Child Abuse Corruption Crime How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Reprints from others.

Geraldo Rivera Told Conservatives to ‘Put Up or Shut Up’ on Hunter Biden – Boy, Did They Ever Put Up

Views: 32

This is the hill big-mouthed Geraldo picks to die on?

With Republicans on the House Oversight Committee bearing down -on first son Hunter Biden’s financial records, the knee-jerk liberal at Fox News decided that Tuesday would be a good time to issue a Twitter challenge to Hunter’s legion of critics to “put up or shut up” when it came to law-breaking activity.

Unfortunately for both Hunter and Geraldo, he had plenty of takers.

Well, even if a disgraceful history of drug abuse, adultery, and child abandonment were all there was to the Hunter Biden story, River’s glib “aside from fact he’s been a junkie dirtbag” would rank right up there with “Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?” as a masterwork of sliding (aka “omitting” – TPR ) the obvious.

But as anyone who’s followed Hunter’s saga with even a half-open eye knows, there’s a lot more to Hunter’s perfidy than personal transgression.

Mollie Hemingway, top-selling author, editor-in-chief of conservative website The Federalist, and Fox News contributor, has both eyes more than half open. And she let Rivera know it in a response bristling with mockery.

That puts it succinctly.

It’s undisputed public knowledge that Hunter Biden lied on a background check form while purchasing a gun in 2018. He’s written a whole book about using illegal drugs. He has a documented history of what are euphemistically called “tax issues.”

Hunter himself has effectively admitted that his lucrative job as a board member of the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma was a result of his last name.

The kid-glove treatment of Hunter Biden by the Department of Justice and the FBI Hemingway referred to is a parody of privilege and power.

The FBI, remember, had the Hunter Biden laptop for almost a year before the public became aware of it and its incendiary, incriminating contents thanks to the New York Post’s reporting in 2020 — reporting that was squelched by the lords of social media at the instigation of the FBI.

Plenty of Hemingway’s followers on Twitter chimed in with their own answers to the Rivera challenge:

As one Twitter user put it, “last I knew being called a junkie would require the possession of some kind of illegal drug. Geraldo never disappoints.”

“Dropping your famous-person-dad’s name as part of your con to impress people =/= pay-to-play,” another wrote.

And this one nailed it:

“That Hunter hasn’t been arrested for the myriad crimes for which there is ample evidence on the laptop isn’t an indication of his innocence. It’s proof of the type of corruption we typically see in 3rd world countries.”

Meanwhile, Rep. James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, announced on Tuesday that his committee has managed to get through stonewalling by the Treasury Department to get access to records that indicated “suspicious activity” when it came to the Biden family’s finances.

“After two months of dragging their feet, the Treasury Department is finally providing us with access to the suspicious activity reports for the Biden family and their associates’ business transactions,” the Kentucky Republican said in a statement on the Oversight Committee’s website.

“It should never have taken us threatening to hold a hearing and conduct a transcribed interview with an official under the penalty of perjury for Treasury to finally accommodate part of our request.”

The Treasury records Comer is getting are called “suspicious activity reports,” and are generated required from banks and other financial institutions when transactions involve large amounts of money that are suspected of being involved in money laundering, according to a Reuters report explaining the process.

The more the country learns about Hunter Biden’s dealings with foreign companies and governments — including China and its communist dictatorship — the more the country should be worried that the president himself has been compromised by his own past.

As Comer’s statement on the committee’s website made clear, there is more at stake than Hunter Biden or even the whole Biden family.

“According to bank documents we’ve already obtained, we know one company owned by a Biden associate received a $3 million dollar wire from a Chinese energy company two months after Joe Biden left the vice presidency. Soon after, hundreds of thousands of dollars in payouts went to members of the Biden family.

“We are going to continue to use bank documents and suspicious activity reports to follow the money trail to determine the extent of the Biden family’s business schemes, if Joe Biden is compromised by these deals, and if there is a national security threat. If Treasury tries to stonewall our investigation again, we will continue to use tools at our disposal to compel compliance.”

To a normal person, that’s a big deal. To a patriotic American, that should be a very big deal.

But to a card-carrying member of the establishment media like Geraldo, Hunter Biden is simply a “junkie dirtbag,” not admirable, but evidently no more guilty — and no more worthy of attention — than any of the countless millions of others who’ve struggled with addiction.

But there’s much more to Hunter Biden than that — dangerously much more.

Mollie Hemingway knows it. Honest Americans who follow the news know it.

Geraldo, either overconfidently corrupt himself or crippled by the willful blindness of the rest of the establishment media when it comes to Biden’s corruption allegations, issued a challenge about the wrong person at the wrong time.

And, boy, did he get an answer.

And, in case you never saw them:


This redacted photo shows an underage girl sharing Hunter’s bed. It is rumored to be his dead brother’s daughter, Natalie.

One of the “underage obsessions appears to be a niece,

“800 pages of text messages sent or received by Hunter Biden from 2018 and 2019 repeatedly reveals that his former love interest Hallie, the widow of the late Beau Biden, claimed he behaved in a “sexually inappropriate” way around a minor family member.
Hunter Biden told his sister Ashley Biden that Hallie described him as being “sexually inappropriate” with a minor female family member.
The texts reveal that most members of Hunter Biden’s family seemed to know about these allegations. Among these family members are Hunter’s parents Joe Biden and Jill Biden, his sister Ashley Biden, and Jim Biden, the brother of Joe Biden. In some cases, family members decided to take Hunter’s “side” of the apparent family argument over the allegations, choosing to believe him over Hallie Biden.
Previous reporting pertaining to the situation, including comments by prominent pundit Candace Owens and Rep. Lauren Boebert, have claimed that the teenage relative in question is Natalie Biden.”


Daily Hits. Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

What’s making the news.

Views: 4

What’s making the news.

Good morning. This day could go down in history. Former President Donald Trump said that he expects to be arrested over an investigation into a hush-money payment today. And yesterday afternoon, the NYPD began installing steel barricades around Manhattan’s Criminal Court.

It’s still not a sure thing, but if Trump is indicted and arrested, he’d be the first former president to face criminal charges. His lawyers have said that if it happens, he’ll follow standard arrest procedures, including getting fingerprinted and having a mugshot taken. Should be an interesting day.

Sam Klebanov, Jamie Wilde, Neal Freyman, Abby Rubenstein

  • Markets: Regulators in Switzerland seem to have given US markets a boost by calming investors’ fears of a banking crisis (at least for now). Stocks closed higher yesterday, and regional US banks started gaining again, with PacWest jumping up the most. But not all regional banks—First Republic’s shares plummeted once more, and Jamie Dimon is reportedly trying to engineer another fix for the struggling lender.
  • Amazon will lay off another 9,000 staffers. The e-commerce giant recently finished letting go of 18,000 employees, but it’s already announcing another round of job cuts to reduce spending. The layoffs will take place over the next few weeks and will include workers in its cloud computing, Twitch, advertising, and human resources divisions. The reductions come after Amazon’s ranks swelled to help the company meet surging demand when nobody could go to stores during the pandemic.

    Xi Jinping is visiting “dear friend” Vladimir Putin. China’s leader began a three-day visit to Russia yesterday, meeting with Putin even as the West tries to keep Russia isolated because of its invasion of Ukraine. China has called the trip a “journey of friendship, cooperation, and peace,” while the US has derided it as “diplomatic cover” for alleged Russian war crimes. The US is concerned China may try to sell weapons to Russia or push a peace deal that leaves Russian troops in Ukraine.

    CDC issues warning on fungus. In a possible inspiration for future seasons of The Last of Us, the CDC said yesterday that a fungal threat to human health is growing at “an alarming rate” in health facilities across the US. Candida auris, a drug-resistant and sometimes deadly fungus that grows as a yeast, has now been detected in more than half of all states after first being found in the US in 2016. The fungus can cause infections and is especially dangerous for older people and people with weakened immune systems.

    How funny is this? Junk Science.

    If humanity wants to avoid a Mad Max-like future, the world needs to act now to rein in climate change, a new UN-backed report stressed. “The climate time-bomb is ticking,” said United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres. “Humanity is on thin ice—and that ice is melting fast,” he added for dramatic effect.

    Hundreds of scientists from around the world worked together to create the report. One finding the panel has “very high confidence” in? “There is a rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a livable and sustainable future for all.” Cue Lloyd Christmas saying, “So you’re telling me there’s a chance?”

    It’ll take some elbow grease—err, biofuel—to claw back climate change

    Greenhouse gases need to be reduced by 50% by 2030 to keep climate change within 1.5 degrees Celsius of pre-industrial levels—and so far, the world’s on track to miss this target. By the early 2050s, we’d need to reach net zero CO2 emissions to stick to the goal.

    Some key tools in the world’s “survival guide,” per the report, which…are all somewhat “duh”:

    • Increase solar and wind power
    • Make cities more bikeable and walkable
    • Cut back on agricultural pollution and limit food waste

    Looking ahead…Guterres is putting the onus on high-income nations (ahem, US) to use their resources to limit their CO2 emissions by 2040—ten years before the rest of the world.—JW

    What else is brewing
    • France’s government narrowly survived no-confidence votes, paving the way for President Emmanuel Macron’s unpopular plan to raise the retirement age to take effect.
    • The new CEO of Starbucks, Laxman Narasimhan, took over from founder Howard Schultz two weeks earlier than planned.
    • Eggs have gotten so expensive that Dollar Tree can no longer make a profit selling them.
    • Rupert Murdoch, the 92-year-old executive chairman of News Corp, is engaged to be married for the fifth time.


Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Winning. Sanders Signs Bill to Build Monument to Babies Aborted Under Roe v. Wade

Views: 13

Sanders Signs Bill to Build Monument to Babies Aborted Under Roe v. Wade

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R) signed a bill into law late last week authorizing the building of a monument on State Capitol grounds to babies aborted during the era of Roe v. Wade, ABC News reported.

The “Monument to Unborn Children Display Act” creates a private fund to cover the cost of the monument, and the Capitol Arts and Grounds Commission will oversee the design of the monument, with the secretary of state having final say over the monument’s design and placement.

The bill, also called Senate Bill 307, details how Arkansas, which now fully bans abortion except to save the life of the mother, was “prevented from protecting the life of unborn children” because of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, which declared a constitutional “right” to abortion.

“During the period from 1973 to 2022, approximately at least 236,243 elective abortions were performed in this State,” the bill reads.

It continues:

As a memorial to the lives lost from 1973 to 2022 due to the decisions of the United States Supreme Court, and as a constant reminder of our duty to protect the life of every innocent human person, no matter how young or old, or how helpless and vulnerable that person may be, it is the intent of the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas to enact the Monument to Unborn Children Display Act and the Monument to Unborn Children Display Fund.

One of the bill’s sponsors, Arkansas State Rep. Mary Bentley (R), previously said the legislation would allow the state to raise private money for a memorial to “remember those children we were not able to protect and we will not be able to forget,” according to the Associated Press.

“Every single year after Roe was set in 1973, we’ve had a March for Life here because we did not forget,” Bentley said.

Holly Dickson, executive director of the ACLU of Arkansas, bemoaned the bill’s passing, calling the building of a pro-life monument a “performative political stunt.”

Dickson said in a statement to ABC News:

Arkansas is ranked as one of the worst states in the nation for overall child well-being, maternal health, and the life expectancy among adults, yet the legislature has enacted dangerous limits and bans on reproductive healthcare. Lawmakers should be working to protect Arkansans with real solutions instead of this type of performative political stunt.
The Arkansas House previously passed the measure 60-19, with ten Republicans and one Democrat voting “present.” The legislation does not detail where exactly the monument will be placed on Capitol grounds, though the grounds are the site of  “several other monuments, including one honoring the nine Black students who desegregated Little Rock Central High School” and a “Ten Commandments monument that was installed in 2018,” according to the Associated Press.


Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

Will two time election denying loser Abrams run for another office? Democrats hope not.

Views: 2

Will two time election denying loser run for another office? Shockwaves are being running wild about Abrahams running again for some political office in Georgia (Dog Catcher?). Over thirty Democrat party officials are not feeling the love for Miss Stacey.

This from Breitbart.

“Interviews with more than three dozen Democratic officials, party leaders and activists suggest she may not have the same unified support she enjoyed after her first defeat to Kemp in 2018,” Bluestein wrote.

Chair of Monroe County’s Democratic Party Yvonne Stuart, for instance, said that while she appreciated Abrams’ fundraising and get-out-the-vote efforts, she felt another Democrat should run for office.

“I do believe there might be another charismatic Democrat that can take us all the way in 2026,” said Stuart.


“I believe that there are opportunities for others to step up to the plate and run for governor,” said David Ellis-Mendoza, the chair of the Bartow County Democrats

“The party needs to move forward. And going 0-3 isn’t a way to go forward. Does she really want to be the next Guy Millner?” former head of the Democratic Party of Georgia Bobby Kahn said.

Abrams saw her star power take a hit in December of last year for her poor financial management in the wake of her failure to unseat Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp.

As Breitbart News previously reported, Stacey Abrams raised over $100 million for her failed campaign but still found herself over $1 million in debt, prompting her to fire staff immediately after the November election. Democrats did not withhold their criticism of her financial decisions.

“It’s incredibly bad planning, and it shows where their values are at,” a senior Democratic official told Greg Bluestein of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “You can’t look up one day and realize you can’t pay the bills.”


Corruption Faked news Links from other news sources.

Lock them up. Hillary and Barack were never charged.

Views: 7

Lock them up. Hillary and Barack were never charged. Supposedly Trump will be charged with using campaign money to make a bribe to a former hooker. Yes the same person who was ordered to pay $300 K to  Trump in a defamation lawsuit.

But Obama and Clinton both paid six figure fines and no charges were brought against them for admitting to illegally using campaign money. In the Trump case, he wasn’t the one who paid the Hooker.

This will end up going nowhere, but for the left it makes good theater. What else do they have to do?

This will likely backfire for the far-left Manhattan DA and result in skyrocketing fundraising and poll numbers for Trump. In August, when the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) conducted a raid on Mar-A-Lago, his home in Palm Beach, Florida, contributions to Trump’s political action committee skyrocketed over one million dollars in two days.






Just my own thoughts Politics

If Trump is arrested and there are protests, you can’t compare them to the Floyd riots.

Views: 17

If Trump is arrested and there are protests, you can’t compare them to the Floyd riots. No comparison. Trump is a former President. Floyd a common street thug with convictions. Odds are if alive Floyd would probably be in prison or dead.

Floyd protests turned into riots and dozens of folks died. When Republicans protest there usually  isn’t violence and they’re mostly peaceful. Also the property damage during the Floyd riots went over a billion.

Hopefully the right doesn’t protest because the charges will not stick. The left would only use them for a false pretence to do actual rioting. Usually Progressives don’t protest, they riot.


Corruption Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Get ready for Manhattan DA’s made-for-TV Trump prosecution.

Views: 31

Thanks to The Hill for this article. Another view on the Witch Hunt.

Get ready for Manhattan DA’s made-for-TV Trump prosecution.

“The moment that we are waiting for, we made it to the finale together” — those familiar words from “America’s Got Talent” — could well be the opening line for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg next week, when he is expected to unveil an indictment of former President Trump. With Trump’s reported announcement that he expects to be arrested on Tuesday, it would be a fitting curtain raiser for a case that has developed more like a television production than a criminal prosecution. Indeed, this indictment was repeatedly rejected only to be brought back by popular demand.

Trump faces serious legal threats in the ongoing Mar-a-Lago investigation. But the New York case would be easily dismissed outside of a jurisdiction like New York, where Bragg can count on highly motivated judges and jurors.

Although it may be politically popular, the case is legally pathetic. Bragg is struggling to twist state laws to effectively prosecute a federal case long ago rejected by the Justice Department against Trump over his payment of “hush money” to former stripper Stormy Daniels. In 2018 (yes, that is how long this theory has been around), I wrote how difficult such a federal case would be under existing election laws. Now, six years later, the same theory may be shoehorned into a state claim.

It is extremely difficult to show that paying money to cover up an embarrassing affair was done for election purposes as opposed to an array of obvious other reasons, from protecting a celebrity’s reputation to preserving a marriage. That was demonstrated by the failed federal prosecution of former presidential candidate John Edwards on a much stronger charge of using campaign funds to cover up an affair.

In this case, Trump reportedly paid Daniels $130,000 in the fall of 2016 to cut off or at least reduce any public scandal. The Southern District of New York’s U.S. Attorney’s office had no love lost for Trump, pursuing him and his associates in myriad investigations, but it ultimately rejected a prosecution based on the election law violations. It was not alone: The Federal Election Commission (FEC) chair also expressed doubts about the theory.

Prosecutors working under Bragg’s predecessor, Cyrus Vance Jr., also reportedly rejected the viability of using a New York law to effectively charge a federal offense.

More importantly, Bragg himself previously expressed doubts about the case, effectively shutting it down soon after he took office. The two lead prosecutors, Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz, resigned in protest. Pomerantz launched a very public campaign against Bragg’s decision, including commenting on a still-pending investigation. He made it clear that Trump was guilty in his mind, even though his former office was still undecided and the grand jury investigation was ongoing.

Pomerantz then did something that shocked many of us as highly unprofessional and improper: Over Bragg’s objection that he was undermining any possible prosecution, Pomerantz published a book detailing the case against an individual who was not charged, let alone convicted.

He was, of course, an instant success in the media that have spent years highlighting a dozen different criminal theories that were never charged against Trump. Pomerantz followed the time-tested combination for success — link Donald Trump to any alleged crime and convey absolute certainty of guilt. For cable TV shows, it was like a heroin hit for an audience in a long agonizing withdrawal.

And the campaign worked. Bragg caved, and “America’s Got Trump” apparently will air after all.

However, before 12 jurors can vote, Bragg still has to get beyond a series of glaring problems which could raise serious appellate challenges later.

While we still do not know the specific state charges in the anticipated indictment, the most-discussed would fall under Section 175 for falsifying business records, based on the claim that Trump used legal expenses to conceal the alleged hush-payments that were supposedly used to violate federal election laws. While some legal experts have insisted such concealment is clearly a criminal matter that must be charged, they were conspicuously silent when Hillary Clinton faced a not-dissimilar campaign-finance allegation.

Last year, the Federal Election Commission fined the Clinton campaign for funding the Steele dossier as a legal expense. The campaign had previously denied funding the dossier, which was used to push false Russia collusion claims against Trump in 2016, and it buried the funding in the campaign’s legal budget. Yet, there was no hue and cry for this type of prosecution in Washington or New York.

A Section 175 charge would normally be a misdemeanor. The only way to convert it into a Class E felony requires a showing that the “intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.” That other crime would appear to be the federal election violations which the Justice Department previously declined to charge.

The linkage to a federal offense is critical for another reason: Bragg’s office ran out of time to prosecute this as a misdemeanor years ago; the statute of limitations is two years. Even if he shows this is a viable felony charge, the longer five-year limitation could be hard to establish.

Of course, none of these legalistic problems will be relevant in the coming frenzy. It will be a case that is nothing if not entertaining, one to which you can bring your popcorn — so long as you leave your principles behind.

Indeed, some will view it as poetic justice for this former reality-TV host to be tried like a televised talent show. However, the damage to the legal system is immense whenever political pressure overwhelms prosecutorial judgment. The criminal justice system can be a terrible weapon when used for political purposes, an all-too-familiar spectacle in countries where political foes can be targeted by the party in power.

None of this means Trump is blameless or should not be charged in other cases. However, we seem to be on the verge of watching a prosecution by plebiscite in this case. The season opener of “America’s Got Trump” might be a guaranteed hit with its New York audience — but it should be a flop as a prosecution.

Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at The George Washington University.


Corruption How sick is this? Links from other news sources. Progressive Racism Reprints from others.

Indictment. ‘Political Circus’ to ‘Get Trump’

Views: 27

Thanks to the folks at Newsmax.

Trump indictment would be targeted prosecution: Alan Dershowitz | America Right Now

Trump indictment would be targeted prosecution: Alan Dershowitz | America Right Now

By Eric Mack    |   Saturday, 18 March 2023 05:03 PM EDT

Regardless of former President Donald Trump’s arrest for a “hypercreative” prosecution, Democrats leading this charge will not stop him from running for president, according to legal expert Alan Dershowitz on Newsmax.

“They’re going to want to make this political circus; in the end, it will help Trump politically,” Dershowitz told “America Right Now.” “And remember that it doesn’t matter if he’s indicted or even convicted or even in prison: He can still run for president and serve as president.

“The state can’t stop it and the Legislature can’t stop it. It’s in the Constitution.” Dershowitz, Harvard Law professor emeritus, cannot fathom the concocting of this case against Trump.


“I taught law for 50 years, I have no idea how you can combine a federal statute about campaign contributions with a state misdemeanor statute about other things and come up” with something to charge Trump with, Dershowitz told host Tom Basile.

“You know, it’s 1 and 1 equal 11 here — not 1 and 1 equals 2. It’s just wrong.”

The timing is also suspect, Dershowitz noted, as allegations of influence peddling against the Biden family has reached a crescendo. Also, this week, Dershowitz released his latest book

“It shows not a single one of them is justified,” Dershowitz said of his book laying out myriad attempts to find crimes to charge Trump with. “If it wasn’t Donald Trump, no prosecutor would dream of bringing this stretched indictment. The criminal law is not supposed to be an act of creativity. You’re supposed to investigate people for existing well-known crimes.”

The weaponization of justice against the political opposition in Democrat-led states like New York is on full display, according to Dershowitz.

“This purely, purely political,” Dershowitz said. “Look, the attorney general of New York ran on a campaign to get Trump; Bragg essentially the same thing. This is 100% political.

“There is no basis for this prosecution; but with the judiciary in New York, you never know. The courts could uphold it.”

Efforts to “get Trump” have effectively tossed the ethics of prosecution out the window, Dershowitz warned.

“That’s the problem,” he said. “The problem is every part of the judicial system has become politicized: Get Trump. This get Trump business idea, about which I wrote this book, ‘Get Trump,’ has permeated every aspect of our legal system.

“Normally a person has a guarantee at least that the courts will free him. Here there’s no assurance that the courts of New York will. It may have to go to the United States Supreme Court.”

This is an age-old example of “show me the man and I will find the crime,” according to Dershowitz.

“The prosecution itself is an unrighteous prosecution,” he said. “It’s a targeted prosecution. It’s an example of the conversation between the head of the KGB and Stalin, where the KGB guy said to Stalin: ‘Show me the man, and I’ll find you the crime.’ This is selective, targeted prosecution.

“The indictment itself, if it comes forward, would be an act of hypercreativity, combining together a federal statute, the state statute — unprecedented, unjustified, and yet likely to succeed, because in New York you can indict a ham sandwich if you’re the grand jury, and probably convict the ham sandwich if his name is Trump, because the jury pool will be so dramatically opposed to Trump.

“This is a very bad day for America. Look, I’m a liberal Democrat. I want to vote against Trump for the third time. This has nothing to do with politics. This has to do with my lifetime commitment for a single standard of justice and no weaponization of justice.”



5K Gallons of Chemical Spilled After 2 More Train Derailments Reported in Red State, Tribal Community

Views: 28

Two BNSF trains derailed in separate incidents in Arizona and Washington state on Thursday, with the latter spilling diesel fuel on tribal land along Puget Sound.

No injuries were reported.

It wasn’t clear what caused either derailment.

The derailment in Washington occurred on a berm along Padilla Bay, on the Swinomish tribal reservation near Anacortes.

Most of 5,000 gallons of spilled diesel fuel leaked on the land side of the berm rather than toward the water, according to the state Ecology Department.

Officials said there were no indications the spill reached the water or affected any wildlife.

Responders placed a boom along the shoreline as a precaution and removed the remaining fuel from two locomotives that derailed.

Four tank cars remained upright.

The derailment in western Arizona, near the state’s border with California and Nevada, involved a train carrying corn syrup.

A spokeswoman for the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office, Anita Mortensen, said that she was not aware of any spills or leaks.

BNSF spokeswoman Lena Kent said an estimated eight cars derailed in Arizona and were blocking the main track.

The cause of the derailment was under investigation, and it was not immediately known when the track will reopen.

The derailments came amid heightened attention to rail safety nationwide following a fiery derailment last month in Ohio and a string of derailments since then that have been grabbing headlines, including ones in Michigan, Alabama and other states.

The U.S. averages about three train derailments per day, according to federal data, but relatively few create disasters.

Last month, a freight train carrying hazardous chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, near the Pennsylvania border, igniting a fire and causing hundreds of people to be evacuated.

Officials seeking to avoid an uncontrolled blast intentionally released and burned toxic vinyl chloride from five rail cars, sending flames and black smoke high into the sky.

That left people questioning the potential health impacts even as authorities maintained they were doing their best to protect people.



COVID Medicine Reprints from others.

New Study: 436 BILLION Spike Proteins Found in the Blood of Kids 30 Days After The Shot

Views: 44

A new study finds: the COVID “vaccines” are causing fatal myocarditis in children

There’s a number of anonymous Twitter accounts that are doing the best investigative work on the COVID vaccines — and one of the best is called Jikkyleaks. (I’ve mentioned this researcher’s work previously on Substack.) Back in January, this anonymous researcher discovered some very troubling information hiding out in an obscure medical study.

The article’s title: Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post–COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis.

This article highlighted by JikkyLeaks should be sent to every parent who gave one of the COVID “vaccines” to their child — it’s a matter of life and death.

Here’s the problem: parents were told that the spike proteins would disappear from the body after a few weeks — only the antibodies would remain.

The medical study proves that these claims were clearly false.

Here’s the main point that you need to understand from this study: there were 436 billion copies of the spike protein found in the plasma of kids one month after they got the jab.

436 billion copies of the spike protein.

That’s much too much.

The study also showed that the experimental COVID “vaccines” were causing myocarditis in children — which is fatal in 50% of all patients over a 5-year period.

This heart damage was revealed in troponin tests.

JikkyLeaks adds:

It’s a problem because the study authors should have raised an alarm after the first two or three cases. You see, that was their duty. It was a duty as medical officers and as research officers. But to our knowledge they said nothing and kept recruiting.
But it didn’t matter that young people were getting myocarditis (with a known 5-year mortality of up to 50%). What mattered is finishing the study so they could publish.

Read the entire thread here on Twitter.


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