This has been a trying year for many. I’ve been fortunate that I didn’t need any type of surgery. First time in five years. I retired after working for 54 years.

From my family to yours, A very Merry Christmas. If you wish to invite someone and wish them a Merry Christmas or just wish to say hello, feel free.







Newsom picks Padilla for Senator. Is he better than the two affirmative action picks BLM wanted. Barely.

Newsom picks Padilla for Senator. Is he better than the two affirmative action picks BLM wanted. Barely. So the suspense is over. No more who will it be, a Latino or one of the affirmative action babes.

Padilla wins hands down. Where the gals were only interested in promoting hate groups like Antifa and BLM, Padilla was saying the right things. What he does in office is a horse of a different color.

The pro affirmative gang, the California Legislative Black Caucus and other groups pushed for Bass and Lee to replace Harris, noting that once she left the Senate there would be no other Black women in the chamber next year.


Throw it up against the Wall. Will Covid ruin your Holidays? Not mine.


Throw it up against the Wall. Will Covid ruin your Holidays? I can say that unless I get hit by a train or struck by lightning, It’s not ruining mine.

Here’s what I say. No way should you sit and hide. If you have family over or family invites you? Go. Now common sense says that those who are infected need to stay home. Now my sister and brother in law have covid. As do their three children. So no I go nowhere near them. Now they aren’t sick, they just all tested positive.

If you’re healthy and your family and friends are healthy, eat drink and be merry. Don’t hide and wait for the end. Go out, enjoy.

Here’s what the CDC says.

The following people should not attend in-person holiday gatherings

People with or exposed to COVID-19
Do not host or participate in any in-person gatherings if you or anyone in your household

Do not host or attend gatherings with anyone who has COVID-19 or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.

People at increased risk for severe illness
If you are an older adult or person with certain medical conditions who is at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19, or live or work with someone at increased risk of severe illness, you should avoid in-person gatherings with people who do not live in your household.



Texas Sues Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin at Supreme Court over Election Rules

Texas Sues Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin at Supreme Court over Election Rules. WOW! Now we will finally see if the Supreme court will rule. The state of Texas makes some great points, but do they have legal standing?

Texas argues that these states violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions, but not through the state legislatures. Additionally, Texas argues that there were differences in voting rules and procedures in different counties within the states, violating the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. Finally, Texas argues that there were “voting irregularities” in these states as a result of the above.

Texas approached the Supreme Court directly because Article III provides that it is the court of first impression on subjects where it has original jurisdiction, such as disputes between two or more states.


Fact check. Fake News? Opinion. Covid scare. I don’t think so. Regardless of what happens, we are all going to die.



Fact check. Fake News? Opinion. Covid scare. I don’t think so. Regardless of what happens, we are all going to die. Yes I’m sure that’s come as a shock to you, but one day all of us will die. But if you listen to the fauch and the jun science clown, all are going to die from the virus. Unless you lock down, close schools, or shut down the economy.

Well hopefully with the vaccine only weeks away, folks will settle down. No I don’t believe it’s a hoax, and yes many have died. But to treat this like the Spanish flu is ridiculous.

Now I’m not one like the two faced politicians on the left who continue to cry mask up and die. Then they’re out in public with no mask. I’m not one who says stay in. Then Politicians are seen out in Restaurants. I’m one who obeys the law, keeps my distance and lives life to the fullest.


Left wing hate groups are part of the groups being investigated. Georgia probing voter-registration groups ahead of critical U.S. Senate races.

Left wing hate groups are part of the groups being investigated. Georgia probing voter-registration groups ahead of critical U.S. Senate races. Remember these names. America Votes, Vote Forward and the New Georgia Project. Progressive groups trying to register folks illegally. This from Reuters.

Election authorities in Georgia have opened investigations into progressive groups trying to sign up new voters in advance of twin January elections that will determine control of the U.S. Senate, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said on Monday.


Raffensperger, a Republican, said his office was examining registration efforts by America Votes, Vote Forward and the New Georgia Project. He said some groups had been encouraging people who lived outside Georgia to register to vote in the state.

In some cases folks from outside the state are being asked to vote.. Also people are being asked to move to Georgia register than move back.

Raffensperger said during a news conference at the state Capitol that his office continues to investigate any credible claims of illegal voting and violations of state election law. His office currently has more than 250 open cases from this year, he said.

He singled out groups that he said are working to register people in other states to vote in a high-profile runoff election for Georgia’s two U.S. Senate seats. His office’s 23 investigators also continue to look into allegations of problems with absentee ballots, as well as claims of people who voted twice, people who cast a ballot in a dead person’s name and non-residents who voted in Georgia, he said.




It’s still not to late. Travel or have family over for Thanksgiving.

It’s still not to late. Travel or have family over for Thanksgiving. Don’t let the worry warts ruin your holiday.If you want to have your elderly parents over, do it. Invite your daughters or sons over.

Sure there will be folks locked up hiding under the table. And some will be hunkered down drinking their orange drink and eating their Popeye’s chicken ( tradition ). My family will not be in lock down. How about you? Travelling or staying home?


OMG. The Fauch got one right.

OMG. The Fauch got one right. The so called doctor has it wrong more times then I care to mention. But last week he finally got it right.  He went after those who are slamming the vaccines cause they happened under President Trumps watch. Operation Warp speed will be one program Joe Biden will be able to take credit for.

The clown governors of New York and California are out there criticizing cause President Trumps team lead these discoveries. I guess what bothers them the most is that every person who takes the vaccine and is cured will look up to heaven and say thank you God and President Trump.