Politics Opinion

Why you can’t trust the MSM and Progressive politicians. Democrat Impeachment Managers Withdraw Statements Falsely Attributed to Sen. Mike Lee After Schumer Intervention.

Views: 22

Why you can’t trust the MSM and Progressive politicians. Democrat Impeachment Managers Withdraw Statements Falsely Attributed to Sen. Mike Lee After Schumer Intervention. So the impeachment managers tried to pull a fast one. Using fake news they tried to use what they called evidence. Why did they do what they did?

This led to a remarkable moment where Sen. Pat Leahy (D-VT), the president pro tempore of the U.S. Senate who is also presiding over the impeachment trial of Trump since Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts declined to preside, given that Trump is no longer in office, made an unclear ruling apparently rejecting Lee’s motion. Lee then appealed his ruling and sought a vote in the Senate to override Leahy, and after several confusing moments the Senate began voting on Lee’s objection to Leahy’s unclear ruling. After a couple senators’ names were called when the clerk began calling the roll of Senators to vote on Lee’s objection, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer spoke up and intervened to stop the vote. Schumer used a tactic called noting the absence of a quorum–essentially pausing the Senate’s formal business as televised for the nation while senators and staff handle a dispute or negotiation off camera–to “work this out.”

Moments later, they came back into action and Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD)–the House Democrats’ lead impeachment manager–admitted that Cicilline’s characterization of Lee as it related to the Trump-Tuberville phone call, while based on news reports, was inaccurate, and then he withdrew the matter from the record himself without a Senate vote.



What I took away from the circus impeachment so far. Part 3-4. We win.

Views: 45

What I took away from the circus impeachment. Part 3-4. We win. I could not believe that the Democrats allowed those house kept so called affirmative action clowns on the team. that’s OK. If not for them, the Trump team would have had to work harder.

Did you not love how the violence of the left was exposed? Especially Harris. Supporting hate groups and wishing to do harm to the President, Vice President, and the former AG.

Finally how the house managers were clueless on the past Supreme Court cases. Stuff a first year law student would have known. Except for the one who would have mommy dearest do their homework and fact checking. SMH.

The Black Lives Matter bail fund that was promoted by Democrat Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris bailed out a man who is accused of raping an 8-year-old girl.

The Minnesota Freedom Fund, which was promoted by Harris, secured the release of the alleged pedophile in July.




Was it really that long ago that Democrats represented the working man and woman? Ohio Dem says many in party ‘can’t understand’ working-class concerns

Views: 12

Was it really that long ago that Democrats represented the working man and woman? Ohio Dem says many in party ‘can’t understand’ working-class concerns. Here’s what’s scary. Tell me what this means.

Of the top 20 wealthiest districts, 19 are represented by Democrats. Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) district is the fourth-richest in the nation, according to Kaptur’s data.

Democrats also dominate the upper half of the nation’s districts by a clear margin, with the bottom half disproportionately choosing Republicans as their members of Congress.

Appalled when a fellow Democrat said this to Congresswoman Kaptur.

A Democratic colleague of Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) recently suggested a simple solution to the economic problems afflicting the industrial Midwest.

“ ‘Well, Congresswoman Kaptur, the answer is: Leave,’ ” Kaptur says she was told by the Democratic member, whom she declined to name.



Virus Spreader will now Vote by Proxy After Voting in Person with Coronavirus.

Views: 21

Virus Spreader will now Vote by Proxy After Voting in Person with Coronavirus. We saw where three Democrats who tested positive appeared in person to vote. But somehow they found doctors who said that it’s OK to travel with the virus and vote.

Now you had three Democrats tested positive after that vote. So who do you think spread that virus? According to the MSM and the infected ones, Republicans who tested negative. Crazy isn’t it?

We have this special report.

Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) announced Thursday she will vote by proxy after she, afflicted with the coronavirus, voted in person for Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to become Speaker of the House. She later voted in person to impeach President Donald Trump.

Moore wrote to Cheryl Johnson, the clerk of the House of Representatives, announcing she will designate Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) as her proxy for future votes.

“I am unable to physically attend proceedings in the House Chamber due to the ongoing public health emergency.

So now she’s worried about being a super spreader. She was openly seen with her 400 other Congressmen and women. Folks better get checked.




House members no longer have a mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, etc. So says Nancy Pelosi..

Views: 29

House members no longer have a mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, etc. So says Nancy Pelosi. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Rules Committee Chairman James McGovern (D-MA) unveiled the rules for the 117th Congress on Friday, which contain “future-focused” proposals, including the elimination of gendered terms, such as “father, mother, son, and daughter.”


The official wording.

It promotes inclusion and diversity. That includes changes that would: establish the Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth; require standing committees to include in their oversight plans a discussion of how committee work over the forthcoming Congress will address issues of inequities on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, or national origin; honor all gender identities by changing pronouns and familial relationships in the House rules to be gender neutral; make permanent the Office of Diversity and Inclusion to facilitate a diverse workforce that is reflective of our Members and the districts they represent; and survey the diversity of witness panels at committee hearings to ensure we are hearing from diverse groups of experts as we craft legislation.



Why won’t the left and the MSM admit that their best friends are the new Axis powers? Russia, China, Iran.

Views: 12

Why won’t the left and the MSM admit that their best friends are the new Axis powers? Russia, China, Iran. When FBI Director Gray and DNI director Ratcliffe reported that Russia, China, and Iran were trying to influence our elections, what did the Democrats and the MSM say? See we told you that the Russians were trying to influence the elections and they’re for President Trump.

Now it was reported that Russia was putting out misinformation about both candidates and China and Iran were putting out misinformation only about President Trump. But if you only followed MSM you just heard about Russia. Why?

Leftists and MSM feel that China and Iran are their friends. They ignore the fact that Russia has mutual arms pacts with China and Iran. We have this from our colleague Catherine Herridge.

Catherine Herridge: Well DNI Ratcliffe leads the 17 intelligence agencies and he has access to the most highly classified information that is held by the US government. And he told CBS News that there was foreign interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year and he is anticipating a public report on those findings in January.

So with all the evidence that shows that Iran, China, and Russia are tied together at the hip, why does Joe Biden think that they’re our friends?



Politics Elections

Opinion. The three frauds the Democrats and MSM created.

Views: 40

Opinion. The three frauds the Democrats and MSM created. You may or may not now it but in the past year we have seen voter/election fraud actually evolve.

No.1 Absolutely no voter fraud.

No.2 There is no large amount of voter fraud.

No.3 There is no creditable proof of massive voter fraud. 

Let me explain.

Up until six months ago the left and MSM would tell us that there absolutely was no voter fraud. They would use a study did by the Second Bush administration I think in 2005.

Then this was changed to this. There is no large amount of voter fraud. This came out after case after case of fraud was posted and folks were being arrested.



Democrat Congresswoman wants a law to protect the baby after the attempted murder failed.

Views: 41

Democrat Congresswoman wants a law to protect the baby after the attempted murder failed. You know the drill, Abortion in most cases is outright murder. But now. This bill protects the child after birth.

The act of murder ( abortion ) fails. A baby boy or girl is born. Well this Congresswoman says let it live. Those with a bad hair day on the left say no. Kill it, it must die.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, seems to be defying her social gathering’s management once more as she launched a regulation mandating medical look after infants who survive abortions, a measure that gave the impression to be much like one her social gathering blocked earlier this yr.

Launched on Wednesday, H.R. 8923 would amend U.S. legal code “to make sure a well being care practitioner workout routines the right diploma of care within the case of a kid who survives an abortion or tried abortion.”

The transient modification resembled laws pushed by Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., and Rep. Ann Wagner, R-Mo., earlier this yr. Each the Senate and Home Democrats rejected the invoice, which might have imposed penalties on medical doctors who refused to supply lifesaving medical care to abortion survivors.



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