
Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna Vouches For Biden Whistleblower Tony Bobulinski.

Views: 23

Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna Vouches For Biden Whistleblower Tony Bobulinski. The private email from Khanna, which Roberts had scrubbed for personal contact details, counter the narrative from Democrats that Bobulinksi is part of a Russian disinformation campaign, as his colleague Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has claimed.

Bobulinksi said during a recent interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that he spoke out about the Biden family’s business dealings because he wanted to clear his and his family’s name.

He began speaking out after the New York Post obtained and published Hunter Biden emails that included his name, and the Biden campaign and Schiff began claiming it was part of a Russian disinformation campaign. He further said he asked the Biden campaign and Schiff to retract their statements, but they ignored him, forcing him to speak out.



What part of 38 times doesn’t the MSM and Progressives understand? 38 times Trump denounces racism, bigotry, and hate. Joe Biden did not.

Views: 37

Fact check. What part of 38 times doesn’t the MSM and Progressives understand? 38 times Trump denounces racism, bigotry, and hate. Joe Biden did not. So 38 times and counting, but yet Joe Biden embraces hate groups like Antifa and BLM.  The President got it right when he said that Joe Biden has never condemned the KKK but did praise a former KKK Grand Wizzard as his “mentor” We have this from FOX.

The Trump campaign on Tuesday released a video compiling more than three dozen times President Trump has denounced White supremacy, as his Democratic rival Joe Biden and his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris of California continue to claim this week on the campaign trail that he has failed to do so.

The Trump campaign rolled out a nearly 5-minute-long video of the president, featuring video clips from as recently as this month, to his 2016 presidential campaign, and dating all the way back to an interview Trump gave to Matt Lauer in the early 2000s, where he denounced White supremacy and “disavowed” White supremacist groups.



Joe Biden has said that violence from the left and right is wrong, but when BLM and Antifa commit violence, Joe Biden is silent.



Fact Check the Biden Lies.

Views: 27

Fact Check the Biden Lies. At Thursday’s Debate Joe was on a roll. He told one tall tale after another. But that’s the new Progressive Joe. But it’s really no different than the old Liberal Joe.

So let’s take a look at what we found. Let’s start off with the Mask.

Joe stated that you need to wear the mask at all times.

Fact. Look at the article picture. Joe’s security detail person has a mask on, Joe does not.

Joe stated that not one person lost their health care under Biden Obama.

Fact. 2013 politifact voted that statement as lie of the year. Obama apologized for that lie.

Joe Biden said he never called Blacks Super Predators.

Fact. In 1993 when Joe was working to get the law he’s famous for passed, He called them predators.

Joe Biden says that he only was going to ban fracking on Federal land.

Fact. Joe Biden on three different occasions said differently.

President claimed Biden’s received 3.5 million from wife of Moscow mayor. Biden denied it.

Fact. Hunter Biden’s firm received the 3.5 million

Biden claimed Trump had a secret account in China.

Fact. Trump Corporation had one, but it’s been closed or inactive since 2015.

Biden says there was nothing unethical about his sons dealings in the Ukraine and him being VP.

Fact. Two Obama state department officials said it was a conflict of interest.

Biden: Trump “has caused the deficit with China to go up, not down.”

Fact. The U.S. trade deficit with China in goods and services, the broadest measurement of the balance of trade, was smaller under Trump in 2019, the most recent full year, than it was in any of the final three years of the Obama administration.

Trump said that years ago Biden tried to hurt Social Security.

Fact. In the 70’s 80’s and 90’s Biden proposed freezing Social Security.

Biden said if the Social Security tax were eliminated, Social Security would run out by 2023.

Fact. Trump’s plan was to cut it only for four months. Only congress could make it permanent.

Finally Biden claimed that the Biden Obama regime released 38,000 prisoners.

Fact. The number was 12,000. The 38,000 is the lowering of prison population not those who were released. People died, sentences were served,etc.


Uncategorized Polls

Poll. Is the Media protecting Joe Biden?

Views: 54

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Poll. Is the Media protecting Joe Biden? Of course. No tough questions, ignoring his gaffs, past racist remarks, and the sexual assult allegations.




Now will he go after the main hate group out there? Biden publicly condemns Antifa following criticism from the right.

Views: 3

Now will he go after the main hate group out there? Biden publicly condemns Antifa following criticism from the right. Finally after all these months Joe Biden condemned part of his base, Antifa.

Joe Biden countered criticism that he’s been soft on aggressive protesters, arguing he’s disavowed antifa while President Trump hasn’t distanced himself for its far-right counterparts.

Back in 2017 President Trump has condemed the hate groups from the right. But to this day Joe refuses to recognize that this has been done. Why is that Joe?

The 2020 Democratic presidential nominee and two-term vice president was asked whether he denounced antifa, a left-wing protest movement that says it opposes fascism but that critics say is actually an effort to foment violence.

“Yes, I do — violence, no matter who it is,” he told Lancaster, Pennsylvania-based NBC affiliate WGAL on Sunday.

Now America is waiting to see if he will also condemn BLM, A VERY LARGE PORTION OF HIS BASE.

What say you?





Joe Biden is a gift that no one can deny. The things that come out of his mouth.

Views: 1

Joe Biden is a gift that no one can deny. The things that come out of his mouth.President Trump took aim at presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Thursday, targeting comments that the former vice president made the day before on the country’s Black and Latino communities.


Biden made the comments while being interviewed by teleconference as part of the National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists joint virtual conference.

“What you all know, but most people don’t know, unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community, with incredibly different attitudes about different things,” Biden told the panel Wednesday.


His comment is perfectly in line with his claim that black people who don’t vote for him “aren’t really black.” Stay tuned, I’m sure we will hear so much more from now to election day. Thanks Joe.


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