America's Heartland Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!) Lies Opinion Politics

Why are the young white folks joining folks of color in leaving the Democrat party? Racism, Bigotry, and Hate Speech.

Why are the young white folks joining folks of color in leaving the Democrat party? Racism, Bigotry, and Hate Speech.

It’s obvious that they’re tired of being taken for granted and told what they can do or say. Ever notice that at these riots the older white folks are mostly missing? Reminds me of the Union strikes. Membership is on the line but the higher ups only show up for photo ops.

James Carville.  “I think this issue is deep, and I think it’s a lot deeper than just progressive advocates or young people or college campuses. I hope the president can get some kind of ceasefire and take this off the front burner because, frankly, its damage politically is pretty substantial. And if we get to Chicago at the convention and this thing is still going on, I don’t want to think about what‘s going to happen there.”



Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Taxes

Joe and Kamala want the rich to pay their fair share. But they don’t.

Joe and Kamala want the rich to pay their fair share. But they don’t. Both pay less than what Joe wants the new rate to be. Now Joe paid around 23% and Kamala paid around 19% The new rate Joe wants?

Those making more than $400,000 a year would see their top tax rate on their income tax go up, from 37 percent to 39.6 percent. So the two didn’t even pay the 37%, so why raise it to 39?

Also Biden and Kamala paid 20% Capital gains tax. So will they pay the 39%?

Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Elections Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics The Courts The Law

Is it just me or do these NY judges and prosecutors look like the folks who are in prison?

Is it just me or do these NY judges and prosecutors look like the folks who are in prison? I mean just take a look at them. What a bunch of scary looking folks.

And the one judge, the silver fox. Born in Columbia. His father served as a military officer in Colombia. His dad also worked in Colombia’s intelligence service. Need I say more?

And what they all have in common? Political lawfare. To see some of the charges and the restrictions. Trump is not allowed to comment, but all the other folks involved are. How crazy is that?

Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Biden begs Ukraine to not bomb Mother Russia’s Oil Refineries.

Biden begs Ukraine to not bomb Mother Russia’s Oil Refineries.

There’s a false narrative that Mother Russia is no longer the darling favorite of Progressives. The claim now is that China and Iran are the new favorites. According to Joe, that’s just not true.

Biden administration has been urging Ukraine not to attack Mother Russian oil refineries, reportedly worried that strikes worsen the war and drive up energy prices.

I think it’s more than that. Don’t forget that Russia had donated to the Biden cartel in the past and Joe doesn’t want to anger a friend. Also remember that China(Joe’s other bud is Russia’s biggest customer).



Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Education Government Overreach Opinion The Law

One Law. One Page. Part 11. Paying back school loans and getting government out of the school loan business..

One Law. One Page. Part 11. Paying back school loans and getting government out of the school loan business. If I could pass one law on Education, this would be the one. First you remove the government from the school loan business and give it back to the banks.

Second you have the banks go after those who had their loans dismissed and give that money recovered to the banks. If not paid back the students are charged with a felony.

The loans were taken out with a promise that they would be paid back. Most of the students pay them back. But to allow a select few to not is criminal and those who don’t pay them back should be charged.

Biden Cartel Black Supremacy California. Commentary Corruption Crime Drugs Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Short and Sweet. Progressives in Action. Oakland, Philadelphia, and San Francisco.

Short and Sweet. Progressives in Action. Oakland, Philadelphia, and San Francisco. Below are videos of how Progressives run cities. Common scene nationwide. Today’s examples are Oakland, Philadelphia, and San Francisco. How did they miss Sacramento?

Sadly this is the norm. The joys of Democrat Progressive living.
There’s nothing like it. Democrat Party has a consistent track record of taking over the politics in an American city and turning it into a sh*thole in just a few short years.



Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption COVID Daily Hits. Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Media Woke MSM Reprints from others.

Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You.

Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You. Below are stories taken from the Vigilant fox’s website.


America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Why the IRS Still Focuses on the Middle Class.

Why the IRS Still Focuses on the Middle Class.

Of course, Joe never had no plans of going after the rich and famous. They gave him over 25 million in one night. So why should he go after part of his base. Here’s the WSJ take on this.

It should come as no surprise that Internal Revenue Service audits continue to target the middle class (“IRS’s Most Wanted: The $200,000 Man,” Review & Outlook, April 3). Any new agents the IRS can hire at a salary of $125,000 will be no match for the more experienced, high-end tax professionals employed by the wealthy. An easier way to recoup the cost of new agents is to go after the many filers who make good money, whose returns aren’t as complex, and who rely on more garden-variety tax advice.

Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Links from other news sources.

If true, not surprised. The real Joe Biden.

If true, not surprised. The real Joe Biden. Yesterday evening we saw Israel, US, Jordan, and the UK shoot down the missiles and drones from the Progressive country Iran. Unity. Saturday evening the real Joe Biden returned.


The U.S. will not back Israel in a counterattack on Iran, President Joe Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a phone call overnight Saturday into Sunday after Iran launched 300 missiles and drones at Israel.

The conversation’s details were first reported by Barak Ravid of Walla, an Israeli news website. Ravid reported (translation via Google Translate):

US President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Netanyahu in their phone call tonight that the US will not support an Israeli attack on Iran and will not take part in it, a senior White House official said this morning (Sunday).

“You won a victory today. Be content with this victory,” Biden told Netanyahu, according to a senior White House official.

The official in the White House said that when Biden told Netanyahu that the US opposes an Israeli attack on Iran and that it would not take part in such a move, Netanyahu said he understood that.

Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Drugs Links from other news sources. Medicine Politics

I can see why the DNC is paying Joe’s legal fees. Those drugs are expensive.

I can see why the DNC is paying Joe’s legal fees. Those drugs are expensive. We all have heard the allegations about how Joe’s on some type of drug to make him seem normal at times.

Remember how Joe and the DNC were bringing up about Trump using Campaign donations to pay Legal fees? Well Joey boy isn’t doing that ( not that we know of ).

Axios, citing the DNC’S financial filings, said the committee paid more than $1.5 million to attorneys representing Biden during the probe.

The news outlet said the payments are at odds with the Biden campaign’s recent criticism of former President Donald Trump for spending campaign funds on legal fees.

The report said the DNC’s financial filings revealed that from July 2023 to February 2024, just more than $1 million was paid by the DNC to Bob Bauers PLLC, which is the professional limited liability company for Bob Bauers, Biden’s lead attorney. Those payments largely were for handling the probe.