California. Commentary Corruption Economy Education Elections Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

Proof that California is out of touch with the rest of the world.

Proof that California is out of touch with the rest of the world.

So here’s a small sample of what the crazy’s are looking to pass. You tell me if this is not out of some reality tv show.

1. AB 1825 – Protect Inappropriate Books Law 

So called Freedom to Read Act.  The bill seeks to remove the authority of public libraries to remove or deny access to certain books.  (b) (1) The governing board of a public library shall not proscribe or prohibit the circulation or procurement of any book, audio, film, instructional material, or other resource in a public library because of the topic addressed by the materials or because of the views, ideas, or opinions contained in those materials.

(2) The discretion to determine the content of materials in public libraries shall not be exercised in a manner that discriminates against or excludes materials based on race, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, political affiliation, or socioeconomic status, on the basis that the materials under consideration contain inclusive and diverse perspectives, or on the basis that the materials may include sexual content, unless that content qualifies as obscene under United States Supreme Court precedent. Provides a cause of action by patrons.

2. AB 1840 – Home Subsidies for Illegal Immigrants

Extends the California Dream for All program eligibility to illegal aliens.  This program provides for an interest free loan for first-time homebuyers for the down payment.

3. AB 2216 – Force Landlords to Take Pets

This legislation will prohibit landlords from deciding how many pets to allow, what the pet deposit should be, and how much extra monies to charge for pet rent. Violates Limited Government and Free Enterprise. Does not promote a free market system, does not protect private property, and interferes with the terms of voluntary contracts.

4. AB 2319 Men Can Give Birth Law

The bill would require hospitals that provide perinatal or prenatal care to conduct initial training for all current and new health care providers on implicit bias that includes recognition of nonbinary persons and persons of transgender experience, i.e., all birthing people. Administrative penalties assessed by the department for non-compliance.

5. AB 2498 Illegal Immigrant Rental Subsidies

This bill would create a pilot grant program to provide rental subsidies for qualifying low-income individuals in six counties to reduce housing insecurity. The bill’s definition of “eligible population” include low-income individuals (who may be undocumented) with any of the following characteristics:

A former foster youth who qualifies for the Independent Living Program; an older adult, 55 years of age or older; an adult with disabilities; a person experiencing unemployment; an incarcerated person with a scheduled release date within 60 to 180 days and who is likely to experience homelessness upon release; a person experiencing homelessness; or a veteran.

The program would allow for counties or grantees to provide a subsidy to any eligible individuals in an amount necessary to cover the portion of the person’s rent to prevent them from falling into homelessness, not to exceed either $2,000 as a one-time subsidy or $2,000 per month for the duration of the pilot, or two years, whichever is longer.

6. ACA 10 – Socialized Housing for All  

Right to housing.  ”The state hereby recognizes the fundamental human right to adequate housing for everyone in California. It is the shared obligation of state and local jurisdictions to respect, protect, and fulfill this right, on a non-discriminatory and equitable basis, with a view to progressively achieve the full realization of the right, by all appropriate means, including the adoption and amendment of legislative measures, to the maximum of available resources.”

7. SB 1174 – Voter ID Ban

Prohibits local governments from enacting voter identification laws.

8. SB 957 – Who Are You Sleeping With Law

This bill REQUIRES the California State Department of Public Health to collect from health care providers, state agencies, schools and third parties information that was provided regarding voluntary self-identification of sexual orientation and gender identity.

9. SB 961 – Government as Your Backseat Driver Law

By 2029, 50% of vehicles must be equipped with a passive intelligent speed assistance system and mandatory for all vehicles by 2032. The system would give a brief, one-time, visual and audio signal to alert the driver each time the speed of the vehicle is more than 10 miles per hour over the speed limit.

10. ACA 7 – Affirmative Action/Legalized Discrimination

This measure would repeal Prop 209 and would therefore reinstate affirmative action.  Californians for Equal Rights Foundation wrote in opposition that “advocating for race/sex-based preferences distorts the principle of equal opportunity into an illiberal, social-engineering tool of equal outcome. Instead of focusing on tribal divisions and political favoritism, we should help all disadvantaged individuals regardless of race or gender. We should also make sure that every individual has equal access to public resources, and that our government provide institutional support that encourages American virtues of hard-work, initiative, self-discipline, and individual merit.

11. ACA 8  – Don’t Put Prisoners to Work

The California Constitution currently states “Involuntary servitude is prohibited except to punish crime.”  This amendment would remove the phrase “except to punish crime”.  This is the second time around for this amendment as it did not pass in the 2021-2023 session.

The Anti-Recidivism Coalition, a co-sponsor of this bill, wrote in support that, “Despite the Thirteenth Amendment outlawing slavery and involuntary servitude…” That letter deceptively left off in the actual Thirteenth Amendment’s phrase “except for the punishment of a crime”, which is the crux of the matter.  By removing that same phrase from the California Constitution, inmates confined in any in-state institution could not be required to perform daily chores without falling under the state’s labor laws.

According to “the Assembly Appropriations Committee, the ongoing costs to the state in increased wages for inmate labor. In 2021, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation…reported it had nearly 65,000 work assignments for incarcerated persons….  If required to pay a minimum wage for inmate work, costs to pay inmates a minimum wage could be in the billions of dollars annually.”  Cost to counties would also run in the millions of dollars.

The ultimate goal of propositions such as this was posted on the Communist Party USA website (since removed).  It is to form labor unions within prisons, and as we see in ACA 4, for convicted felons to be given the right to vote. Also, labor unions are formed to negotiate for working conditions and wages.  How much do we want to pay inmates to make their beds, cook, clean their rooms, and do their laundry?

12. SCA 2 – Create More Orphan Ballots Law

In addition to expanding their voter base by allowing incarcerated felons to vote via ACA 4, which is likely dead, this bill which is very much alive and would extend the right to vote to 17-year-olds.  Now that the public education system has indoctrinated most students to a Marxist agenda, the Democratic Party wants to make certain they vote earlier than the current age 18.


13. SCA 1 – Protect Politicians from Recalls Law

This bill would redefine a recall election of statewide officials to NOT include alternative candidates. Lt. Gov would serve until the next election.

No doubt polling has shown that Democrats being recalled would fare better if the voting public were not given the option of a more desirable Republican opponent.


America's Heartland Commentary Economy Education Elections Free Speech Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics

What Trumps rally in NJ means to the political landscape. On to Maryland, Virginia, and yes Delaware.

What Trumps rally in NJ means to the political landscape. On to Maryland, Virginia, and yes Delaware. So what happens next? I have to believe that this Beach rally has the left scared big time.

Trump needs to hit Virginia Beach, Ocean City Maryland, and even Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Rallies in those areas would bring in folks from border states like NY, and PA. in the east, plus your southern states. It forces Biden to spend money in areas where he normally would not.

The 45th president added that New Jersey and Virginia are also in play as he looks to defeat Democrat President Joe Biden in a highly anticipated rematch of the 2020 general election.

Commentary Education Emotional abuse Leftist Virtue(!) Life Science Transgender Weaponization of Government. WOKE

Sex is binary. The XXY chromosome disorder appears in 1.72% of the MALE population –which makes it 0.86 of the total population. Your sex is binary.

Let’s see if I’ve got this right. Males are accused of “Toxic Masculinity.” Of trying to control women via “the patriarchy.” And — whether white or not — enjoying their “White Privilege” to oppress others. But they should treat gold-digging, entitled little princesses like royalty and cater to their every whim.

Seriously, why would any self-respecting, sane woman want to “identify” as a man?

Oh, wait, that question answers itself.

Similarly, why would a self-respecting man want to “identify” as a woman? Is it because he’s a wimp who can’t succeed against other men?

It started when over-the-hill Bobby Riggs started challenging women tennis pros to best of 3 tennis matches. Billy Jean King, who was a bit over half his age at the time, shellacked the peacock 6-4, 6-3, 6-3.

Then we have “Renee” Richards (born Richard Raskind) who, after playing tennis for years, opted to mutilate hirself so “she” could play against women.

And let’s not forget “Lia” Thomas, who went from being ranked below the 400 mark as a MALE swimmer, suddenly vaulted to #1 as a WOMAN(!) swimmer. Sorry, at 6’4″ and packing a sausage between your legs, you are not female, and should not be competing against actual biological women.

If you want to diddle someone of your own sex, go ahead — in private. Dress how you want to, but don’t get upset if someone “mis-genders” you because you look like you’re cosplaying.

I do really wonder why all these crazy people are wandering around feeling entitled to insult and harass people who would happily mind their own business if these nut cases would just leave everyone else alone! Note that Karens/Kevins suffer from similar mental disorders of entitled-ness and delusions.

Seriously, who in their right mind would show signs saying “Queers for Hamas” when they would be killed on sight (if they were lucky) or tortured, killed, and paraded around like a hunting trophy while they spit the corpse (if not)—if actually living in Gaza.

Ah yes, the question again answers itself.

I have one rule in dealing with people: you respect me and my friends, and I’ll respect you. Disrespect me, and I’ll give you a chance to apologize; if you insist on continuing, there will be trouble.

Oh yes, that 1.72% with abnormal chromosomes? They are biologically male.

There are only two sexes/genders in reality. Get over it.

America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Crime Education

New Law One Page. Three hours to vacate. Part 13.

New Law One Page. Three hours to vacate. Part 13. This would pertain to any private or public school that receives federal money. Peaceful protest is one thing. Set up encampments is another.

First a permit must be applied for and it must have a time limit. Second if no permit is issued, the protestors have three hours to vacate. Third the protestors are liable for clean up and the cost of security. If the rules are not followed the protestors will be arrested and tried in a federal court.

USC and UCLA were right to clear the campuses, but this never should have gone more than the first day. Filing federal charges means no slap on the wrist.

Nuff Said.

Anti Semitic Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Education Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Give it time. Be glad I’m not out murdering Zionists says Columbia Pro Hamas follower.

Give it time. Be glad I’m not out murdering Zionists says Columbia Pro Hamas follower.

If this supposed student thinks like this, how long before he actually acts on this? James is the reported leader of the encampment at the far left school and was recently caught on camera saying some pretty shocking and potentially violent things. He has since tried to backtrack on these comments but they are out there for all to see.

Amid the ongoing anti-Israel protest in the US universities, one of the Columbia University student demonstrators was heard repeatedly stating that Zionists “don’t deserve to live” and should be murdered in a viral video.

“The existence of them and the projects they have built i.e. Israel, it’s all antithetical to peace. So yes I feel very comfortable — very comfortable — calling for those people to die,” said Khymani James,

Since this comment, Columbia has banned this person from campus and this person gave an apology saying he misspoke.


Commentary Economy Education Elections How funny is this? Life The Funnies.

Let’s have some cartoons.

Let’s have some cartoons.

Let’s take a look at some cartoons. The fun side of what’s going on in todays world. Post some of your own in the comments section.

Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Education Government Overreach Opinion The Law

One Law. One Page. Part 11. Paying back school loans and getting government out of the school loan business..

One Law. One Page. Part 11. Paying back school loans and getting government out of the school loan business. If I could pass one law on Education, this would be the one. First you remove the government from the school loan business and give it back to the banks.

Second you have the banks go after those who had their loans dismissed and give that money recovered to the banks. If not paid back the students are charged with a felony.

The loans were taken out with a promise that they would be paid back. Most of the students pay them back. But to allow a select few to not is criminal and those who don’t pay them back should be charged.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Education Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Hey Joe? What part of we’re suing your ass again don’t you understand?

Hey Joe? What part of we’re suing your ass again don’t you understand? Biden has already been rebuked by the Supreme Court, but he keeps on forgiving loans to these deadbeat students who are refusing to pay for loans they took out. No one forced them to take these loans.

Now Biden has come up with another hair brain scheme to get around the courts. We have this from the AP. Seven states led by Missouri filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday challenging Biden’s SAVE Plan, which has become a new legal target for conservative opponents after the Supreme Court toppled the Democratic president’s first attempt at student loan cancellation. It largely mirrors another suit filed last month by Republican attorneys general in 11 states, led by Kansas.

Biden Biden Cartel Education Life Links from other news sources. Transgender

One Law. One Page. Part 10. Bar males from female sport teams and individual competition.

One Law. One Page. Part 10. Bar males from female sport teams and individual competition. This nonsense of males who can’t compete against other males decide they are now females needs to stop. In sports these male losers are giving it one last shot of competing against the weaker sex.

My law would make it a federal crime for males to compete against females in all sports. No team would be allowed to have males on the female teams. Also males would be barred from individually competing against females in any sports activity. The NAIA took the first step to stop this nonsense.

The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics announced a policy Monday that all but bans transgender athletes from competing in women’s sports at its 241 mostly small colleges across the country.

The NAIA Council of Presidents approved the policy in a 20-0 vote at its annual convention in Kansas City, Missouri. The NAIA, which oversees some 83,000 athletes competing in more than 25 sports, is believed to be the first college sports organization to take such a step.

Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Economy Education Elections Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Uncategorized

Good news for Republicans the past week or so.

Good news for Republicans the past week or so.

We had a few victories in both the courts and with the state legislators the past 7-10 days. Remember it’s the legislators and not the Secretary of State who make the laws.

In Florida. Judge Cannon spurned Smith’s demand that she quickly decide whether the personal documents claim will be relevant to the trial, saying making a decision at this stage would be “unprecedented and unjust”.

In New Mexico, a judge ruled in favor of an election integrity group — and also rebuked the state’s Democrat election officials for violating public disclosure rules pertaining to its voter rolls.

Wisconsin voters approved two amendments to the state’s constitution — making sure that private money to fund elections will be banned and that only election officials can administer elections.

Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen called on state lawmakers to pass measure LB764 to make the state’s electoral votes into a winner-take-all scenario.

Georgia — where the Georgia General Assembly actually passed three election integrity bills last Thursday.

The three bills — SB189, HB974, and HB1207 — ban unverifiable QR-coded voting and also require improved ballot chain of custody procedures to stop ballot fraud. They also mandate visible watermarks on all ballots to stop fake ballots.

On bill, SB189, mandates that all physical ballots are subject to Georgia Open Records law. The bills contain many more details to improve Georgia’s elections.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday blocked Biden’s plan to cancel loans for borrowers who claim they were victims of ‘misleading information’ by colleges.