Affirmative Action America's Heartland Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Education Links from other news sources. WOKE

Civil Rights Victory. UMinn Law School will no longer give preference to minorities for fellowship.

Views: 5

Civil Rights Victory. UMinn Law School will no longer give preference to minorities for fellowship. For the past 50 years or so, white progressives were trying to make up for their history of racism.

Their Civil War position, Jim Crow Laws, etc. Some would even stoop so low as to marry minorities in hopes of not being labeled racist. So how did they think they could fix the situation? Discriminate against whites in coming up with affirmative action. Schools and Unions were the biggest abusers of AA.

A University of Minnesota Law School diversity fellowship will now give equal consideration to White and male applicants following a civil rights complaint. They even discriminated against males of any group.

A University of Minnesota Law School full-ride diversity fellowship sponsored by the Jones Day law firm will now consider white students and male students as applicants, a change prompted by a complaint filed with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Education Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Another win. Fifth Circuit in Case Involving the Biden Administration’s Attempt to Provide Drugs and Medical Treatment to Children Without Parental Consent.

Views: 8

Another win. Fifth Circuit in Case Involving the Biden Administration’s Attempt to Provide Drugs and Medical Treatment to Children Without Parental Consent.

For some strange reason the Biden Administration feels that 1st graders can make their own decision when it comes to drugs and castration. Courts said different.

Last week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued a unanimous opinion in Deanda v. Becerra, which rejected the Biden Administration’s efforts to prevent parents from consenting to, or even learning about, medical care provided to their minor children, specifically, birth-control pills and other related services.

Texas has a parental consent law but the Biden Administration felt that Title X clinics in Texas have falsely claimed for decades that the Title X statute “preempts” state parental involvement laws and exempts Title X clinics from Texas’s parental consent requirements.

It actually does just the opposite. The statue actually encourages parent participation. Nuff said.


America's Heartland Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Economy Education Elections Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Lies Links from other news sources. MSM Opinion Politics

Case to watch. Biden social media case heads to Supreme Court.

Views: 11

Case to watch. Biden social media case heads to Supreme Court. Even MSM has admitted that federal officials in the Biden administration have mettled in social media and how they should ban or delete what they think is misinformation. This from The Hill.

The Biden administration’s legal battle over social media content moderation will reach the Supreme Court on Monday, when the justices are set to hear arguments over whether federal officials violated the First Amendment by urging platforms to remove posts they deemed false or misleading.

Two Republican attorneys general brought the case in a challenge to the administration’s efforts to curb misinformation online — an effort they described as a government “campaign of censorship.” They purported federal officials “coordinated and colluded” with social media platforms to “identify disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content.”

Now the government lost before the 5th Circuit. Found that the White House, FBI and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention crossed the line into coercion.  After rehearing the case, the panel ruled that CISA did overstep also.



Censorship Corruption Education Leftist Virtue(!) Politics Reprints from others. The Law

Embattled Ivy League Professor Amy Wax Alleges School Attempting To ‘Punish’ Her For Conservative Speech

Views: 14

Embattled Ivy League Professor Amy Wax Alleges School Attempting To ‘Punish’ Her For Conservative Speech

Prof Amy Wax
Brandon Poulter for the Daily Caller   
  • University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax alleges that the school is not adhering to free speech standards and is targeting her due to her conservative beliefs.
  • Wax has made controversial statements over the years, which the university has claimed have created a “hostile campus environment,” and the administration is attempting to sanction her.
  • “[U]Penn has zero interest in developing and adhering to principles of a consistent position on free expression, zero interest,” Wax told the DCNF.

University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) law professor Amy Wax alleged that the school does not adhere to free speech standards and is targeting the scholar because of her conservative beliefs.

Wax, who spoke to the Daily Caller News Foundation, has made several controversial statements outside of the classroom, and the university has claimed that her speech created “a hostile campus environment.” Former UPenn President Liz Magill signed off on sanctions against Wax, which Wax said was an attempt to sanction her for extramural speech, which is speech outside the classroom, and said that the school is “flagrantly in violation of the principles of academic freedom.”

“Penn has zero interest in developing and adhering to principles of a consistent position on free expression, zero interest. They can protect the people they basically agree with or favor, like the pro-Palestinians, anti-Israeli, antisemitic, and they can punish people like me. They have never articulated a consistent position,” Wax told the DCNF.

“Everybody says after October 7, universities are on the run, they’re going to change the way they do things or after the affirmative action case, they’re going to change the way they do things. I don’t see any evidence of that. I hear people doubling down on their conviction that everything they’re doing is right and good,” Wax continued.

Universities are dominated by left-wing professors, with one 2018 review of over 60 top colleges in the U.S. revealing that the professoriate is over ten to one Democratic to Republican. Wax pointed to the left-wing dominance of the universities as a reason she was being targeted for her more conservative speech, while radical left-wing speech had largely gone unquestioned.

As recently as 2015, UPenn awarded Wax with the school’s top teaching prize, the Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching, according to a UPenn news article. “Cancel culture really started accelerating around, I think, around 2015, 2016,” Wax told the DCNF.

The Penn Law Council of Student Representatives held a student body meeting with then-UPenn Law School Dean Theodore Ruger in September 2019 to discuss “issues regarding Professor Amy Wax,” according to an email obtained by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), a free speech legal organization.

“The objections to me had nothing really to do with the quality of my teaching. It had to do with my openly expressing views and opinions and discussing facts that were forbidden and deviated from this very narrow catechism,” Wax told the DCNF. Wax said that many of the ideas and thoughts she had expressed were discussed in mainstream conservative circles but are forbidden at universities.

Wax previously made controversial statements, including saying that America should let fewer Asians immigrate to the country due to their “indifference to liberty,” and that different racial “groups have different levels of ability” and that unequal outcomes are “not due to racism,” according to a June 2023 UPenn memo obtained by The Washington Free Beacon. She also said that diversity, equity and inclusion officers “couldn’t be scholars if their life depended on it,” and that they are “true believer bureaucrats.”

“People are afraid now to express a lot of this stuff in public because they will be censured or even lose their job or their livelihood,” Wax told the DCNF. “There is a myth, a fairy tale in the universities that all people are equal in their latent ability, whatever that means, and their achievement, and that is just completely contrary to fact.”

Wax said allegations that she made students uncomfortable in the classroom were unfounded and that Ruger targeted her for extramural speech. She pointed out that the recently leaked memo of the faculty senate didn’t list any speech in the classroom.

The memo recommends that Wax receive a public reprimand from university leadership, a loss of her named chair and a requirement to note when she publicly speaks, she is not speaking for the university. It also recommends a one-year suspension at half pay and a loss of summer pay in perpetuity. The memo claims that Wax’s speech should be treated as “major infractions of University behavioral standards.”

Magill, who signed off on the recommendation to sanction Wax in the leaked memo, argued at a Dec. 5 congressional hearing that the university had been lenient on antisemitic speech due to the school’s adherence to free speech principles. Magill also defended the Palestine Writes Festival at the school, which involved one speaker who likened Zionism to Nazism and one who said “most Jews” are “evil.”

“Liz Magill lied to Congress because it has never adhered to First Amendment standards,” Wax told the DCNF. “But the fact that they’re bringing this case against me is directly contrary to First Amendment standards.”

Free speech issues on college campuses have been a source of fierce debate since the Oct.7 terrorist attacks against Israel. Former Harvard President Claudine Gay wrote that students “had a right to speak” after over 30 student groups signed a letter blaming the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks on Israel and also alluded to free speech at the Dec. 5 congressional hearing on antisemitism.

Harvard University previously rescinded an offer to a student in 2019 for alleged racist comments made when he was 16 years old, and disinvited feminist philosopher Devin Buckley from campus in 2022 because of her views on trans issues.

MIT President Sally Kornbluth allegedly told MIT Israel Alliance President Talia Khan that the university could not evenly apply the code of conduct due to fear of possibly “losing faculty support.” MIT previously disinvited speaker Dorian Abbot, a geophysicist at the University of Chicago, due to his criticism of affirmative action. 

“The far left holds power in the universities, and they are not about to relinquish it,” Wax told the DCNF.

UPenn did not respond to the DCNF’s request for comments.


America's Heartland Commentary Education Elections Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics The Law

One Law. One Page. Part 7. College students go home and vote.

Views: 6

One Law. One Page. Part 7. College students go home and vote. Very simple law for all fifty states. If you live in one state but go to school in another, or outside of your home district, you have to vote in your home state.

No registering in the state your going to school in unless you sign a form that you intend to live in that state for at least a year after graduation. This is where a mail in ballot would be legal.

Each state has its own set of voting laws – some states require voting ID, some have different voter
registration and early vote deadlines, and different methods to vote(e.g by mail, early in person,
in person on election day). We need the same rule for all 50 states.


America's Heartland Biden Cartel Commentary Crime Education Links from other news sources.

A few things about the Liberty University 14 million dollar fine.

Views: 19

A few things about the Liberty University 14 million dollar fine. Let me say that they’re guilty and they admitted it. A school their size to only have one police officer? That’s crazy. But the size of the fine.

The largest Clery Act fine in history was $4.5 million against Michigan State in 2019, according to a February report from the Congressional Research Service. Federal investigators said Michigan State failed to adequately respond to sexual assault complaints against Larry Nassar, a campus sports doctor who molested elite gymnasts and other female athletes.

The fine never should have been this large. Especially since Liberty has so far spent over 10 million to fix this problem.


America's Heartland Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Education WOKE

Mom does what any loving mom would do. Goes after school that kicks daughter out for wearing Trump shirt.

Views: 33

Mom does what any loving mom would do. Goes after school that kicks daughter out for wearing Trump shirt. School claims it was over a flag.

Principal Dan Serrano, in an email to parents on Saturday, said the situation was about safety, not stifling political viewpoints. Serrano explains that the students were asked to leave campus “because they had this flag we didn’t want.”

Nuff said.


Education Life Links from other news sources. Politics The Courts The Law

Winning for now. California school district’s critical race theory ban, transgender notification policy stand for now, judge rules.

Views: 10

Winning for now. California school district’s critical race theory ban, transgender notification policy stand for now, judge rules. In the last election three new board members joined the Temecula school board.

Board members Joseph Komrosky, Danny Gonzalez and Jen Wiersma, elected in 2022 as what was then a Christian conservative majority on the five-member board, voted in for the ban. Board members Allison Barclay and Steven Schwartz, who have often opposed initiatives of the board majority, voted no.

Here’s what I find interesting, and we will see if this will stand. California Attorney General Rob Bonta sued Chino Valley, and a judge last September granted Bonta’s request for a temporary restraining order to block that district from enforcing its policy. In the Temecula case, in which the district’s policy is based on Chino Valley’s, Keen made the opposite ruling.


Biden Cartel Commentary Economy Education Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Uncategorized

Get ready to move. NY and CA looking to raise taxes again.

Views: 19

Get ready to move. NY and CA looking to raise taxes again. Is anyone surprised?  Two states who spend so much of their revenue on frivolous crap. Now it’s time to pay up.

New York and California, two of the United States’ economic powerhouses, are currently engaged in serious discussions regarding new tax proposals in response to significant revenue shortfalls. These proposals come at a critical time when both states are facing financial challenges, partly due to the economic impacts of recent global events and shifts in domestic policy. The talks are centered around finding a balance between generating necessary revenue and maintaining an attractive environment for businesses and residents.

As these states navigate through these complex fiscal issues, the outcomes of these discussions could set important precedents for state-level taxation policies across the country.


Biden Cartel Commentary Economy Education Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Why Red states do better under Bidenomics than blue states.

Views: 11

Why Red states do better under Bidenomics than blue states. They don’t spend foolishly. Also red states take the federal money and use it on infrastructure and programs that benefit all.

VS blue states that spend money on the undocumented and housing for those who need help for their mental and physical issues.

The strong performance of red states may result from the convergence of business-friendly state laws and attractive cities for young, educated liberals, Edward Glaeser, a Harvard economist, told ABC News. The pool of skilled workers offers companies a ready source of employees, while companies benefit from state policies like low taxes and right-to-work laws, he added.


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