Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Economy Government Overreach Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources.

What part of the more you go to wind and solar, the more expensive it gets?

What part of the more you go to wind and solar, the more expensive it gets? We keep on seeing how the fanatics keep on pushing alternative fuels to replace fossil fuels. But this energy saver is far from it. Just ask New York. 

A recent report by the state Public Service Commission’s staff found the transition is already increasing utility bills. National Grid electric customers in upstate New York saw 9.8 percent of their bills go toward climate investments in 2022; for Con Edison customers in New York City, it was 4.4 percent. That amounts to an average of about $9.40 out of a $96 monthly bill for upstate Grid customers and $7.90 out of a $182 monthly bill for Con Ed customers.

Or ask New Jersey. And this was before he set even more ambitious clean energy targets this year.

A study released by the state’s utility regulators last summer found Murphy’s clean energy policies could increase rates by 10 percent to 20 percent unless people use less energy, buy an electric car and rip out their natural gas appliances to install new electric appliances.

Or how about Washington state? Washington state’s first auctions under a new cap-and-trade program have raised significant revenue. But the program has been linked to rising fuel prices in the state, with farmers saying they’re getting hit despite an exemption in the law.

Finally, California. Programs increase gas costs between 22 and 44 cents per gallon, Newsom is now in the midst of implementing an anti-price gouging law targeting oil and gas companies. How will that work with more and more corporations leaving.

Renewables are not reliable and are more expensive. Regardless of what state you live in, what’s happened to your electric bill since 2021.


Commentary Elections Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics

Short and sweet. Why it makes sense for Trump to skip the first two or three debates.

Short and sweet. Why it makes sense for Trump to skip the first two or three debates. Trump is so far ahead that it would be nothing but a circus side show. Why Debate folks that are around 1 or 2 percent?

Let the debaters thin out as they debate to see who can muster support with the base.

Biden Cartel Commentary Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics

Obama lawyer will be special council.

Obama lawyer will be special council. AG Garland named a special council to investigate the Biden Cartel. What doesn’t make sense is that Garland firs said that a special prosecutor wasn’t needed because Weiss had powers to follow the evidence.

Remember that this is a former Obama stooge. Also he was recommend by the two Delaware Democrat Senators.

Biden Cartel Corruption Crime How funny is this? Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics The Courts

Quick hide your children Progressives claim Trumps out to kill all who get in his way.

Quick hide your children Progressives claim Trumps out to kill all who get in his way. Former President Trump made a statement that.

“IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!”  Well, the fanatics on the left are in fear. Some maybe even went into hiding. According to Jackie Boy the statement was a threat of violence against the witnesses and Smith and his crackerjack team.

The judge bought the lie and now wants a response from Trump as to what he meant. My first thought was to tell the judge to rotate on it. But seriously this will be a long string of complaints that will be filed.

Under the process known as discovery, prosecutors are required to provide defendants with the evidence against them so they can prepare their defense.

“It could have a harmful chilling effect on witnesses or adversely affect the fair administration of justice in this case,” prosecutors wrote in their filing, adding Trump has a history of attacking judges, attorneys and witnesses in other cases against him.

At his arraignment on Thursday, Trump swore not to intimidate witnesses or communicate with them without legal counsel present.

Protective orders are routine in cases involving confidential documents, but prosecutors said it was particularly important to restrict public dissemination given Trump’s social media statements.

A Trump spokesperson issued a statement defending the former president’s social media post.

“The Truth post cited is the definition of political speech, and was in response to the Rino, China-loving, dishonest special interest groups and super PAC’s,” the statement said.



Biden Cartel Child Abuse Corruption Emotional abuse How sick is this? Just my own thoughts MSM Progressive Racism

How sick is this? Biden finally admits to having another granddaughter.

How sick is this? Biden finally admits to having another granddaughter. What an ass. It’s been what? Three years that Conservative Media has been reporting that Joe and Jill had another granddaughter, but the MSM and al of the Biden’s refused to acknowledge this beautiful little girl.

But not until a few weeks ago when Maureen Dowd came forward and blasted Grandpa Joe did others say oh yeah Joe got another one. So I guess now this is supposed to make things right.

“I watched as you told the nation that you had six grandchildren and you loved each one of them,” she wrote. “I believe that. What I cannot believe and what I find unconscionable is that you refuse to admit or accept the fact that there is a beautiful little 4-year-old girl living in Arkansas by the name of Navy Joan who is your seventh grandchild.”

Education Just my own thoughts Opinion Uncategorized

Home grown American Patriots that scare some.

Moms for Liberty are home grown American Patriots that scare leftists. Beside doing great Casseroles, ( unlike someone who mixes Ragu with can spaghetti or doesn’t know what Orzo Salad is. ) these gals know how to win elections.

Last year they entered 500 school board races and won over half of them. This year they won almost a third of the races in Wisconsin. Now at times some say some stupid things, but hopefully they learned.

They ran into a situation where in 2022 Facebook shut down 22 of their websites.  Based on lies from the NEA. But they contacted Facebook and the next day were back.

Since starting in Florida in 2021, Moms for Liberty has set up a national network, today claiming 285 chapters in 45 states.

Just my own thoughts

She’s not a Walmart Melania, but a Jackie O Princess.

She’s not a Walmart Melania, but a Jackie O Princess. Anybody who shops regularly at a Walmart will see that many of the Walmart shoppers are lower middle class, and black. So I think that Casey fits in neither one of those descriptions.


The ladies got class and she dresses classy. What was she supposed to wear at a motorcycle fundraiser? A tank top with Chef Boyardee sauce spilled all over it?

Education Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources.

Why are Progressives comparing the PPP loans to the student loans?

Why are Progressives comparing the PPP loans to the student loans? First I do realize it’s mostly low level white trash and progressive politicians who are making this comparison.

A student loan was a loan to where you sign off that when it’s due, you pay it back. These loans have been paid off by tens of millions.

 The government forcibly locked down hairdressers, family restaurants, and other small businesses, and jeopardized the livelihoods of their employees–as well as their access to employer-provided health care. To address this, Congress worked in a bipartisan way to offer Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans to help these businesses and their workers stay afloat. As a result, the program supported 51 million jobs to get through the pandemic across the economy.

Anyone who had a small business could qualify for this. So if say Bill Gates of Microsoft started a small business outside of Microsoft, he would have been eligible for forgiveness. Just like the person who say had a catering hot dog stand outside of their state capitol, same thing.

By contrast, President Biden’s student loan giveaway largely benefits the wealthy, forcing this debt onto lower-income American taxpayers in the form of higher taxes and more inflation.


Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!) Life Racism. Work Place

Why are white progressives so afraid of merit?

Why are white progressives so afraid of merit? You would have thought that after they lost the Civil War, white progressives would have accepted their black brothers and sisters as equals.

But after 150 plus years the progressives still are acting as if blacks are their personal property. At least with this weeks Supreme Court ruling, it will be much harder for schools to pack their enrollment with students that are at the eight grade level in many basic subjects.

Next stop? Hopefully the workplace.

How funny is this? Just my own thoughts Progressive Racism Stupid things people say or do.

Looking. No Rachel you’re not a news organization but an outlet for racism, bigotry, and hate speech.

Looking. No Rachel you’re not a news organization but an outlet for racism, bigotry, and hate speech. The other day Maddow spoke about MSNBC being a news organization and it would taint their view of the news. Funny that she would say that.

MSNBC thought it news to cover the court proceedings and charges against the former President, but found it not news worthy to cover his response. Remember that this is the same loon who carried on for what? Years about a Russian connection between Trump and the Russians. I rest my case.

Rachel Maddow alerts viewers that newly indicted ex-president Donald Trump has begun an address to supporters at his Bedminster golf club but in light of the expectation that the speech will be a “litany of lies and false accusations” MSNBC will not broadcast the speech live but will instead report any news that comes from it.