Child Abuse Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Majority Support Anti-Groomer Laws Like Florida’s.

Views: 41

The whole original article can be found here.

Most likely voters support anti-groomer laws such as Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law, a survey from The Federalist/Susquehanna released this week revealed. 

The survey, taken April 19-27, 2022, among 800 likely voters, presented respondents with the following: “Florida recently passed a law prohibiting public school teachers from introducing sexual topics to elementary school children without parental consent. Do you support or oppose proposals that protect young children from being exposed to sexual topics by school employees without parental consent or knowledge?”

The vast majority, 70 percent, said they support such laws designed to protect children, and of those 61 percent “strongly” support it. 

Less than a quarter, 23 percent, said they oppose such measures, and of those, 11 percent “strongly” oppose. The survey has a +/- 3.46 margin of error and comes one month after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed the parental rights law, which prohibits classroom discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity for children in kindergarten through third grade.



Corruption Politics The Courts

Former Democratic Pennsylvania AG arrested after allegedly driving drunk while on probation

Views: 19

Some people never learn.

Kane previously served prison time after her 2016 conviction.

Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane surrendered to law enforcement Friday for an alleged probation violation after being charged last month in a drunk driving case.

Kane, 55, turned herself in to authorities in Montgomery County after a judge issued a warrant for her arrest, Fox affiliate WTXF-TV reported. She is being held at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility outside Philadelphia.

Kane was found behind the wheel of an Audi on March 12 by Scranton police officers, who were called to respond to a two-car crash. She denied she had been drinking and pointed to her passenger, who said: “It’s totally not me,” according to an affidavit obtained by the news outlet.

Kathleen Kane, the former Pennsylvania attorney general who served jail time for leaking grand jury material and lying about it was taken into custody Friday on an alleged probation violation. 

Kathleen Kane, the former Pennsylvania attorney general was taken into custody Friday on an alleged probation violation.  (Montgomery County / AP)

She said she had picked her sister up and was giving her a ride.

The other driver told authorities that Kane drove into his vehicle at an intersection and that he smelled alcohol on her. Kane allegedly sprayed perfume on herself before officers arrived and offered to pay for the damage to the other vehicle.

The driver called the police. Surveillance video shows Kane had been drinking prior to the crash at a restaurant, authorities said. She also failed a field sobriety test and refused a blood test, police said.

She had watery, bloodshot eyes and slurred her words — police said she had trouble saying the word “designated” — and failed a field sobriety test, the documents said.

Kane was a rising star when she resigned in 2016 after being convicted of perjury, obstruction and other counts for leaking secret investigative files to embarrass a rival prosecutor, the news outlet said. 

Kathleen Kane.

Kathleen Kane. (WTTG)

She was eventually sentenced to 23 months in prison and released in 2019. At the time of the crash, she was on probation.


Politics Corruption How sick is this?

Biden’s Secretary of State Tony Blinken Says There is “Greater Stability and Peace” for Women in Afghanistan Under Taliban!

Views: 15

Soros Connected Tony Blinken, Biden’s Secretary of State, claims women in Afghanistan are better off under the Taliban in that there is “greater stability and peace”.

By Joe Hoft for THE GATEWAY PUNDIT April 29, 2022 at 10:12am

Tony Blinken was in front of the US Senate on Wednesday and he shared that women in Afghanistan are better off under the Taliban than before.  Here is what he said:

The answer would have gotten fact-checked into oblivion had the Babylon Bee offered it as a satire:

BLINKEN: The state of play is, ah, extremely mixed, to the negative for women [crosstalk].

GRAHAM: What’s the upside for women?

BLINKEN: The only upside that we’ve seen at all is that, somewhat ironically you might say, there is in the country at large greater stability and relative peace than there’s been.

Hotair responded to this comment from Blinken:

Jazz commented to me behind the scenes that this sounds like a story from the Onion. Unfortunately, Secretary of State Antony Blinken really made this argument yesterday in his Senate testimony. “What is the state of play for women in Afghanistan right now?” asked Sen. Lindsey Graham after Blinken insisted that he didn’t regret the pullout of American forces from the country. “What’s the upside?”

Hotair went on to point out:

…the US exit didn’t end the war in Afghanistan, but just our involvement in it. The Taliban is still fighting against competing terrorist groups, including ISIS-K, which the US considers a threat to our own national security as well. The Washington Post reported last week that the war is actually escalating in Afghanistan.

Many wonder how Blinken ever got the position of Biden’s Secretary of State.  As The Gateway Pundit  previously reported, it may be because his parents are tight with George Soros.  Or it could be because he was under Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry.

Overall, Blinken is horrible for the country but perfect for Biden.
Since the Taliban took control, Afghan girls are facing restrictions on travel, work, and education, besides their deteriorating safety situation in the country.

This narrative is contradicted in other media:  Updated April 21, 2022



Back Door Power Grab Corruption Crime Politics

Visitor Logs Show Joe Biden Met with Hunter’s Business Partner at the White House

Views: 20


A new report says that White House visitor logs confirm that a business partner of Hunter Biden met with President Joe Biden in the White House while Joe Biden was vice president during the Obama administration.

The president has insisted on multiple occasions that he was never involved in or aware of the business activity of his son, which included contacts in Ukraine, Russia and China.

Eric Schwerin, who at the time was president of the since-dissolved Rosemont Seneca Partners — which Hunter Biden helped found — met with Joe Biden on Nov. 17, 2010, visitor logs document, according to the New York Post.

The logs indicate that Schwerin met with aides of Joe and Jill Biden multiple times between 2009 and 2013.

Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, who has investigated Hunter Biden’s activities, said the president’s claim to have never been involved in his son’s business ventures rings hollow.

”Not everyone gets to meet the Vice President of the United States in the White House. The press should be asking why Hunter Biden’s business associates — like Eric Schwerin — had that privilege and were given access to the Obama White House,” he said.

“This is additional evidence that Joe Biden lied when he said he never discussed Hunter’s foreign business dealings. It’s well past time for the corporate media to demand the truth from Joe Biden. The corruption of Biden Inc. must be exposed,” Johnson said.

In October 2009, Schwerin met with Evan Ryan, then-Vice President Biden’s assistant for intergovernmental affairs and public liaison. Four months later, Hunter Biden was copied in on a request for an appointment to the National Labor Relations Board, which was later made by former President Barack Obama.

Schwerin “did financial stuff for the family but that’s really all I know,” Margaret Campbell, a former Special Assistant to Jill Biden said, adding, “It would make sense if he stopped into the White House.”

Schwerin was involved in Joe Biden’s tax matters, according to the hard drive of the laptop computer that once belonged to Hunter Biden.

“Your Dad just called me (about his mortgage) and mentioned he’d be out a lot soon and not really back until Labor Day … He could use some positive news about his future earnings potential,” Schwerin wrote to Hunter Biden in July of 2010

The evidence is mounting that the full story needs to be told, Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas said.

“It’s increasingly obvious that Hunter Biden’s business revolved around providing access to his father and the highest levers of power. It reeks of pay-to-play. The clear solution is a Special Counsel investigation to fairly investigate the disturbing allegations of Biden family corruption,” Cruz said.

From the start, questions have been raised about Joe Biden’s connections with Hunter Biden’s pals.

When the first reports of the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop emerged in 2020, a report in the New York Post said that a 2015 email reveals that Hunter Biden introduced his father to a top executive of a Ukrainian energy firm at a time when Joe Biden was vice president.

The email was from Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company that once had Hunter Biden on its board and payroll.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the April 17, 2015, email read.

When asked about the content of the emails, White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates told Fox News, “We don’t comment on the laptop.”


Politics Uncategorized

In case you missed it, I have a newsletter.

Views: 60

I’ve decided to play with the big boys and girls. I’M writing on a social venue called Substack. How big is Substack? 24.7 MILLION  VIEWERS A MONTH. As of September the last time published. And I was excited when my one article got over 2,000 viewers in 2 days.

But the reason I’M writing is to ask you folks to sign up for my newsletter. They go straight to your e-mail box. To sign up just click on the subscribe button on the bottom of the page of any article here on looking. The subscribe button is on top if you’re on News with Analysis. The button in this article is only to show you what it looks like. Josh’s Newsletter is what it’s called. You can comment and up vote if you wish. And yes my lurkers come there several times a day, and yes they have tried to get me banned there also.


Child Abuse Corruption Drugs Human Traficking Politics

26 Governors Create Border Strike Force ‘In the Absence of Federal Leadership’

Views: 13

Charlotte Cuthbertson for EPOCH TIMES April 20, 2022
Twenty-six governors, all Republican, announced the creation of a Border Strike Force to “disrupt and dismantle transnational criminal organizations” on April 19.

The group of governors signed a memorandum of understanding, pledging to work together to “serve as a force multiplier to target cartels and criminal networks financially and operationally.”

“Together, governors will improve public safety, protect victims from horrific crimes, reduce the amount of drugs in our communities, and alleviate the humanitarian crisis at the Southern Border,” the agreement states.

The group includes two border states—Arizona and Texas—as well as 24 others: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

“In the absence of federal leadership, states are partnering together to create the American Governors’ Border Strike Force to disrupt and dismantle transnational criminal organizations by increasing collaboration, improving intelligence, investing in analysis, combating human smuggling, and stopping drug flow in our states,” the agreement states.

Epoch Times Photo
A group of illegal aliens is apprehended by law enforcement on a ranch in Kinney County, Texas, on Jan. 15, 2022. (Courtesy of Kinney County Sheriff’s Office)

The governors will coordinate to share intelligence, disrupt smuggling corridors, and assist border states. They plan to focus efforts on targeting cartel finances and border-related crime.

The participating states also plan to review state laws regarding human trafficking, drug trafficking, and transnational criminal organizations “to ensure that such crimes are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

For example, Arizona doesn’t currently have a state law against human smuggling, while Texas just strengthened its anti-smuggling laws last September.

Epoch Times Photo
A Border Patrol agent walks from the wreckage of Wanda Sitowski’s car after a 16-year-old smuggler ran a red light at 105 miles per hour and caused a fatal crash in Cochise County, Ariz., on Oct. 30, 2021. (Zach Bennett/Sierra Vista News Network)

States can request help from other participating states and state-specific certifications and licenses will be honored among the states. Each state is responsible for its own costs.

The Border Strike Force was announced days after Customs and Border Protection released its March statistics, which show the highest number of Border Patrol apprehensions—209,906—along the southern border since early 2000.

Epoch Times Photo
Border Patrol agents apprehend a group of Cubans who just crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico into Eagle Pass, Texas, on April 19, 2022. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves wrote on Twitter that “we’re all border states now & we’re going to protect ourselves.”

“Despite what the Biden Admin would have you believe, criminals, drugs & human trafficking don’t just stay on the border. They make their way to every state,” Reeves wrote on April 19.

Idaho Gov. Brad Little accused President Joe Biden of refusing to address the border crisis.

“America’s governors are stepping up. Our multi-state partnership is designed to disrupt and dismantle the transnational criminal organizations taking advantage of the open border with Mexico,” Little wrote on Twitter on April 19.

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey said his state has had a similar state-level in operation since 2015.

“What we’re doing in Arizona works,” Ducey said in an April 19 statement. “If our entire southern border isn’t secure, our nation isn’t secure.”


Reprints from others. Politics

Joe Biden and his administration are refusing to apologize for smearing Border Patrol agents. SMH.

Views: 26

Original can be found here.

The White House is refusing to apologize after Joe Biden, Jen Psaki, and several top Democrats and administration officials smeared Border Patrol agents with false claims that were “whipping” migrants.

On Monday, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealed that the results of its investigation into the allegations found no border patrol agents were guilty of whipping migrants crossing the Southern border in September 2021.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki refused to respond to the reports showing the agents involved with the accusations were cleared of criminal wrongdoing.

Before the investigation had even begun, Biden and other administration officials said the agents were guilty of “whipping” or “strapping” the migrants, despite having no evidence to support the claims.

Jen Psaki refused to respond to report that the agents were cleared of any wrongdoing


Corruption Crime Human Traficking Politics

Record Number of Illegal Immigrants Waiting in Mexico for ‘Magic Day’: Immigration Expert

Views: 16

Senior National Security Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Todd Bensman in an interview with EpochTV’s “Facts Matter” program on April 2022. (The Epoch Times)
By Masooma Haq and Roman Balmakov for EPOCH TIMES  April 18, 2022

With U.S. intelligence officials estimating a massive increase in the number of illegal immigrants inundating illegal entry points at the southern border, Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) in Washington said many who have been temporarily held off in Mexico will flood the border after Title 42 ends.

“Now you have Title 42 people coming in, who are just saying, ‘I’m coming to wait for the magic day,’” Bensman, senior national security fellow at CIS, told EpochTV’s “Facts Matter.”

Title 42 is a federal health statute that allows the government to impose health control measures to limit the number of people seeking asylum from entering the country during a health emergency. It’s slated to end on May 23.

During the Trump presidency, “everybody [who] gets caught crossing the border goes back immediately to Mexico. That drove the numbers down to kind of historic low levels,” Bensman said.

He said that although Biden was forced to keep Title 42, he carved out “huge exemptions in it for family groups and unaccompanied minors, that … created the mass migration crisis that we have today.”

With the Biden carve-outs, record numbers of illegal immigrants are entering the United States, but intelligence officials are predicting that after Title 42 is lifted, between 12,000 and 18,000 illegal immigrants will flood the southern border each day.

“That’s on the outer limits of the estimates, [which] are coming from the American intelligence community. … This is what they’re expecting,” Bensman said. “They’re saying it could be as low as 12,000 a day. But to give you some context, we’re at [6,000] and 7,000 a day right now, which is just too big to handle at present.”

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas directed the Federal Emergency Management Agency in March to support Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) officers over the following three months to help process families and children who enter illegally more quickly.

“They’re bringing in fleets of aircraft to be able to quickly move people off the riverbanks into other places, other cities, other towns. They’re doing expansions of existing facilities, like kind of soft-sided tent-like facilities. They’re probably going to be bringing in the army to help with crowd control. And they’re working closely with the Mexicans to see if the Mexicans can control things on their side,” Bensman said.

their side,” Bensman said.

Epoch Times Photo
Illegal immigrants gather by the border fence after crossing from Mexico into the United States in Yuma, Arizona, on Dec. 9, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)
He said of how the country’s migrant advocate-driven asylum system currently functions, “All you have to do is cross, say ‘I declare asylum,’ and you have this off-ramp into the American interior, pretty much forever. … [The migrant advocacy industry] want this to be available to everybody.”CIS estimates that the Biden administration has helped 1.3 million illegal immigrants resettle in the United States during President Joe Biden’s term with an honor system for court dates or notices to appear later to have their asylum cases adjudicated.

Bensman said Biden has all but abolished the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency and almost no deportations are being conducted, which won’t change until another administration comes in. Noting that even if someone is a terrorist or murderer, it would still take a long process for that person to be deported.

“The number of deportations are at the lowest that they’ve been in memory and maybe in history. The number of deportations of criminal aliens with records is at a nadir,” he said.

Using Inspections to Control Border

“The state of Texas has this muscle that they’ve never used, that I don’t think anybody’s even thought to use before, which is to put its vehicle inspection officers at the bridges—more of them—and to ‘inspect’ every single truck coming off of these bridges with freight,” Bensman said.

This action forced Mexican governors to do immigration control on their side, he said. Four governors signed immigration deals with Texas to hold back immigrants as long as trucks can pass through entry points efficiently. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has said if the immigration deals aren’t enforced, he’ll put the inspection patrols back.

“These cause a huge amount of pain on both sides actually, a lot of Texans are feeling that pain: businesses, a lot of Abbott’s constituents. It’s politically risky, but it shows the desperation of Texas about Title 42 and what’s about to happen, to do whatever, pull out whatever stops,” Bensman said.

Trucks wait in a long queue for border customs control to cross into U.S. at the World Trade Bridge in Nuevo Laredo
Trucks wait in a long queue for border customs control to cross into the United States at the World Trade Bridge in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, on April 2, 2019. (Daniel Becerril/Reuters)

Bensman said this type of diplomacy around immigration is really the job of the federal government, but seeing that nothing was happening, Abbott bypassed the Biden administration.

“This is something that the Biden administration should have done,” Bensman said. “Trump did this type of thing. He threatened economic pain if the Mexicans didn’t go along with his plan. And it worked when he did it.”

He said if he was put in charge of the crisis at the southern border, he would overhaul the asylum law: “Just take it off the table and come up with something else. It’s going to take bipartisan support. And in the meantime, we need to leverage Costa Rica, Colombia, and Panama to shut their borders down.”



How funny is this? Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Senate Republican Group Hammers Democrat Tim Ryan for Continuously Being ‘Two-Faced’

Views: 15

Tim Ryan for years has been two faced. Also would claim as something he got for his area when he had no part. His last election he won, but lost in his home district where he lives.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) released a video on Wednesday hammering Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) as being a “two-faced” that answers to his party leadership and not his Ohio constituents.

The NRSC, the Senate Republican-aligned campaign arm working to elect Republicans to that body, released a video showing Ryan running in the Ohio U.S. Senate Democrat primary going back on his work to work on behalf of Ohioans, not the leadership in DC.

The roughly 30-second video shows clips of Ryan saying, Ohioans “don’t want a senator who’s got to go kiss someone’s ring or kiss someone’s rear end” before cutting to a clip of the congressman sucking up to House Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stating, “Schumer’s here, and I want to make sure he’s my future boss. So I gotta suck up a little bit here.”

Another part of the video showed Ryan saying, “I’m not someone who’s going to toe the line for my political party… So you got to be able to tell your own party, which I have, and tell the Democrats, ‘no.’” But, the Senate hopeful was also shown saying, “I want to make sure he’s my future boss… I gotta suck up a little bit here.”

The NRSC displayed the stark difference of what Ryan is saying at different parts of his career, calling him “two-faced,” most likely looking to question what the congressman would do as a senator. The end of the video shows, “Tim Ryan… answers to Democrats, not Ohioans.”

Ryan, who’s running for the U.S. Senate seat that could decide the fate of the who is in the upper chamber majority past the midterm election, has also expressed interest in getting rid of the filibuster rule, which has been a long-sought out plan from the far-left.

The Democrat told MSNBC that the filibuster rule — requiring 60 votes to pass legislation giving the minority party a chance to argue the legislation instead of sidelining them — that the Senate is “broken.” He went on to say, “I’m sorry it has come to this point, but we don’t have an honest broker on the other side, and America can’t wait any longer.”

The NRSC also displayed that Ryan has a history of flip-flopping and going where the money is.

The Democrat’s campaign ran ads on Facebook that hit Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) for not wanting to pass the Democrat’s partisan reconciliation package, but days later look accepted $5,000 from Manchin’s leadership PAC, Country Roads, and accepted $10,000 from another PAC founded by Manchin and nine other Senate Democrats, ModSquad.

In another instance, Ryan — who was at one point trying to distance himself from President Joe Biden while even campaigning with failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton — tweeted in support of “what Democratic leadership looks like” when jobs are added to the market, but rescinded the statement when the “economy has not been great” and in a “tough slog for a long time.”




Back Door Power Grab Corruption Elections Faked news Politics The Courts

“None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out On Bail…It Is an American Gulag” – Judge Napolitano

Views: 16

By Joe Hoft for Gateway Pundit April 14, 2022 at 7:25pm

Judge Napolitano was on The Joe Hoft Show at the Real Talk radio network today.  He discussed the Jan 6 incident and the horrors of the abuse taking place in DC.

Judge Napolitano was on The Joe Hoft Show at the Real Talk radio network today. He discussed the Jan 6 incident and the horrors of the abuse taking place in DC.

The judge shared the following about those being held in the DC jail due to their actions on Jan 6.

None of them should be in jail.  They should all be out on bail. Most jails are garbage, particularly inner city jails.  There’s no political support for spending an nickele in there.  Politicians don’t care because the public doesn’t care.  So it shouldn’t be a surprise.

But what’s surprising is that they have been attacked violently and that they’ve been subjected to a disgusting environment for more than a few hours and that they’re in jail to begin with.  I mean none of these people is a threat to society and all of them would gladly come back at time of trial and most of them shouldn’t be charged anyway because most of them are there to partake in 1st Amemdment protected behavior.

The judge then talked about reading a piece by Roger Stone about the heartbreaking stories in the DC jail and then the Virginia state jail system.

The Feds are trying to wear these people down.  They’re way overcharging them so they can get guilty pleas and they’re making their lives miserable so that the defendants will say to their lawyers, ‘get me out of here’, or ‘I’ll agree to testify to anything, just so I can have a decent night sleep and a decent shower and a decent meal.’  It shouldn’t be that way.  It is an American Gulag.  

Judge Nap went on to say:

Judges don’t like to tell jailers how to do their jails but when it’s a violation of a constitutional right, the judges should.  The judges should be releasing these people, like I said.  They should be released on a moderate amount of bail because the Constitution prohibits requiring an unreasonable amount of bail…The overwhelming majority are not accused of an act of violence…There’s every indication that these people should be given bail and they’re not…Judges are not doing their job.  This stuff should make its way to the Supreme Court of the United States which rarely hears matters involving bail or conditions in prison unless a cause of death.  But it needs to be exposed and it needs to be corrected.

Original here (includes video)


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