Biden Pandemic Government Overreach Lies Reprints from others. Tony the Fauch

Four Medications the Government Tried to Restrict During COVID and How to Legally Get Them

Views: 15

Four Medications the Government Tried to Restrict During COVID and How to Legally Get Them

The following content was sponsored by The Wellness Company on the original site, BREITBART.

Just a few years ago, it would have been unthinkable that our government would ever try to restrict access to certain drugs. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, opened our eyes to just how far our government would go to line the pockets of Big Pharma.

Here are four critical medications that might have been hard to get during the pandemic due to pressure from the government and big medicine:


Nobel-prize winning medicine demonized as “horse medicine” by the mainstream media and the FDA, Ivermectin is on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines.



An antiviral that has been used for 50 years for the treatment of various diseases, Hydroxychloroquine was smeared by the left and medical establishment after President Donald Trump advocated for it.



One of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics in history, Z-Pak is also a key component in early treatment protocols and thus came under fire by some in our crooked medical establishment.



Budesonide is an inhaled corticosteroid breathing treatment used to reduce inflammation in the airways and lungs.


Access to all of these critical prescription medications were limited or restricted, making them difficult for suffering Americans to get.

2024 is the year to be prepared.

We know what the globalists did in 2020, and we know they will do whatever they can to maintain power, which makes 2024 a potentially very dangerous year for Americans.

Warning: The following is their advertisement if not interested, stop here.

Unlike 2020, you don’t have to be caught unprepared, and that’s where the Wellness Company comes in.

The Wellness Company and its great doctors – like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Drew, Dr. Harvey Risch, and Dr. Jim Thorp – are regularly in the media fighting against the broken medical establishment.

Dr. Thorp, one of the nation’s leading critics of corrupt Big Pharma, believes that now – more than ever – people should be prepared for the next pandemic:

I’ve strongly recommended “stockpiling” critical medications including antibiotics since the turn of the century. This has been an incredible investment as many friends, family, and patients have benefited. Now, in the winter of 2024, this recommendation is even more crucial.

The ultimate safeguard for your health.

Be ready for the next crisis. This Contagion Kit contains an assortment of life-saving medications – including ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine. The Contagion Kit also includes a guidebook to aid in the safe use of these life-saving medications.

This kit is prescription-only – you can’t find it in any store or pharmacy. Simply fill out a short questionnaire after purchase and a trusted Wellness Company doctor will confirm your suitability and issue your prescription, Contagion Kit.

The Wellness Company Contagion Kit contains:

  • Azithromycin (generic Z-Pak) 250 mg – 12 tablets
  • Budesonide 0.5 mg/2 mL – 10 vials (plus nebulizer included)
  • Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg -20 tablets
  • Ivermectin 12mg – 25 tablets
  • 1 Contagion Kit Guidebook written by the Chief Medical Board for safe use.

What people are saying about the Contagion Kit:

This is the perfect emergency kit at the perfect price. Every home should have this for peace of mind. – Rebecca B.

This is absolutely great! I encourage everyone to buy one of these for emergencies!! – Melody H.

Peace of mind. It is an amazing peace of mind to have this kit in case of emergencies and shortages. The Wellness Company did an excellent job of getting this to me in a timely manner and I and thankful to have it. – Phyllis T.

Don’t be caught unprepared for whatever 2024 sends your way!

Never be without these critical drugs. Get the Wellness Company’s Contagion Kit – which contains all four of these drugs – TODAY!

Order the Wellness Company’s Contagion Kit today!


Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic COVID Daily Hits. Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

10 stories last week that should have been major news.

Views: 38

10 stories last week that should have been major news. Vigilant Fox does this weekly special. I just changed the title.

#10 – Secret recording catches Pfizer saying the quiet part out loud.

#9 – Boeing whistleblower John Barnett said before his death: “If anything happens to me, it’s not suicide.”

#8 – Dr. Phil GOES OFF on the CDC and Department of Education.

#7 – Joe Rogan warns we are empowering ‘evil’ with terms like ‘minor-attracted person.’

#6 – New study unearths alarming findings for people who got vaccinated after COVID infection.

#5 – Judge who refused to remove Fani Willis from her junk RICO case against Trump donated to Fani Willis’s campaign.

#4 – 16 Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Men to Compete in Women’s Sports

#3 – Trudeau’s Canada threatens life sentences for “hate.”

#2 – Dr. Pierre Kory reveals why Big Pharma is ‘terrified’ of Vitamin D.

#1 – Australian government introduces frightening legislation to parents resisting the New World Order.


Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Commentary COVID Links from other news sources. Medicine Science

When is the truth called a lie? When it’s Ivermectin.

Views: 92

When is the truth called a lie? When it’s Ivermectin. There was a recent study done on Ivermectin that actually showed that it worked. Here’s the numbers and you tell me.

People who received ivermectin were also less likely to be hospitalized or die, with 1.6 percent of ivermectin recipients being hospitalized or dying versus 4 percent of the comparison group, which received typical care, which in the UK is largely focused on managing symptoms. The time to self-reported recovery was a median of two days faster among the ivermectin recipients, according to the large UK study.

Ivermectin recipients also enjoyed a reduction of severe symptoms and sustained recovery, according to the study.The paper was published by the Journal of Infection on Feb. 29.

The study covered an open-label trial that involved 2,157 ivermectin recipients and 3,256 who received typical care from June 23, 2021, to July 1, 2022. Participants were randomized and reported symptoms and recovery


Back Door Power Grab Biden Pandemic Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Throw out the NY Bail. Eighth Amendment Protects President Trump.

Views: 49

Throw out the NY Bail. Eighth Amendment Protects President Trump. The Supreme Court in 2019 ruled 9-0 that the eight amendment protects Americans from exsessive fines. Ginsburg wrote the decesion in overturning the Indiana Supreme court.

The court held unanimously that the excessive fines clause of the Constitution’s Eighth Amendment applies to the states. The ruling is potentially a major win for property owners and individual citizens facing excessive fines, fees, and forfeitures—to say nothing of Tyson Timbs, the man who fought the seizure of his SUV all the way to the Supreme Court.


Biden Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Commentary COVID Links from other news sources.

How did we miss this? FDA adds a warning to Covid-19 vaccines about risk of heart inflammation.

Views: 22

How did we miss this? FDA adds a warning to Covid-19 vaccines about risk of heart inflammation. Back in June of 2021 The FDA added a warning about the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis to fact sheets for Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccines.

Did the doctors, clinics, or folks giving the shots advise the folks as they got the shots for themselves or their children? If you got this warning beforehand, would you have taken the jab?

This from CNN is almost three years old, and folks are still getting sick and dying from myocarditis and pericarditis. So, when another vaccine for COVID comes out, will you or your child or grandchild get the next jab?


Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Tony the Fauch

Fauci’s Damning Testimony to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic

Views: 23

WASHINGTON — Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) issued the following statement after day one of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s two-day, 14-hour transcribed interview:

“Dr. Fauci’s testimony today uncovered drastic and systemic failures in America’s public health systems. While leading the nation’s COVID-19 response and influencing public narratives, he simultaneously had no idea what was happening under his own jurisdiction at NIAID. Dr. Fauci signed off on all domestic and foreign research grants without reviewing the proposals and admitted that he was unaware if NIAID conducted oversight of the laboratories they fund. Clearly, the American people and the United States government are operating with completely different expectations about the responsibilities of our public health leaders and the accountability of our public health agencies.

It is also concerning that the face of our nation’s response to the world’s worst public health crisis ‘does not recall’ key details about COVID-19 origins and pandemic-era policies. Nearly 1.2 million Americans lost their lives to a potentially preventable pandemic. I look forward to asking Dr. Fauci further questions about mandates, his role in prompting the ‘Proximal Origin’ publication, and his policy positions related to masks and lockdowns. Tomorrow’s testimony will continue the Select Subcommittee’s effort to deliver the answers Americans demand and deserve.”


The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic questioned Dr. Anthony Fauci for seven hours yesterday (Jan 8, 2024) about his role during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Fauci’s testimony uncovered drastic and systemic failures in America’s public health systems.

Key highlights by the Select Subcommittee from Dr. Fauci’s testimony:

  • Dr. Fauci claimed he “did not recall” pertinent COVID-19 information or conversations more than 100 times.
  • Dr. Fauci profusely defended his previous testimony where he statedthat NIH does not fund gain-of-function research in Wuhan.
  • He repeatedly played semantics with the definition of gain-of-function in an attempt to avoid conceding that NIH funded this dangerous research.
  • Dr. Fauci testified that he signed off on every foreign and domestic NIAID grant without reviewing the proposals.
  • A 2020 email, previously released by the Select Subcommittee, proved Dr. Fauci was aware of dangerous gain-of-function research occurring in Wuhan, China. Today, he backtracked by arguing he should not have stated that as “fact.”
  • Dr. Fauci was unable to confirm if NIAID has ANY mechanisms to conduct oversight of the foreign laboratories they fund.
  • Clearly, the American people and the United States government are operating with completely different expectations about the responsibilities of our public health leaders and the accountability of our public health agencies. More accountability coming soon!

Why is this guy NOT in jail? — TPR



Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Commentary COVID Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Just Putting this out there. Vaccines and Long COVID.

Views: 28

Just Putting this out there. Vaccines and Long COVID. Below are portions about the threat of Long COVID especially for the folks who are into getting the JAB. One of the links below also show how a popular drug for COVID has reverse results in some folks.

Paxlovid May Not Be Associated With Lower Long COVID Risk, Survey Suggests
One in five of treated with the agent reported rebound COVID symptoms, researchers found.


Nirmatrelvir-ritonavir (Paxlovid) did not reduce the odds of developing long COVID in vaccinated, non-hospitalized adults, survey data showed.

About 16% of those treated with nirmatrelvir-ritonavir during acute infection with SARS-CoV-2 self-reported long COVID symptoms that persisted for 3 months or longer after infection, compared with 14% of those who were not treated with the medication (P=0.310), noted Matthew Durstenfeld, MD, of Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, and colleagues in the Journal of Medical Virologyopens in a new tab or window.

The survey data also showed a high rate of rebound among participants who took nirmatrelvir-ritonavir. About 21% of participants who had symptomatic improvement with the agent went on to report rebound symptoms. Also, nearly 26% of patients who completed treatment and tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 reported a subsequent positive antigen test, indicating rebound.




Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Commentary Economy Education Links from other news sources.

4TH year in a row that folks are leaving California. That’s OK, the undocumented and Hamas supporters will fill in the gap.

Views: 9

4TH year in a row that folks are leaving California. That’s OK, the undocumented and Hamas supporters will fill in the gap. Yes my friends, we have the latest U-Haul flight list just out and guess who’s on top of that list? California is not the place to be.

For the fourth year in a row, liberal California topped U-Haul’s Growth Index list for having the largest net outbound movers in 2023. Don’t fret, the undocumented and Hamas supporters won’t abandon you.

U-Haul publishes its Growth Index report every year, analyzing the difference between the number of one-way U-Haul trucks coming into a state or city and those leaving. If a mover relocates from California to Texas, for example, that would be calculated as Texas’s gain.


Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Links from other news sources. Medicine The Courts The Law

Covid Vaccine Injury Suit May Fuel Federal Overhaul, Litigation.

Views: 33

Covid Vaccine Injury Suit May Fuel Federal Overhaul, Litigation. Bloomberg Law has a great article on how litigation on COVID Vaccine injuries are being handled.

We may never know how many thousands if not millions suffered and in many cases died from the vaccines worldwide. Hopefully this lawsuit will help and bring more claims forward.

Lawyers say the move could spur Congress and the Department of Health and Human Services to reform how they handle vaccine injuries, as well as push more of the individuals alleging injuries to not just sue the government, but the drugmakers that the program is meant to shield from litigation.



Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Commentary COVID Daily Hits. Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Medicine Opinion Politics Reprints from others. WOKE

Headlines making the news.

Views: 18

Headlines making the news. Today we have a very long list of what’s happened and is happening around the world. See if any of the topics peaks your interest, and feel free to comment.

At a campaign event, former President Donald Trump said he “aced” his recent cognitive examopens in a new tab or window. (The Hill)

The cinnamon applesauce pouches linked to high lead levels in dozens of U.S. kids may have been intentionally contaminatedopens in a new tab or window, a top FDA official suggested. (Politico)

The CDC issued an “urgent” alert about the low vaccination ratesopens in a new tab or window for flu, COVID, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and called on healthcare providers to administer shots now to protect patients.

Meanwhile, AstraZeneca and Sanofi announced plans to ship another 230,000 dosesopens in a new tab or window of their monoclonal antibody for protecting infants from RSV to the U.S. market. (Reuters)

Healthcare companies are signing on to the U.S. plan to ensure the safe development of artificial intelligenceopens in a new tab or window in healthcare. (Reuters)

Hundreds of women have been denied emergency abortions in Texasopens in a new tab or window since the state’s near-total ban, a STAT analysis revealed.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) says he’ll propose a plan to cut prescription drug costs by 50%opens in a new tab or window. (Endpoints News)

A well-known fertility doctor and former Harvard Medical School professor used his own sperm to inseminate a patientopens in a new tab or window in 1980, a new lawsuit alleges. (Washington Post)

Disgraced “Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreliopens in a new tab or window asked an appeals court to overturn the ban from him working in the pharmaceutical industry. (Bloomberg)

The FDA warned multiple companies for selling unapproved antimicrobials for animalsopens in a new tab or window, saying that many of the treatments are used in humans and could contribute to antimicrobial resistance.

The World Health Organization is urging governments to ban all flavors of e-cigarettesopens in a new tab or window. (Reuters)

Does that patient really have a penicillin allergyopens in a new tab or window? (NBC News)

In order to succeed, HIV vaccine candidatesopens in a new tab or window may need to induce strong immune responses from CD8+ T cells, researchers reported in Science.

A New York doctor who appeared on the Bravo reality series “Below Deck” was charged in an alleged fake opioid prescription schemeopens in a new tab or window that used the names of his fellow cast members. (AP)

CNN interviewed victims of the war in Gazaopens in a new tab or window at a field hospital in Rafah.

The Smithsonian collected dozens of human brainsopens in a new tab or window from vulnerable individuals, many without consenta Washington Post report revealed.

North Carolina is suing HCA Healthcareopens in a new tab or window, alleging that it breached terms of the takeover agreement with Mission Health and has “degraded” care at the former nonprofit. (STAT)

A Texas man pleaded guilty to threatening to kill a Boston doctoropens in a new tab or window who specializes in treating transgender youth. (NBC News)

Emergency contraception useopens in a new tab or window among American women more than doubled since the morning-after pill was approved to be sold without a prescription (from 10.8% in 2006-2010 to 26.6% in 2015-2019), according to CDC data.

A Maine nurse was arrested for her alleged role in the January 6 Capitol riotopens in a new tab or window, the FBI said. (WMTW)

Heart failure patientsopens in a new tab or window in lower socioeconomic neighborhoods were more likely to be non-adherent to guideline-recommended medication. (JAMA Network Open)

Here are NPR‘s top five ‘viral’ storiesopens in a new tab or window from the year.

Singer Patti Smithopens in a new tab or window was discharged from a hospitalization in Italy following a “sudden illness.” (People)


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