
How sick is this? Make America California Again? That’s Biden’s plan.

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How sick is this? Make America California Again? That’s Biden’s plan. I’ve taken the headlines from a story I read in the LA Times yesterday. According to a fellow writer there ( Evan Helper ), Joe wants to duplicate for the other 49 states what California has.

After four years of being relentlessly targeted by a Republican president who worked overtime to bait, punish and marginalize California and everything it represents, the state is suddenly center stage again in Washington’s policy arena.

California is emerging as the de facto policy think tank of the Biden-Harris administration and of a Congress soon to be under Democratic control. That’s rekindling past cliches about the state — incubator of innovation, premier laboratory of democracy, land of big ideas — even as it struggles with surging COVID-19 infections, a safety net frayed by the pandemic’s toll, crushing housing costs and wildfires, all fueling an exodus of residents.

If this was 10-20 years ago, most folks wouldn’t care. But California went so far left that folks like Pelosi, Sanders or Warren are looked at as Moderates.

California gave us Cash for Clunkers, Undocumented Migrants, Drugs, Open Borders, etc.




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