Education Politics

Mother accuses LA teacher’s union of ‘racial profiling’ after speaking out on closures Fox News.

Views: 20

Mother accuses LA teacher’s union of ‘racial profiling’ after speaking out on closures Fox News.

The racially charged fight over Los Angeles school closings took an ugly turn when an outspoken pro-opening mom said she got an email from the teachers union asking what her ethnicity is — after the union head claimed reopening pleas are largely driven by “white and Middle Eastern parents.”

  • Cecily Myart-Cruz, head of UTLA, this week slammed a reopening plan proposed Monday and argued that it was being driven largely by ‘white wealthy parents’

  • In January she posted to Facebook that union members have been ‘stalked on social media by wealthy white and Middle Eastern parents’ about reopenings

  • Qudrat, whose son is in seventh grade, said: ‘I felt very targeted…they’re trying to say that if you are in favor the kids coming back to school, you’re racist’ 

  • The UTLA said it ‘understands this type of email could be taken out of context’

    Qudrat, whose son is in seventh grade, told Fox11: ‘Their conclusion is if you want schools to reopen right now, then that means you are racist against African Americans and Latinos.’

    She was emailed by the union, who said they were conducting a survey on people who have spoken to the media about the reopenings. Qudrat added: ‘I felt very targeted.

    So a mother wants her child back in school and she’s accused of being white and racist. WOW! I saw this and I thought I was on one of those Progressive hate channels.


Education Life

How we fix the lies about schools not being safe. Get off your butts and get back into school.

Views: 17

How we fix the lies about schools not being safe. Get off your butts and get back into school. We’ve heard all the excuses, vaccine everybody, more masks, social distance, Old buildings, stale air, etc.,  etc.. They’re a dime a dozen. Here’s how we fix it.

Old buildings, poor air circulation. Here’s how you fix those excuses. A teacher in Ohio tried that. I have a heart condition. Our buildings are old. I’ll die in the classroom or walking the halls. So the school board said this. We will test the air in your school building where you teach. Then we will test the air in your house and your husbands place of employment. End of discussion.

As schools in the U.S. and abroad have reopened amid the pandemic, there “has been little evidence that schools have contributed meaningfully to increased community transmission,” the scientists said. The researchers cited studies of COVID-19 cases in schools in Mississippi, North Carolina and rural Wisconsin, as well as a European CDC report that found schools were not associated with accelerating community transmission.



Schools teach hate. Buffalo public schools claim ‘all white people’ perpetuate systemic racism.

Views: 39

Schools teach hate. Buffalo public schools claim ‘all white people’ perpetuate systemic racism. Now if they taught that Progressives promote systemic racism, I might agree. Buffalo schools have adopted a curriculum that pushes the controversial idea that all white people perpetuate systemic racism while only 80% of its students fail to reach proficiency in reading and writing, an editor said Wednesday.

It bothers me greatly cause in the past before I retired, My company had done a lot of good works with Buffalo and the Hospitality programs in New York Educational System. I guess our good works is now considered Racism.

The story of Buffalo Public Schools is a sad and familiar one: a dying industrial town, underperforming inner-city schools, and high rates of failure among racial minorities. Instead of focusing on improving academic achievement, however, Buffalo school administrators have adopted fashionable new pedagogies: “culturally responsive teaching,” “pedagogy of liberation,” “equity-based instructional strategies,” and an “emancipatory curriculum.”

schools are also trying to teach “critical consciousness” an idea that students should be trained to identify and overthrow oppressors.




Why should teachers in California go back when you have board members like this? Parents trashed by the board.

Views: 80

Why should teachers in California go back when you have board members like this? Parents trashed by the board. So we have parents who care about their children. Sick and tired of California teachers hiding under their kitchen table and crying for their mommy.

But with board members like the one’s in Oakley, California, why should they? We have this from one of the liberal banning news channels. KCRA.

OA Contra Costa County school district is apologizing to furious parents after some school board members were seen and heard making disparaging remarks about parents in a now widely viewed video.

In what was believed to be a closed session meeting, Oakley Union Elementary School board members are seen sounding off, unaware parents were listening, even recording the unfiltered conversation.

In the video, board member Kim Beede is heard saying, “(Expletive), if you’re gonna call me out, I’m gonna (expletive) you up.”


The comments start around 4:50.




You don’t get to hide under the kitchen table and cry for your mommy. Ohio Judge Rules Against Teachers’ Union, Says CPS Can Resume Blended Learning

Views: 12

You don’t get to hide under the kitchen table and cry for your mommy. Ohio Judge Rules Against Teachers’ Union, Says CPS Can Resume Blended Learning.  A Hamilton County Common Pleas judge has rejected an injunction request against Cincinnati Public Schools. The union representing teachers filed suit last week seeking to delay a return to in-person learning.

The union says 80% of teachers don’t feel safe going back into classrooms without widespread coronavirus vaccination. School district attorney Evan Priestle says that concern isn’t well-founded, quoting a recent study from the CDC.

“As many schools have reopened for in-person instruction in some parts of the U.S. as well as internationally, school-related cases of COVID-19 have been reported but there has been little evidence that schools have contributed meaningfully to increased community transmission,” he says.


Just because the COVID 19 Lie plays in Chicago and other blue cities and states, the judge wouldn’t let the lie as an excuse in blue CINCINNATI.



Union thug says it’s not safe to be in school so she goes on vacation.

Views: 40

Union thug says it’s not safe to be in school so she goes on vacation. This is almost as bad as the crying teacher crying for his mommy. A leader of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) wants kids to remain out of the classroom because schools are “unsafe,” but she made the claims in the midst of a sunny vacation in Puerto Rico.

We have this from WGN via Breitbart.

“Just a few hours earlier, Chambers posted a picture on Instagram that appears to show her pool side in Puerto Rico and talking about going to Old San Juan for seafood,” WGN reported.

In a post on Instagram — on an account that has now been made private — Chambers wrote, “Spending the last day of 2020 by the poolside. We have the whole pool to ourselves. Then, we are going to old San Juan to get some yummy seafood mofongo.”

On Twitter, Chambers identified herself as a “socialist.”

“We have an entire private Airbnb house to ourselves,” she bragged in a post that showed her feet at the end of a lounge chair, with the pool and palm trees in the background.

On Friday, it is predicted to be 35 degrees where her students live in Chicago, according to

In another post, Chamber mugged for the camera from her towel with a caption that read, “Pool life.”

WGN noted the CTU “is threatening the possibility of a strike if the district pushes ahead with plans to reopen school buildings.”





But but Joe said it’s free, so what happened? New Mexico Cancels Plan to Offer Free College

Views: 17


Just think what would have happened if this Program would have been started in January.

But but Joe said it’s free, so what happened? New Mexico Cancels Plan to Offer Free College. Back in September the Governor announced that 55,000 New Mexico residents would get free college. Yep not pay a penny. So what happened? Why isn’t it free?

Well New Mexico is one of those states that went into panic mode telling folks that if you don’t hide under the kitchen table and cry for your mommy, you would die. So people stopped working and oil profits are drying up. So guess what? No free college. We have this from our friends at Campus reform.

Plans to use oil profits to pay for the Opportunity Scholarship are now on hold, however, due to the decrease in oil prices.The oil industry in New Mexico makes up almost 40 percent of the state’s revenue and was already affecting the budget in spring 2020.

“I’ve just never seen anything like it. And quite frankly, I don’t know what it means,” State Senate Finance Committee Chairman John Arthur Smith said, according to the New Mexico Political Report.

Activist and attorney Jorge Galicia, a Venezuelan who fled his home country due to the economic collapse from socialism, discussed New Mexico’s situation with Campus Reform. 


“The first thing we have to note about this whole plan is that it wasn’t even necessary for it to take into effect to notice why this is such a bad idea. Financing huge social programs with taxpayers’ money (or in this case, oil revenue money) might work for some time, but inevitably the state will run out of money at some point making it impossible to maintain the funding for these ambitious programs,” he said. 

Now we have the illegitimate President elect saying he was going to offer free junior college. Do they ever learn? Nothings free.

What say you?



90% of Christian Schools show they care. They opened the year with in person Education. Not crying for their mommy.

Views: 17

90% of Christian Schools show they care. They opened the year with in person Education according to the ACSI survey. The survey’s findings suggest that schools’ reopening plans were implemented with safety foremost in mind, with input from local health departments, state guidance, and advice of medical personnel ranking the highest influences on school decision-making.

This was proven in schools’ widespread use of COVID-19 modifications in the areas of health and safety, scheduling and student cohorts, expanded cleaning, space usage and student activities. In addition, most schools reported zero to minimal disruption from the spread of coronavirus in their school community.



OMG. Billy Boy is opening up the schools.

Views: 19

OMG. Billy Boy is opening up the schools. After another panic move based on junk science, the mayor closed the schools. All based on phony fears. cowardly union leaders, and a few thug teachers.

But the parents were outraged and now  Bill de Blasio said Sunday that the city’s public schools will reopen on Dec. 7 for 3-K, pre-K and kindergarten through fifth grade amid the coronavirus pandemic. The rest of the grades open the 10th.

Unions wanted more testing and protection measures. But the parents won out.



Stop crying for your mommy. Get back to work. More Sacramento County schools receive waivers to return to campus instruction.

Views: 6

Stop crying for your mommy. Get back to work. More Sacramento County schools receive waivers to return to campus instruction. As you know, California like New York has been slow to getting the children back to school. Some say it’s because of the Union teachers saying they may die if they go back. Of course that’s nonsense.

25 schools have been approved to reopen 16 are from the Catholic Diocese. over 500 schools have applied and almost all are Christian or Catholic schools. So it looks as if the Unions are still keeping the Public schools on line. So sad.




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