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Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You.

Views: 53

Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You. Below are stories taken from the Vigilant fox’s website.



America's Heartland Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Links from other news sources.

Power grab or looking to add wealth? Soros buying radio stations.

Views: 8

Power grab or looking to add wealth? Soros buying radio stations.

So what’s George up to? Some say he’s out to eliminate Conservative talk. Replace it with Liberal hate speech. That’s never worked in the past. Say what you will about the loon, but he’s a smart businessman. He didn’t become a billionaire on his looks. This from Semafor.

In February, the company became the largest shareholder in Audacy, the bankrupt second-largest radio company in the U.S., with more than 230 U.S. stations and a podcast arm that includes Cadence13 and Pineapple Street Studios. In 2022, Soros invested an undisclosed amount in Crooked Media, the liberal podcast network behind the ultra-popular Pod Save America. And a Soros-backed firm played a crucial role in Univision’s $60 million sale in 2022 of 18 Hispanic radio stations to a new firm run by veterans of Democratic politics. The deal, which included conservative Cuban powerhouse broadcasters in Miami, drew opposition from Republican members of Congress.

The fund has also privately discussed acquiring other major radio companies, such as the limping, publicly traded Cumulus Media. (Regulations limiting ownership of radio stations put limits on such mergers.)


The fund’s lead media investor, Michael Del Nin, met with a number of major figures in digital media and audio over the last year, including the podcast company Project Brazen. It has also eyed several potential companies for acquisition, including Pushkin Industries, the podcast company from Malcolm Gladwell and Jacob Weisberg, and Lemonada, the network best known for its interview show hosted by Julia Louis-Dreyfus, people familiar with the conversations said. Another podcast industry insider told Semafor that Lemonada is in the midst of a formal process to find a buyer, but that some potential suitors have balked at its high asking price.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Crime Free Speech Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics The Law Uncategorized Weaponization of Government.

Garland claims he must protect Biden no matter what. Refuses to release Biden Audio.

Views: 11


America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

View from the center right. Democrats’ Sanctimonious and Anti-male Messaging is Driving an Exodus of Young Men From the Left

Views: 52


View from the center right. Democrats’ Sanctimonious and Anti-male Messaging is Driving an Exodus of Young Men From the Left. Don’t confuse her with some of the more Conservative women out there. She definitely is Conservative, but closer to the center.

American journalist Megyn Kelly recently delved into a phenomenon that has been gaining attention: the departure of young men from the political left. In a conversation with Maureen Callahan from The Daily Mail, Kelly explored the reasons behind this trend, juxtaposing it with the rise of male podcasters like Joe Rogan.

She highlighted the case of Whoopi Goldberg’s reaction to former President Trump’s attendance at a fallen police officer’s funeral, contrasting it with her support for left-leaning politicians who have faced criticism for their handling of law enforcement issues.


Affirmative Action Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Education Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Stories we sometimes miss. Constitutional Scholars, Black Conservatives, Asian Americans praise ruling banning affirmative action.

Views: 11

Stories we sometimes miss. Constitutional Scholars, Black Bonservatives, Asian Americans praise ruling banning affirmative action.

A collective cheer rang out Thursday from a variety of constitutional scholars, black conservatives and Asian American students and supporters after the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a decision banning race-based admissions practices as unconstitutional.The nation’s highest court on Thursday released a 237-page opinion in Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College in which a 6-3 majority determined that Harvard’s and the University of North Carolina’s admissions policies violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

“Today’s victory … belongs to thousands of sleepless high schoolers applying to colleges,” Calvin Yang, a member of Students for Fair Admissions and a rising junior at the University of California Berkeley, said at a news conference Thursday afternoon.

Yang said he was rejected from Harvard University because of its affirmative action policies and he chose to join SFFA to stand up for those who have suffered.

The victory “belongs to those with the last name of Smith or Lee, Chen or Gonzales; it belongs to all of us who deserve a chance. … We can rejoice in the fact that our children will be judged based on their achievements and merits alone,” Yang said at the news conference.

Several black conservatives also chimed in Thursday on social media and in news releases, arguing the decision is a win for the black community.

“Years from now, black students admitted to top schools will say Thank you Supreme Court for a decision that removes the perception the only reason I got in is due to my race. You re-established merit as the core criteria to be considered against a standard bar of excellence,” stated Ian Rowe, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, on Twitter.


The Project 21 Black Leadership Network also published a news release Thursday that cited a parade of scholars praising the decision.

“Using discriminatory practices to supposedly remedy past discrimination was always going to be a recipe for disaster,” said Project 21 Ambassador Christopher Arps. “…Today’s Supreme Court decision is a decisive victory towards Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream of a colorblind society.”

Project 21 Ambassador Melanie Collette added: “For years, blacks have been told their achievements are not solely their own, and that their skin color somehow played a role in their successes. It’s insulting and demeaning to suggest that blacks couldn’t have done this without affirmative action’s handout.”

The justices ruled in Students for Fair Admissions that the affirmative action policies instituted by these major universities are unconstitutional.

Constitutional scholar GianCarlo Canaparo with the Heritage Foundation also joined the chorus of praise for the decision.

“For too long the court has allowed universities to use stereotypes to racially balance their student bodies. Today that ends,” he told The College Fix via email on Thursday.

Constitutional scholar Adam Feldman, creator of Empirical Scotus, said the ruling has far-reaching implications for both public and private colleges and universities.

“This ruling not only encompasses public universities but through the Harvard decision also includes universities accepting federal funds as a violation of Title VI. Once the Supreme Court granted these cases the most obvious hypothesis was that the Court would overturn affirmative action with the new conservative supermajority,” Feldman told The Fix via email.

Both Feldman and Canaparo said they expect lower courts will experience more litigation as a result of the decision and admissions officials will now use loopholes to continue to administer race-based enrollment decisions.

Universities “may not use race explicitly, but they’ll give advantages and disadvantages to zip codes and high schools where they know they will find high proportions of the races they like and the races they don’t like,” Canaparo said.

Courts will be forced to “draw a line in the sand delineating how race can no longer play a role in university admissions,” Feldman added. “The magnitude of this decision and its expansiveness should not be understated.”

“It is tricky to predict repercussions beyond the decision’s clarity of race based admissions violating the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment and that this will be applied in all future and pending litigation.”

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the majority opinion, and was joined by conservative Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett; Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson, the liberal side of the bench, dissented.

In his concurring opinion, Justice Gorsuch quoted Bostock, which determined that employers must exercise sex-blindness when making employment decisions. Even though Title IX – which provides clear protections for sex-specific spaces, including athletics – was not mentioned in the opinion, it is unclear how Justice Gorsuch’s inclusion of Bostock will impact future court decisions involving the Civil Rights Act, some scholars say.

Despite what litigation may follow, students say they are hopeful that the court’s majority opinion will provide a brighter future for students, properly awarding merit rather than judging students based on the color of their skin.

“Today’s decision has started a new chapter in history and the saga of Asian Americans in this country. It marks the promise of a new beginning,” Yang said at Thursday’s news conference.

Another student of color who weighed in Thursday was Grove City College’s Isaac Willour, who wrote a piece for the Lone Conservative headlined “Why I welcome the death of affirmative action.”

“The things that allow non-white Americans to rise in today’s society are the things that allow everyone to rise: ingenuity, dynamism, personal drive, and good choices. To claim that such virtues can be encapsulated or accurately measured by skin color is inherently racist,” wrote Willour, who is also an alumnus of The College Fix.

MORE: Supreme Court strikes down affirmative action in landmark decision

IMAGE: Lazy Llama / Shutterstock


Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Elections Free Speech Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Biden has done something no one else has. Created a Banana Republic.

Views: 11

Biden has done something no one else has. Created a Banana Republic. Weaponization of the DOJ. Political witch hunts. Indicting political opponents. Refusing Secret Service protection to political opponents. The list goes on and on.

JD Vance. “I object to this because we are living in a banana republic where the President is using his Department of Justice to go after his chief political rival, the person he will appear on the ballot with in about a year. If the Department of Justice will use these nominations for law instead of politics, I am happy to end this hold policy, but so long as the Department of Justice uses its nominations and uses its personnel to go after its political opponents from the President of the United States on down, I will object. Because of that, Madam President, I do object.”


Biden Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Censorship Corruption COVID Links from other news sources.

COVID. What we know.

Views: 16

COVID. What we know. So much was kept from us. To me the biggest lie was about the school lockdowns and how the children would be dropping like flies. Guess what/ IT WASN’T THE YOUNG THAT WERE DYING.

Tony the Fauch, CDC,WHO, and the FDA to name a few outright lied. It was the elderly who were dying, and they were being ignored. See the chart below.


Exposing the COVID Lies.


Affirmative Action Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Censorship Commentary Corruption Journalism. Links from other news sources. White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

No Virginia, MSNBC is not a News Channel.

Views: 15

No Virginia, MSNBC is not a News Channel. There’s a misconception that MSNBC is a News Channel. That’s crazy. Nothing but NBC News rejects and dregs of Society.

This latest fiasco has the big wigs at NBC throwing each other under the bus with the Ronna incident. Even the AA person who was reported to be a supporter of hiring Ronna has back tracked.

We’re told Jones was sending individual texts and making phone calls to her talent in an effort to distance herself from the hire after the backlash.



America's Heartland Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Corruption Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

Judicial Watch Moves to Reopen Biden Senate Records Lawsuit.

Views: 10

Judicial Watch Moves to Reopen Biden Senate Records Lawsuit. Since the Hur report, more information came out that alleges that the University of Delaware wasn’t truthful when they claimed that no taxpayer money was used to process the Biden Cartels papers.

Judicial Watch announced today that it and the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) petitioned the Superior Court of the State of Delaware to reopen their case for the release of Joe Biden’s Senate records kept at the University of Delaware in light of the findings of Special Counsel Robert Hur that contradict representations made under oath made by the University of Delaware that no taxpayer money was used to process Biden’s records. 


The whole Judicial Watch article is here.


Biden Cartel California. Censorship Commentary Free Speech Links from other news sources.

Judge allows Gaetz and Greene to go forward with their lawsuit against California cities.

Views: 20

Judge allows Gaetz and Greene to go forward with their lawsuit against California cities. Three California venues that were slated to hold “Put America First” rallies in 2021 canceled their plans amid concerns over the divisiveness of the lawmakers. The event was originally planned to be held in Laguna Hills, then moved to Riverside and finally to Anaheim.

Judge Hernán Vera wrote that Greene and Gaetz had adequately convinced the court that the cities of Anaheim and Riverside plausibly canceled their 2021 event based on “viewpoint discrimination.” The ruling allows the reps to press forward their case against the cities.

Well, known Progressive hate groups were added to the lawsuit. The NAACP and the League of Women Voters, along with others. This upset the judge who claimed those groups had first amendment rights.



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