America's Heartland Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics The Courts The Law

Democrats just won’t take no on faulty mail in ballots in Pennsylvania.

Democrats just won’t take no on faulty mail in ballots in Pennsylvania. The left just refuses to give up. Last month the Third US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that mail-in ballots with no dates cannot be counted by Pennsylvania election officials.

In the past the PA Supreme Court had no issues with this and allowed it. Well the federal courts said no. So the Democrats tried again. and what happened? Democrat lawyers requested an en banc review (a decision from the court’s entire slate of judges) and the appeals court ruled against them.

In a 9-4 vote, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday denied a request for en banc review to reconsider whether the date requirement for mail-in ballots is enforceable in Pennsylvania.

Elections How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Voter Fraud

How can this be? Voter fraud in Wisconsin.

How can this be? Voter fraud in Wisconsin. I see and hear about stupid people all the time. But this one takes the cake. Kimberly Zapata, the deputy director of the City of Milwaukee Election Commission, was fired for committing election fraud.

Rep. Brandtjen received three authentic military ballots to her home addressed to “Holly,” a woman who has never lived there.

Zapata claimed that she was trying to prove how easy it was to commit voter fraud. But yet her boss who believes her fired her. Well the courts didn’t believe her.

A Milwaukee County jury has reached a verdict in the trial of Kimberly Zapata – and found Zapata guilty on all counts against her.

Zapata is the fired Milwaukee Election Commission deputy director accused of illegally requesting military ballots and sending them to the home of State Rep. Janel Brandtjen (R-Menomonee Falls).

Zapata did not testify in her own defense. She was charged with election fraud. Prosecutors say in 2022, she ordered military ballots using names she made up. Zapata told investigators she was trying to prove there is fraud in our election system. She said she never intended the ballots to be processed.

The full article can be found here.

Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Links from other news sources.

If true, how scary is this? More than 1-in-5 Mail-In Voters Admit to Cheating in 2020 Election.

If true, how scary is this? More than 1-in-5 Mail-In Voters Admit to Cheating in 2020 Election. A recent poll showed that more than 1-in-5 voters who submitted ballots by mail say they did so fraudulently. Some highlights from that poll.

The survey asked those who voted by mail in the 2020 election if they filled out a ballot “in part or in full, on behalf of a friend or family member, such as a spouse or child?” to which 21 percent said they had done so. Though many states allow voters to receive assistance while voting, the Heartland Institute notes, filling out ballots on behalf of another person is illegal across the United States.

In addition, 17 percent of mail-in voters in the 2020 election said they cast a ballot in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident — a violation of federal election law. Another 17 percent of mail-in voters said they signed a ballot on behalf of someone else, also a violation of election law. Another 10 percent of all voters said they know someone who admitted to casting a mail-in ballot in a state where they are not a permanent resident and 11 percent said they know someone who admitted to signing a mail-in ballot on behalf of someone else in the 2020 election.


Back Door Power Grab Elections Links from other news sources. Politics

If it can be proved. Senator Warnock’s Campaign Calls TN Man and Asks Him to Vote – The Man Records the ENTIRE CALL Then Posts It

This is going to be very hard to prove.

Raphael Warnock’s campaign called US Veteran and homeless advocate Dom Lucre this weekend and asked him to vote for far left Senator Warnock in the December runoff election. Dom Lucre lives in Tennessee.

And Dom recorded the entire call. The caller had the nerve to feed Dom the liberal lies about Republicans and their power and dark money, blah-blah-blah… Dom shot back that Democrats control everything. They control Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the media and all Republicans have is FOX News.

In a country where the authorities valued integrity, honesty, and fairness, this call would immediately be investigated and Warnock’s campaign would be punished. But we don’t have that today in the United States. You can commit any criminal act of voter fraud if you are a Democrat and it will not even be investigated.

Parts of this article was taken from here.


Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Politics Uncategorized

Democrat Charged with ‘Wide Scale’ Election Fraud in Philadelphia, ‘Forgery of Signatures’

Only THREE YEARS late…

by John Nolte

Attorney General and Governor-elect Josh Shapiro charged a Democrat campaign consultant with ‘wide scale’ voter fraud.

Here’s the pertinent information from the attorney general’s office:

Attorney General Josh Shapiro today announced the arrest of Rasheen Crews, a Philadelphia political consultant, for charges related to forging signatures on nomination petitions to get his clients on the ballot for the 2019 Democratic primary races in Philadelphia.

“In advance of the 2023 municipal elections, this arrest is an important reminder that interfering with the integrity of our elections is a serious crime,” said AG Shapiro. “By soliciting and organizing the wide scale forgery of signatures, the defendant undermined the democratic process and Philadelphians’ right to a free and fair election. My office is dedicated to upholding the integrity of the election process across the Commonwealth, to ensure everyone can participate in Pennsylvania’s future.”


Crews is charged with cheating in a Democrat primary. This means he cheated Democrats. If he had cheated Republicans, Shapiro wouldn’t do a thing.

Crews is alleged to have forged “thousands of signatures” to qualify his clients to have their names included on the ballot for some local 2019 Democrat primary races.

The petitions are said to have had over a thousand duplicate signatures. Some of the pages were photocopied and used again as separate pages. Some individuals whose names were on the petitions said they never signed.

And so, Crews is now charged with “criminal solicitation to commit forgery and theft by failure to make required disposition.”

What a stupid and lazy crime to commit.

Gathering signatures that qualify you (or your client) to appear on a ballot is not that difficult. I’ve done it, and almost no one says no if you ask. It’s only a matter of gathering supporters and going out to where the people are. If you’re going to pay people to forge a petition, why not pay them to gather legal signatures?

You see, it’s all about being a Democrat and believing you can be above the law because you’re a Democrat. The fact that you are a Democrat tells Democrats they can do whatever they want because they are virtuous, which means everything they do is virtuous simply because they do it.

And don’t get all happy that a Democrat politician is charging a Democrat here. Remember, this Crews guy is charged with cheating in a Democrat primary. This means he cheated Democrats. If he had cheated Republicans, Shapiro wouldn’t do a thing.

The Courts Uncategorized

Winning in the courts

Let’s face it. The best we can hope for is containment of voter fraud. Not going to stop it completely. I know that one of the loons who stalks this web site has in the past claimed that there was only one case of voter fraud ever and it was a Republican. So sad.

So far this year Republicans have had some nice wins when it comes to stopping voter fraud. No ballot harvesting in Arizona, No mass spreading of drop boxes in Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania court strikes down no excuse absentee voting. Let’s keep it up.

Corruption Crime Elections The Courts Uncategorized

Democrat County Supervisor indicted on 82 counts of voter fraud

The original article is here.

But we were told that voter fraud doesn’t exist. One loon in Northern California went as far as saying that in all 50 states that there was one case of voter fraud and it was a Republican.

A Democrat Virginia Board of Supervisors’ member has been indicted on 82 mostly election-related felony charges a Commonwealth Attorney announced May 3.

“The Special Grand Jury indicted Trey Adkins and Sherry Lynn Bailey for several election related offenses,” said  Commonwealth Attorney Zack Stoots in a Facebook statement. “Adkins was also indicted for embezzlement of public funds while being in a position of public office.”

“During each election cycle, Mr. Adkins relied on a number of absentee ballot applications and votes,” Clevinger reportedly said. “He personally campaigned to a number of homes in the Knox District and in 2019, took hundreds of ballot applications to residents, filled them out and turned them in to the local Registrar.”






Reprint. President Trump Joins Call Urging State Legislators to Review Evidence and Consider Decertifying ‘Unlawful’ Election Results

Reprinted from the Jewish Voice.


President Trump Joins Call Urging State Legislators to Review Evidence and Consider Decertifying ‘Unlawful’ Election Results.

President Trump spoke to 300 state legislators from the battleground states of Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia on Saturday in a Zoom conference call hosted by Got Freedom? in which the 501 (c) (4) non-profit election integrity watchdog group urged those lawmakers to review evidence that the election process in their states was unlawful and consider decertifying the results of the November 3 presidential election.

President Trump addressed the call for 15 minutes at the invitation of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Other featured speakers included Chapman Law School Professor John Eastman, Dr. Peter Navarro, Assistant to the President for Trade and Manufacturing (appearing in his personal capacity), John Lott, Senior Advisor, U.S. Department of Justice (also appearing in his personal capacity), and Liberty University Law School Professor Phill Kline.

Then on Saturday, as Breitbart News reported, 11 Republican senators said they would vote not to certify on Wednesday and would instead recommend the establishment of a commission to review the lawfulness of the election process in the disputed states in a full election audit. That commission would have ten days to review the evidence and report back to the joint session of Congress.

“This information should serve as an important resource for state legislators as they make calls for state legislatures to meet to investigate the election and consider decertifying their state election results,” Kline, who hosted the call on behalf of Got Freedom? said.


You tell me. Are We Sure There’s No 2020 Voter Fraud?

You tell me. Are We Sure There’s No 2020 Voter Fraud? After all you’ve read and heard, tell me that there’s no fraud. We have this from Santa Barbara’s Diane Dimond.

Shouldn’t we care that some states may have illegally changed the rules on mail-in and absentee ballots under the guise of pandemic protection? Critics passionately believe some of those changes invited fraud and violated state constitutions.

Shouldn’t the nine states that sent out massive numbers of ballots to everyone on their voter registration rolls reconsider that procedure? No consideration was given to whether those voters may have died, moved away or been convicted of a crime, making them ineligible to vote. All those unclaimed ballots floating in the ether were easy prey for the unscrupulous bent on tipping the outcome.

How can you argue with that?

This isn’t about who won. This is about how messed up our current national election process is. Will we learn a lesson now and move to make the voting process more trustworthy?


Poll. Was there an attempt to commit voter fraud? Trump has been saying this since 2016. Not Fake News.

[yop_poll id=”8″]


Poll. Was there an attempt to commit voter fraud? Now’s your chance to express your vote. You can also make a comment.

The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database presents a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. This database is not an exhaustive or comprehensive list. It does not capture all cases and certainly does not capture reported instances that are not investigated or prosecuted.

It is intended to demonstrate the vulnerabilities in the election system and the many ways in which fraud is committed. In addition to diluting the votes of legitimate voters, fraud can have an impact in close elections, and we have many close elections in this country. Preventing, deterring, and prosecuting election fraud is essential to protecting the integrity of our voting process.

Reforms intended to ensure such integrity do not disenfranchise voters and, in fact, protect their right to vote. Winning elections leads to political power and the incentives to take advantage of security vulnerabilities are great, so it is important that we take reasonable steps to make it hard to cheat, while making it easy for legitimate voters to vote.

To make this accurate, please vote. Don’t just leave a comment.