Uncategorized Biden Pandemic Corruption How funny is this? How sick is this? Opinion Politics

Joe and the fake White House.

Views: 14

The man’s whole political life has been a lie, why would this be any different? Joe just can’t tell or show it how it really is.

This picture says it all. Fake News.


In addition to Biden, Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen have been photographed using the set alongside the president for events there.


Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Typical hate from the left. Making White Plantationists proud. Bernie Sanders will not reprimand his base.

Views: 20

So Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), tries to do something good and what happens? It’s rejected cause it condemns hatred from the left. This from Axios.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) withheld support for a joint statement condemning last weekend’s protests against Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) because it also wouldn’t include a rebuke of her political views, Axios’ Alayna Treene has learned.

Why it matters: The move is emblematic of the hostility between the progressive and moderate members, who have been sparring over the cost and scope of President Biden’s agenda. Sanders wanted the statement to urge Sinema to drop her opposition to prescription drug reform, as well as Biden’s $3.5 trillion social safety net expansion.

Driving the news: An email exchange between Senate Democratic leadership aides, obtained by Axios, reveals Sanders withheld his name from a joint statement declaring protesters who followed Sinema into a bathroom — and filmed her while using the restroom — as “plainly inappropriate and unacceptable.”

  • Sanders’ communications director Mike Casca asked that the statement be edited to include the preface, “While we hope Senator Sinema will change her position on prescription drug reform and support a major [budget] reconciliation bill, …”
  • An aide to Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), who organized the statement, said Booker would not accept the edits.
  • Casca later replied: “Sanders will not be signing, so please cut ‘Senate Democratic Leadership Team’ from headline.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Mark Warner (D-Va.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Catherine Cortez-Masto (D-Nev.) all signed onto the statement in addition to Booker.

  • Excerpts of the leaked exchange are shown below. Axios has confirmed the contents of the full exchange with other Senate offices.
  • Casca, Sanders’ communications director, declined comment. Sinema’s spokesman also declined comment.

State of play: The statement has not been published. It’s currently unclear whether it will run.

Between the lines: The move comes as those in Sinema’s orbit have privately vented frustration that her fellow Democratic senators and the White House haven’t more forcefully spoken out.

  • She described the incident at Arizona State University as “not legitimate protest,” and “wholly inappropriate.”
  • On Monday, Biden told reporters he didn’t think the protesters’ tactics were “appropriate,” then added, “but it happens to everybody.”
  • The president went on to say, “The only people it doesn’t happen to are people who have Secret Service standing around them. So, it’s part of the process.”

Keep reading.

Screenshot excerpts of the email exchange, obtained by Axios:

Screenshotted excerpts of an email exchange, obtained by Axios
Screenshot excerpts of the email exchange, obtained by Axios
Screenshotted excerpts of an email exchange, obtained by Axios
Screenshot excerpts of the email exchange, obtained by Axios
Screenshotted excerpts of an email exchange, obtained by Axios
Screenshot excerpts of the email exchange, obtained by Axios.


Biden Pandemic Education How sick is this? Opinion Politics

Extremist hate group forces Senator to lock herself in the bathroom.

Views: 44

Extremist hate group forces Senator to lock herself in the bathroom. A noted group of leftists called LUCHA attempted to force a sitting United States Senator to go along with their terrorist views.

In the video posted by LUCHA Arizona, a group of students is seen attempting to stop Sinema outside her classroom at Arizona State University to ask her questions about the Build Back Better Agenda on Sunday morning. The group of students then follows Sinema into the bathroom. One student, Blanca, is seen talking to Sinema about the SB1070 law, which is Arizona’s immigration law. Every state should adopt similar laws.

Your Grandparents got deported cause they broke the law. And if the person who was harassing the Senator is undocumented, she should also be deported.


Biden Pandemic Corruption Crime Opinion Polls

Thank Joe Biden and the left. Crime surge nationwide. Especially in the cities.

Views: 23

Thank Joe Biden and the left. Crime surge nationwide. Especially in the cities. 2020 was the year of the BLM and Antifa race wars. Wars against Police and Capitalism. Well since Joe came into office, it hasn’t let up. If you don’t believe me, even CNN gets it for once.

The number of homicides continues to rise in major American cities following a year that saw a record increase in homicides across the country, according to a report published Thursday by the Council on Criminal Justice.

A study of homicides during the first six months of this year in 22 cities showed that the number of murders increased by 16% compared to the same period in 2020 and by 42% compared to the first six months of 2019.




Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

Cowards of Afghanistan throw Joe under the bus.

Views: 34

Cowards of Afghanistan throw Joe under the bus. All I can say is WOW!. Today we heard two generals and the Secretary of State claim that they wanted a battle royal. But Joe said that the Taliban just routed the 300,000 highly trained Army and we would be no match. So the order was given to retreat, run.

McKenzie first said 4,500 troops should remain. He then lowered it to 2,500. The number Trump had there. But here’s this.

Austin later pushed back against claims that the Biden administration should not have shut down Bagram Air Base, saying retaining the base would have “required putting as many as 5,000 U.S. troops in harm’s way, just to operate and defend it.

So one says we need 2,500 the other says 5,000. SMH.




Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

My two cents. My new American Heroes. Send the criminals back.

Views: 38

My new American Heroes. Send the criminals back. AS you may have heard, American heroes were doing their job keeping criminals at bay. But MSM, Race Baiters, and White Plantationists ( Old white progressives ) were upset.

And of course the senile one, Biden said he would make the heroes pay for keeping out the undocumented who are here for the 2022 elections.

The DHS has suspended the use of horses on the border. Seems as if it reminded some Democrats of their past history with blacks. Now the photographer who took the pictures saw no wipping or horses trampling anyone.

These men are heroes. They represent the best of the best. What say you?



Biden Pandemic Economy Life Opinion Politics Science

Define stupidity. Biden’s EPA.

Views: 28

Define stupidity. Biden’s EPA. Yes my friends we have new criminals that are lurking and you didn’t know it. Thank the lord for the EPA.

The Biden administration finalized its first new climate rule Thursday, slashing the use of powerful greenhouse gases widely used in home refrigerators and air conditioners and often found to be leaking from U.S. supermarket freezers.

What’s hilarious is that White House officials said the new rule tackles global warming while supporting jobs to manufacture new alternatives. So what happens to the jobs lost? If they come up with new technology, will we still have the same number of jobs? And what issues does the new technology create?

Here’s what’s behind this. Biden issued an executive order in January that embraces a 2016 amendment to the 1987 Montreal Protocol on ozone pollution. That amendment calls for the United States and other large industrialized countries to reduce HFCs by 85% by 2036. The State Department has prepared documents for formal ratification of the amendment, but the White House has not submitted them to the Senate.



Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

White House Reporters Launch “Formal Objection” to Joe Biden Refusing to Take Questions.

Views: 51

White House Reporters Launch “Formal Objection” to Joe Biden Refusing to Take Questions. Again we saw where Joe doesn’t take questions from the MSM. Well it looks as if they’re not going to take it.

White House reporters have launched a formal objection after President Joe Biden refused to take any questions while holding a meeting with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson at the White House.

White House Correspondents’ Association President Steven Portnoy said in a statement that he filed a formal complaint over President Biden’s refusal to take any questions to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.

“The entire editorial component of the US pool went immediately into Jen Psaki’s office to register a formal complaint that no American reporters were recognized for questions in the president’s Oval Office, and that wranglers loudly shouted over the president as he seemed to give an answer to Ed O’Keefe’s question about the situation at the Southern Border,” the statement said.

“Worth noting that Biden ran for office promising to restore democracy after 4 years of Trump,” Washington Post reporter Ashley Parker wrote on Twitter.

“But today it was the British leader, NOT the American one, who spotlighted a key tenet of a flourishing democracy — respect for a free press — by taking questions from his press corps.”


Biden Pandemic COVID Economy Opinion Politics

My two cents. So Joe has a bad week, several crisis, and he does what? He goes to the beach.

Views: 22

My two cents. So Joe has a bad week, several crisis, and he does what? He goes to the beach. Don’t get me wrong if you’re going to the beach, Rehoboth isn’t a bad choice. Been there many a time. But I’m not the President and I’m certainly not the reason we have so many problems.

Some may say after his bad week Joe needs some time off. Who cares if he’s only been in office nine months and been on vacation a dozen times. Joe messed up the Border, Evictions, Economy, Afghanistan Retreat, and the COVID Mess. So go easy on him. Not every one can screw up like that

Polling is in the toilet, and the budget proposal is sinking fast. Plus the Republicans will fight Joe on the debt ceiling. What else can go wrong? Any body need a booster shot?



Economy Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Biden’s Proposed Tax on Oil, Natural Gas Will Cost Economy $9.1B, 90,000 Lost Jobs

Views: 24

Why it’s a Bad Idea to Hike Taxes on America’s Energy Producers. Biden’s Proposed Tax on Oil, Natural Gas Will Cost Economy $9.1B, 90,000 Lost Jobs.

Take just one state. California. California’s natural gas and oil industry supports 1053,000 jobs, contributes $189.1 billion to the state economy, and provides the state $2.6 billion in wildlife conservation funding. Does anyone think that solar can replace that?

Let’s set the record straight: natural gas and oil companies do not get special tax treatment.  

The truth is that America’s energy companies pay their fair share, and support over 10.3 million jobs right here at home. Every job in natural gas and oil supports another 2.7 jobs in other sectors. And rather than getting special tax treatment, the effective tax rate for natural gas and oil has been historically higher than electric utilities, banks, airlines, and several other large industries. 

America’s natural gas and oil producers are able to creates tens of millions of jobs because of a tax code that levels the playing field across all industries and allow natural gas and oil to invest in new technology. See video below.

America is on its way to recovery. That’s why we need to stop these short-sighted tax hikes now, to keep our recovery moving.  


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