Biden Biden Cartel Child Abuse Corruption Democrat Emotional abuse How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Politics Reprints from others. The Law

Scranton Finally Turns on Biden as Officials Demand Removal of His Name from Landmark

President Joe Biden has proudly referenced his roots in Scranton, Pennsylvania, on countless occasions.

But after he pardoned a judge involved in a cash-for-kids program that jailed thousands of juveniles in northeastern Pennsylvania, the Electric City is no longer feeling that spark of love.

The newly elected Pennsylvania Republican State Rep. Brenda Pugh called on officials in Scranton to remove Biden’s name from expressways labeled in his honor after he pardoned former Luzerne County Judge Michael Conahan.

That now-disgraced official was convicted after taking kickbacks in exchange for sending juveniles to jail for committing minor crimes, or committing no crime whatsoever, according to PAHomepage.

Pugh said the fact that Biden pardoned Conahan was a disgrace that merits renaming the “President Joe Biden Expressway,” originally named for the commander-in-chief by the Scranton City Council in 2021.

“Conahan’s conduct is forever a blight on Pennsylvania and is a slap in the face to the victims and their families who deserve justice to be served for his atrocious crimes,” Pugh wrote, per PAHomepage.

“His clemency places complicity and a stamp of approval on his behavior,” she continued. “Children are among the most vulnerable Pennsylvanians. This decision is nothing short of a travesty and his clemency is a miscarriage of justice.”

Pugh is far from the only Pennsylvania official to express concern over the presidential pardon.

Even Pennsylvania Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro cringed at the pardon of the corrupt official.

“I’ll offer these thoughts as an outsider, not privy to all the information he looked at, but I do feel strongly that President Biden got it absolutely wrong and created a lot of pain here in northeastern Pennsylvania,” Shapiro said last week, per the Pennsylvania Capital-Star.

“Some children took their lives because of this. Families were torn apart,” Shapiro said of the original scandal. “There was all kinds of mental health issues and anguish that came as a result of these corrupt judges deciding they wanted to make a buck off a kid’s back.”

It is indeed rather difficult to see why Biden deserves to have any highways named in his honor.

This cash-for-kids scheme was clearly the last straw for at least some in Scranton.

But there are plenty of reasons to remove his name from that highway and other infrastructure in the city named for him.

Even beyond his mismanagement of the economy, his overseeing of several new wars around the globe, and his clear mental decline covered up by staffers over the past four years, Biden and his family are themselves likely corrupt, as their foreign business dealings in places like Ukraine and China would indicate.

Our outgoing president is no fan of justice.

Highways should simply not be named for those who have problems staying on the straight and narrow.

Given the sheer number of pardons and commutations Biden made — and his obvious cognition problems — it’s quite obvious that he didn’t know what he was signing. (So who drew up that list?) –TPR

Abortion rights? Child Abuse Crime Drugs Links from other news sources. Medicine The Law

Texas sues New York Doctor. Why this is important.

Texas sues New York Doctor. Why this is important.

This is a one of a kind case. A few weeks back this was covered by much of the MSM. Here’s what they left out or glossed over.

Texas is suing a New York doctor for allegedly sending abortion pills to a woman in the state, which resulted in the death of an unborn child and serious complications for the mother.

The complaint alleges that in May 2024, a 20-year-old woman became pregnant but did not tell the father of the unborn baby. She had a healthy pregnancy but ultimately decided she wanted an abortion, so she allegedly ordered abortion pills online through Carpenter, the complaint states.

On July 16, she asked the father of the baby to take her to the hospital for “hemorrhage and severe bleeding,” the complaint continues. While at the hospital, the father of the child was notified that the woman had been nine weeks pregnant before ultimately losing the child, the complaint states.

Abortion rights? Biden Cartel Child Abuse Democrat Emotional abuse Harris Harris Cartel Just my own thoughts Opinion

Just my two cents. Progressives support a pill that kills babies but are against a pill that doesn’t.

Just my two cents. Progressives support a pill that kills babies but are against a pill that doesn’t. For some reason the fanatics on the left feel that there’s nothing wrong with the abortion pill. The baby must die according to them. What I don’t understand is this. Many who feel that way are older women and men couldn’t have babies or are no longer able to have sex to create those babies.

Maybe they see what a failure their children are, and they think that the next generation will be as bad if not worse. So can that be the reason why? Now there’s a pill out there that can reverse the procedure, and these old folks are up in arms.

The abortion pill is proving to be unsafe, and women are dying from it or suffering serious side effects. Recently a woman in Georgia died and as did the baby. So, what did the pill accomplish?

Abortion rights? Biden Biden Cartel Child Abuse Commentary Corruption Crime Harris Harris Cartel Leftist Virtue(!) Life Links from other news sources.

Not a religious issue, but a moral life saving issue. Attacks on Pregnancy Centers & Pro-Life Groups.

Not a religious issue, but a moral life saving issue. Attacks on Pregnancy Centers & Pro-Life Groups. The leftists have for about 5-10 years been on the attack. But not until the Recent Supreme Court ruling get this bad.

At least 94 pregnancy resource centers and pro-life groups have been attacked and vandalized since a draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked in early May 2022. Pro-abortion domestic terrorists have claimed responsibility, and delivered on their promise of a “summer of rage“.

The wave of violence began within 24 hours of the release of a leaked draft of the Supreme Court opinion which would overturn Roe v. Wade on May 2, 2022. Pregnancy centers braced for more attacks and acts of vandalism after the Supreme Court issued its final ruling overturning Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022. The Department of Homeland Security issued a memo the same day warning that “domestic violent extremists” would exploit the decision to commit acts of violence against various targets, specifically naming Jane’s Revenge.

Abortion rights? Biden Cartel Censorship Child Abuse Commentary Corruption Democrat Government Overreach Harris Cartel Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Baby killers won’t give up. Go after pregnancy centers in five states.

Baby killers won’t give up. Go after pregnancy centers in five states. The White Progressive Supremacists already lost in New York and California. Courts said you cannot stop the Pregnancy centers from helping pregnant women. So now they are trying in other states.

Campaign for Accountability, allege that the centers, which try to dissuade pregnant women from seeking abortions, gather sensitive and private medical information as part of their appointment scheduling processes. The letters asked the attorneys general of IdahoMinnesotaNew Jersey, Pennsylvania and Washington to use their investigative power to probe why crisis pregnancy centers are gathering and retaining sensitive medical information and what they do with it — and potentially charge the centers with violating state consumer protection laws.

Abortion rights? Back Door Power Grab Child Abuse Commentary Democrat Emotional abuse Harris Harris Cartel Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Harris’s wish to kill babies is shot down. Manchin and Sinema say not on our watch.

Harris’s wish to kill babies is shot down. Manchin and Sinema say not on our watch.

Harris called for the end of the legislative filibuster in the Senate during an appearance on Wisconsin Public Radio on Tuesday to codify the right to abortion and eliminate state pro-life laws, a move with massive legislative and societal repercussions extending far beyond abortion.|twcamptweetembed|twterm1838630653677453484|twgrcba40ab1b1948dc6a3e5a3ba950ba38ae066a6e6|twcons1_&

Harris’s decision to begin eliminating the legislative filibuster could set forth a cycle of continually passing and revoking significant federal legislation from Congress to Congress, depending on who holds majorities on Capitol Hill. The change would remove incentives for Congress to pass meaningful forward-thinking legislation, instead focusing on passing red meat bills it knows is likely to be reversed in short order.

Biden Biden Cartel Child Abuse Commentary Government Overreach Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources.

Short and Sweet. What’s truly weird.

Short and Sweet. What’s truly weird.

The fanatics tried to label JD and Conservatives weird. But what’s really weird? Men having babies? Progressives claiming that children in kindergarten can decide if they’re a boy or girl. Transgender hormones to 9-year-old kids and want biological males to play in women’s sports.

So tell me again what’s weird.

Abortion rights? Biden Cartel Child Abuse How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Reprints from others. Terrorism Weaponization of Government. WOKE

Outrageous: Biden’s Defense Department Labels Pro-Life Organizations “Terrorist Organizations!”

Liberal hate-mongers sink to new low.


The Biden regime’s Defense Department has taken an unprecedented step by categorizing pro-life organizations as “terrorist organizations” during an anti-terrorism briefing held at Fort Liberty’s Directorate of Emergency Services on Wednesday.

This deeply concerning slide from an anti-terrorism brief was first exposed by citizen journalist Sam Shoemate, or @samour, on X.

“An anti-terrorism brief was held on Fort Liberty (Bragg) today where they listed several Pro-Life organizations as “terrorist organizations.” The slide you see here followed right after a slide about ISIS, a terror group in the Middle East,” Shoemate wrote on X.

The presentation slide, which has since circulated widely on social media, lists these pro-life organizations that oppose “Roe[sic] v. Wade” under a headline reading “TERRORIST GROUPS.”

The Biden regime’s Defense Department has taken an unprecedented step by categorizing pro-life organizations as “terrorist organizations” during an anti-terrorism briefing held at Fort Liberty’s Directorate of Emergency Services, formerly known as Fort Bragg, on Wednesday.

This deeply concerning slide from an anti-terrorism brief was first exposed by citizen journalist Sam Shoemate, or @samour, on X.

“An anti-terrorism brief was held on Fort Liberty (Bragg) today where they listed several Pro-Life organizations as “terrorist organizations.” The slide you see here followed right after a slide about ISIS, a terror group in the Middle East,” Shoemate wrote on X.

The presentation slide, which has since circulated widely on social media, lists these pro-life organizations that oppose “Roe[sic] v. Wade” under a headline reading “TERRORIST GROUPS.”

Not only Biden’s Defense Department but Biden’s FBI has also singled out traditional Catholics with pro-life, pro-family views as potential domestic terrorists.

As The Gateway Pundit reported in April 2023, Chris Wray’s FBI was infiltrating Catholic parishes.

The FBI agents are engaging in outreach to Catholic leaders to spy on Americans practicing their Christian faith.

This was a shocking revelation. Americans already knew the FBI-DOJ was targeting traditional Catholics from earlier reporting. We also have evidence they are infiltrating Catholic parishes.

Full story here:

Abortion rights? Biden Cartel Child Abuse Commentary Crime Government Overreach Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!)

One Law, One Page, Part 4. Pro Abortion Laws. No federal money for you.

One Law, One Page, Part 4. Pro Abortion Laws. No federal money for you. If I was in Congress and could pass one law, this would be it. When you use federal money for Abortions or groups like Planned Parenthood, an equal amount would be deducted from you.

If a state or even a local community want to support abortions, use your own money. Federal funds should be used for supporting communities, not killing it’s members.

States like California who have Liberal Abortion laws now, aren’t happy with abortion up to 24 weeks. They now want to pass a ballot iniiative where abortion would be up to and including birth.


Abortion rights? Child Abuse Commentary Corruption Emotional abuse Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

California AG files lawsuit that babies must die.


California AG files lawsuit that babies must die. Pro Abortionists have a pill that kills the baby without going through an abortion. Now the right to life groups have a pill they say reverses the process and saves the babies life.

The California AG will not stand for that so he filed a lawsuit to stop pro lifers from trying to save the children. He’s suing several organizations that provide information about that very abortion pill reversal process. And they are asking a California Superior Court to throw the case out.

Bonta has sued Heartbeat International and RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics over their advocacy for “Abortion Pill Reversal,” the medical intervention provided to women who decide to reverse their in-progress chemical abortions, ” according to officials with the Thomas More Society.

This article originally appeared on