Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach How funny is this? How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Life Links from other news sources. Media Woke Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Racism. Reprints from others. Satire Stupid things people say or do. Weaponization of Government. White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Friday Funnies.

Views: 8

Friday Funnies.

I consider Tucker a mentor of sorts. I strive to be more like Tucker.

Brought to you by Google.

The brainwashing of our youth – by social media corporations is out of control. Unfortunately, for all of us – it isn’t going to stop.

“We know best. We are going to remake the world. We are going to reshape kids around the world”

The government has a remedy for this type of unlawful business practice. The 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act has bee utilized many times to break up monopolies. The Sherman Act outlaws:

“every contract, combination, or conspiracy in restraint of trade,” and any “monopolization, attempted monopolization, or conspiracy or combination to monopolize.”

Google is out of control. They have not only monopolized the internet, they have monopolized the control of advertising. Both business strategies are being challenged by the DOJ in two separate lawsuits. Meta is also being sued for unfair business practices, as it has gobbled up its competitors in a series of buy-outs.

Or you might be watching MSM exclusively and using Google as your search engine.


Commentary The Law Unions Weaponization of Government. Work Place

If I had one bill, one page. Prevailing wage. Page 2.

Views: 7

If I had one bill, one page. Prevailing wage. Page 2. I would propose a bill that would do away with prevailing wage. Prevailing wage is a law that pays workers the region’s standards for hourly wages, benefits, and overtime, as calculated by the U.S. Department of Labor and Ohio Department of Commerce.

The overtime would stay, but companies would not be forced to pay a set high standard and would not be forced to be union. Example if a Union company is  paying on average say $35.00 an hour, and a non Union company is paying $ 20.00 an hour, you go with the non union company.

The law would read. Any local or state that uses prevailing wage, undocumented workers or states the job needs to be done by union workers would be denied federal funds for that project.


Commentary Government Overreach Life Links from other news sources. Weaponization of Government.

Stories making the headlines in California. Former National Guard General Sues Newsom for Antisemitism. And more.

Views: 12

Stories making the headlines in California. Here’s a few stories that are news makers in California. Several have drawn National attention.

Former National Guard General Sues Newsom for Antisemitism.




Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Child Abuse Commentary Corruption Education Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Weaponization of Government. White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Why are we surprised? It’s California. Test scores fall.

Views: 12

Why are we surprised? It’s California. Test scores fall. I was always taught that you went to school to learn how to read and write. But one school in the San Francisco school system is teaching hate, racism, and bigotry. So, what about the basics?

Just 3.8% of students were proficient in math and 11.6% at grade-level in English for the 2022-23 school year — a decline of about 4.5 percentage points in each category from the previous year, according to data from the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress. In plain English, they got worse. One reason why.

Student achievement at a San Francsico-area elementary school fell dramatically following the establishment of a woke teaching policy through a $250,000 federal grant.

Two years into a three-year contract with Woke Kindergarten, a for-profit company that trains teachers to confront white supremacy, disrupt racism and oppression, and remove those barriers to learning, test scores in English and math at Glassbrook Elementary in Hayward, California, reached new lows, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Saturday.

Tiger Craven-Neeley, a teacher at Glassbrook, told the Chronicle he supports discussing racism in the classroom but found the Woke Kindergarten training confusing and rigid. He said he was told a primary objective was to “disrupt whiteness” in the school — and that the sessions were “not a place to express white guilt.”

Craven-Neeley, who is white and a self-described “gay moderate,” said he questioned a trainer who used the phrasing “so-called United States,” as well as lessons available on the organization’s website offering “Lil’ Comrade Convos,” or positing a world without police, money, or landlords. He said he wasn’t trying to be difficult when he asked for clarification about disrupting whiteness.


Links from other news sources. Opinion The Law Weaponization of Government.

Weaponization-of-Government. Chicago.

Views: 24

Weaponization-of-Government. Chicago.

By MC.

The City of Chicago is being sued and rightfully so. Remember that Chicago claims to be a sanctuary city and the undocumented are coming willingly.

In the lawsuit, Wynne Transportation alleges the ordinance punishes companies working with the state of Texas, prohibits cross-country travel and discriminates against unscheduled stops carrying migrants.

The company also alleges the ordinance carries out “intentional discrimination” against the passengers of the buses, claiming the traffic rules specifically target migrant charter buses.

The lawsuit accuses the city of violating federal and state law with its restrictions on what Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration has referred to as “rogue buses.”


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Economy Education Elections Free Speech Government Overreach Green Energy Gun Control How funny is this? How sick is this? Immigration January 6 Journalism. Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!) Life Media Woke Medicine MSM Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Racism Science Stupid things people say or do. Terrorism The Border The Courts The Law theft in office. Transgender Trump Un documented. Uncategorized Warfare Weaponization of Government. White Progressive Supremacy WOKE Work Place

Weaponization of Government. New series.

Views: 15

Weaponization of Government. New series.

By MC.

I’ll be starting a new series on how Government is using its powers (Sometimes unconstitutionally and possibly illegally). Some of the articles will be in my own words (with sources) and some will be the reposting of articles from others.

I’ll be looking at local, state, and federal. Also, I’ll be looking at the educational system. Hopefully you will be shocked that this is going on. So, let’s see where this takes us.

If you have some ideas or have stories of weaponization, please feel free to comment or send me a link.


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