Abortion rights? Biden Cartel Child Abuse Commentary Corruption Emotional abuse Government Overreach Life Links from other news sources. Progressive Racism

Proof that Progressives aren’t prochoice. The State of California Attacks a Woman’s Right to Choose Life

Views: 33

Proof that Progressives aren’t prochoice. The State of California Attacks a Woman’s Right to Choose Life. I’ve always said that the left is supported of killing babies as long as it isn’t their or their family member.

The comeback has always been that being prochoice means that they at times will choose life. Not in California it isn’t. What these folks are doing is sickening. We have this from  Heartbeat International.

California Attorney General Rob Bonta’s lawsuit against Heartbeat International is not just a legal skirmish; it’s a clash of ideologies that threatens the very fabric of our values. the story of Kayla and Serenity.

In May 2020,  Kayla initiated a chemical abortion, only to be haunted by a moment of hesitation — a “still small voice.” That voice, barely audible, guided her to reconsider.

Fueled by determination, Kayla turned to Heartbeat International’s Abortion Pill Reversal website, connecting her with compassionate healthcare professionals who guided her through the reversal protocol, which ultimately saved her daughter Serenity’s life.

The AG’S lawsuit seeks to halt the use of the lifesaving procedure used to save the baby’s life.


America's Heartland Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Censorship Child Abuse Commentary Emotional abuse How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Progressive Racism White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Progressive writer attacks a child in the name of WOKE.

Views: 18

Progressive writer attacks a child in the name of WOKE. Yes the left has no shame a no name writer tweeted part of a childs face showing what this writer called racism and somehow connected it as derrogatory towards Native Americans and Blacks. Because of that child the KC Chiefs must stop using an Indian name.

Deadspin writer Carron Phillips smeared an innocent child who attended Sunday’s Kansas City vs Las Vegas game by posting a deceptive photo of only one side of his face.

“It takes a lot to disrespect two groups of people at once. But on Sunday afternoon in Las Vegas, a Kansas City Chiefs fan found a way to hate Black people and the Native Americans at the same time.” Carron Phillips wrote.


deceptive photo used by Carron Phillips


Child Abuse Commentary Emotional abuse History Reprints from others. Sexual Abuse

Sadly, Israel Must Finish Off Hamas, No Matter What.

Views: 31

Hamas terrorists stand by vehicles as they hand over hostages who were abducted during the Oct. 7 attack on Israel to members of the International Committee of the Red Cross, as part of a hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel amid a temporary truce, in an unknown location in the Gaza Strip, Palestine, on Nov. 26, 2023. (Hamas Military Wing/Handout via Reuters)
By Roger L. Simon for EPOCH TIMES  11/27/2023

Yes, it’s sad that Israel must finish off Hamas, no matter what.

Innocent Gazans will die, particularly children.

But they have no choice.

Many of the adults, however, may not be so innocent. They’re people who elected to remain in Gaza under Hamas rule, despite the regime’s brutality equaling the worst in human history, while others sensibly fled.

The horrifying story of Hamas’s methods in overcoming the Palestinian Authority in Gaza in 2007, only two years after the territory was given freely to the Palestinians by Israel for their own rule, is a harrowing narrative worth reading. That they threw each other off 15-story roofs is but one harbinger of the Oct. 7 atrocities including rapes and the parading of victims, the murdering and abducting of babies, and so forth.

That most Arab nations don’t want these people for whom violence is a way of life within their borders is not surprising.

That LGBT folks have joined the pro-Hamas demonstrations without realizing what would happen to them under the terrorist’s rule is the darkest of comedy.

That some supposed conservatives see moral equivalency between Hamas and Israel would be laughable were it not so dangerous. Certainly, it’s a display of massive ignorance.

With the prisoner–hostage swap in progress, the efforts of the left and the United Nations, among others, to push Israel into a permanent cease-fire will undoubtedly redouble.

The U.N. is particularly hypocritical, or worse, in this regard. Little is more repellent than their longtime complicity, through their United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), with Hamas and other extremist organizations. They have literally ignored the use of human shields, the misuse of construction materials for terror tunnels, and similar abhorrent desecrations of human rights for well over a decade for the most malign and selfish of reasons—among them, if there were no more Palestinian refugees there would be no need for a UNRWA.

The U.N.’s other off-shoot, the World Health Organization (WHO) that we know from their obeisance to China during COVID-19, has been curiously silent about the use of hospitals for weapons storage, missile launching, those same tunnels, and even command and control headquarters by Hamas. (The director of Shifa Hospital, the largest medical complex in Gaza, is under interrogation by Israel at this moment about this.)

And then there’s the question of U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’s statement about the Hamas attack.

These are the people who will be clamoring for a cease-fire, the very thing Hamas wants so they can regroup and attack again.

The terrorist organization makes no secret they wish to do this. It’s in the genocidal chant we hear everywhere from Los Angeles to London: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

When I say genocidal, I mean really genocidal. In Paris in the late eighties, just after Hamas was formed, I saw one of their early demonstrations at which they chanted “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas!” in English and French.

Clear enough?

The good news in all this is that Hamas is finally on the run. We can see this, as the Times of Israel has pointed out, from the nature and timing of the prisoner–hostage exchange. Normally, Hamas asks for a far greater imbalance with a huge number of real terrorists released, as in the case of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was kidnapped by Hamas for five years.

Not this time. Hamas, in an unusual hurry for a pause, was willing to exchange for women and young prisoners, and fewer of them.

This is a sign that Hamas, which surprised the Israelis on Oct. 7, has been surprised themselves by the force of the Israeli response. They expected the usual three- or four-day counterattack when the Israelis, under global admonition to be “proportionate,” would relent and all would go back to the status quo ante.

Not this time again. Hamas leadership made a serious miscalculation, and Israel shows no sign of backing off. They have apparently had enough of carping from Western nations. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant made clear on the eve of the temporary truce that the Israel Defense Force will resume fighting “with intensity” for at least two months.

The way things have been going, that would seem sufficient to achieve the fate for Hamas that has already been achieved for its “semblable” ISIS.

It’s hard to know, after that, where things will go for the once-vaunted two-state solution. For some time, the Palestinians haven’t seemed really to want one. In 2007, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered the Palestinian Authority 97 percent of what they said they wanted, and their leader Mahmoud Abbas walked away.

But you never know. Real power, properly applied, has the ability to change minds.

What we really should do is ask how it came to pass that Hamas got to accrue such an incredible and seemingly endless arsenal of weaponry, not to mention the funds for their leadership to enjoy the lifestyle of billionaires in luxury hotel suites in Turkey and Qatar while flying about in private jets?

The answer, alas, to some degree points to us.

Yes, most of those funds came via Iran, aka the “world’s greatest sponsor of terrorism,” with an assist from the aforementioned Qatar.

But where did and does Iran get its money to wreak havoc across the Middle East and potentially beyond?

To be blunt, I recommend asking Barack Obama and Joe Biden. They’re the ones who relaxed sanctions on Iran to the tune of billions and billions.

As for Israel, there’s no such thing as being “proportionate” when it comes to conquering evil.



Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Child Abuse Corruption COVID Emotional abuse Government Overreach Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources. Medicine Science Uncategorized

Side effects of the vaccinated who got the jab vs side effects of the unvaccinated WHO DIDN’T.

Views: 61

Side effects of the vaccinated who got the jab vs side effects of the unvaccinated who didn’t. This is a no brainier.

  • Pain, swelling, and redness on the arm where the shot was given.
  • Tiredness, headache, muscle pain.
  • Chills.
  • Nausea.
  • Fever.
  • Side effects they DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT.. This from the CDC.
  • Anaphylaxis after COVID-19 Vaccination
  • Reports of Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination
  • Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) after COVID-19 Vaccination
  • Myocarditis and Pericarditis after COVID-19 Vaccination
  • Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) after COVID-19 Vaccination
  • And of course sickness, hospitalization, and death.
  • Side effects on the unvaccinated.
  • Sickness, hospitalization, and death.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Censorship Child Abuse Commentary Corruption COVID Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Medicine Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Public Service Announcement Science Tony the Fauch Uncategorized Warfare White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Winning. Only 14% of Americans get the latest jab.

Views: 11

Winning. Only 14% of Americans get the latest jab. If you want or did get the latest jab, that’s fine. But don’t come crying when you get side effects, hospitalization, and of course death (of course it’s too late then).

The loons over at VOX call it a miracle drug. But what they and the CDC leave out is that since the so called miracle drugs arrived, more Vaccinated folks are getting COVID, Hospitalized, and dying.




Biden Pandemic Black Supremacy Censorship Child Abuse Commentary Corruption Economy Education Elections Emotional abuse Free Speech Government Overreach Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Media Woke Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Racism White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Who will they come for next? Progressives goal to wipe out diversity and social disagreement.

Views: 14

Who will they come for next? Progressives goal to wipe out diversity and social disagreement. Have you noticed that those who claim that diversity is their goal want only those who think like they do?

The target since the Obama age was only single white males, then females, and white married couples were added. Children were the last that were added to the list. And maybe they will achieve their goal when they import the new China virus.

Ann Coulter did a take on a famous poem I’m sure you will recognize. Whites are still the main target, but only the beginning.

First they came for working class whites and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a working class white.

Then they came for white police officers and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a white police officer.

Then they came for white women who call the police, and I did not speak out-
Because I was not a white women who calls the police.

Then they came for the white college applicants, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a white college applicant.

Then they came for statues of white male American heroes and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a white male American hero.

Then they came for whites applying for jobs with the S&P 100 and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a white applying for a job with the S&P 100.

And so on.


Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Child Abuse Links from other news sources.

Worked in 2020 will it work in 2024? China sending the world another medical threat?

Views: 30

Worked in 2020 will it work in 2024? China sending another medical threat? Tony the Fauch ready to come out of retirement? Yes my friends it looks as it China is at it again. Don’t believe me? just ask the WHO. We have this from NBC.

World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it has requested information from China regarding the increase in cases of respiratory diseases and clusters of pneumonia among children.

But China said not to worry there’s nothing here so go on and leave us alone. Of course the WHO went along with China and said no travel restrictions against our friend China.

Chinese authorities attributed the increase in respiratory disease cases to the end of restrictions imposed to contain COVID-19 and the circulation of known pathogens. You buying that?


Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Child Abuse Commentary Corruption COVID Emotional abuse Government Overreach How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Medicine Public Service Announcement

Story’s we missed. Yes Virginia the vaccinated children were more vulnerable then unvaccinated children.

Views: 32

Story’s we missed. Yes Virginia the vaccinated children were more vulnerable then unvaccinated children. There have been numerous studies on this, but one we missed was one that was buried on the NIH site.

In this study, which only allowed for the calculation of unadjusted observational associations, higher ORs were observed within the vaccinated versus unvaccinated group for developmental delays, asthma and ear infections.

Now odds are that there are other studies posted on the NIH that shows other incidents where the vaccinated children suffered greatly. Sadly we won’t know until there’s a Republican in the White House.

“The CDC has never looked at long-term health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children,” attested Professor Brian Hooker, Ph.D., during a presentation to the World Council of Health.


Biden Cartel Child Abuse COVID Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Public Service Announcement Reprints from others.

COVID lockdowns increased ADHD risk among 10-year-old children, new study finds.

Views: 11

 COVID lockdowns increased ADHD risk among 10-year-old children, new study finds. A new study shows that the lockdowns didn’t help, but they hurt. So why would anyone be surprised? Especially with young children.

A study by the University of Copenhagen in Denmark determined that kids in this age group who already had a genetic risk of developing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder saw a “significant increase” in diagnoses after the pandemic.

Researchers examined two groups of children, a total of 593, in 2019 and 2021.


COVID lockdowns increased ADHD risk among 10-year-old children, new study finds | Fox News



Biden Cartel Child Abuse Commentary Education Links from other news sources. Sports WOKE

What happens when Transgender boys play on girl team sports.

Views: 14

What happens when Transgender boys play on girl team sports.

A high school field hockey game in Massachusetts has become the latest flashpoint for transgender athletes competing in girls’ sports.

During a match between Swampscott High School and Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School on Nov. 2, a Dighton-Rehoboth player was struck in the face by a ball raised by a male player. Video of the injury circulated online, prompting outrage from many people, according to Newsweek. 

Nuff Said.



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