Corruption COVID How funny is this? Opinion Politics

Nancy gets into Hubby’s Red stash again. Send them to jail.

Views: 17

Nancy gets into Hubby’s Red stash again. Send them to jail. Well it looks as if Nancy got into her husbands Dago RED again. Remember how those on the far extreme said that the lush had no control over the Capitol Police. Some went as far as to exonerate her from her criminal acts on January 6th.

Well she’s having the Capital police arrest staff and visitors who follow the science. Show up without masks. Members of Congress will be turned in to Sargent of Arms. So how does someone without authority able to do that? Yet thousands are crossing our southern border untested, unmasked and definitely NOT social distancing 🤔 Forkin hypocrites 🙄


Biden Pandemic COVID Opinion Politics Stupid things people say or do.

Here’s how you bitch slap a bold faced liar. Call him out.

Views: 42

Here’s how you bitch slap a bold faced liar. Call him out. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) grilled Dr. Anthony Fauci during a hearing on the Chinese coronavirus Tuesday over his prior claim that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has never funded gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

As you know, the fauch has flip flopped so often, that I’m going to ask the US Olympic committee put forth a resolution that the fauch flip flopping be made a sport.

What’s really sad is that he hides behind junk science. If you have some fauch lies, go and post them.




COVID Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

So who’s putting out misinformation on COVID-19?

Views: 36

So who’s putting out misinformation on COVID-19? The Surgeon General is worried about misinformation out there being spread about COVID-19. Now he’s afraid about folks not being properly informed.

Now we have the CDC releasing this on vaccines and masks for school children.  Vaccinated teachers and students don’t need to wear masks inside school buildings, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday in relaxing its COVID-19 guidelines.

The nation’s top public health agency is not advising schools to require shots for teachers and vaccine-eligible kids. And it’s not offering guidance on how teachers can know which students are vaccinated or how parents will know which teachers are immunized.

But now we have the fauch saying children from the age of three need to mask up. And the county of  LA is saying mask up indoors. So will the surgeon general get on the fauch and LA county for their misinformation?


COVID Science

We have joy in Ohio. Ohio to lift most COVID-19 restrictions June 2

Views: 27

We have joy in Ohio. Ohio to lift most COVID-19 restrictions June 2. That’s right. Ohio has seen the light.

Gov. Mike DeWine announced the new guidelines Wednesday, saying that the mask mandate and remaining coronavirus health orders will be lifted on June 2. Social distancing and capacity restrictions will no longer be required, although schools and businesses will have the ability to put their own rules into place.

Yes Ohio has followed the science. I’m sure the science deniers like the fauch will be upset. News like this makes loons like him irrelevant. we have this from the governor.

“You’ve followed the protocols. You’ve done what we’ve asked. You’ve bravely fought this virus. And now, our cases are down, and we have a tested and proven weapon in the vaccine that all Ohioans 12 and over can utilize.”

The only exception will be for nursing homes and assisted living facilities.



COVID Opinion Science

My Johnson & Johnson Vaccination Was Canceled. How Mad Should I Be?

Views: 27

My Johnson & Johnson Vaccination Was Canceled. How Mad Should I Be? I’m totally pissed off. I was scheduled to get my one and done. Now I have to decide on how long I should wait. Yes we had six cases out of 7 million and they cancel it. Look at how many cases the other two drugs had. Nate Silver who I disagree with about 90% of the time got it right.

So I’m going to shelve my initial anger, mask up, and wait another month.

What say you?


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