COVID Opinion Science

My Johnson & Johnson Vaccination Was Canceled. How Mad Should I Be?

Views: 27

My Johnson & Johnson Vaccination Was Canceled. How Mad Should I Be? I’m totally pissed off. I was scheduled to get my one and done. Now I have to decide on how long I should wait. Yes we had six cases out of 7 million and they cancel it. Look at how many cases the other two drugs had. Nate Silver who I disagree with about 90% of the time got it right.

So I’m going to shelve my initial anger, mask up, and wait another month.

What say you?



Throw it up against the Wall. Will Covid ruin your Holidays? Not mine.

Views: 24


Throw it up against the Wall. Will Covid ruin your Holidays? I can say that unless I get hit by a train or struck by lightning, It’s not ruining mine.

Here’s what I say. No way should you sit and hide. If you have family over or family invites you? Go. Now common sense says that those who are infected need to stay home. Now my sister and brother in law have covid. As do their three children. So no I go nowhere near them. Now they aren’t sick, they just all tested positive.

If you’re healthy and your family and friends are healthy, eat drink and be merry. Don’t hide and wait for the end. Go out, enjoy.

Here’s what the CDC says.

The following people should not attend in-person holiday gatherings

People with or exposed to COVID-19
Do not host or participate in any in-person gatherings if you or anyone in your household

Do not host or attend gatherings with anyone who has COVID-19 or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.

People at increased risk for severe illness
If you are an older adult or person with certain medical conditions who is at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19, or live or work with someone at increased risk of severe illness, you should avoid in-person gatherings with people who do not live in your household.




Fact check. Fake News? Opinion. Covid scare. I don’t think so. Regardless of what happens, we are all going to die.

Views: 16



Fact check. Fake News? Opinion. Covid scare. I don’t think so. Regardless of what happens, we are all going to die. Yes I’m sure that’s come as a shock to you, but one day all of us will die. But if you listen to the fauch and the jun science clown, all are going to die from the virus. Unless you lock down, close schools, or shut down the economy.

Well hopefully with the vaccine only weeks away, folks will settle down. No I don’t believe it’s a hoax, and yes many have died. But to treat this like the Spanish flu is ridiculous.

Now I’m not one like the two faced politicians on the left who continue to cry mask up and die. Then they’re out in public with no mask. I’m not one who says stay in. Then Politicians are seen out in Restaurants. I’m one who obeys the law, keeps my distance and lives life to the fullest.


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