
Nancy P. will be sweating bullets. Smallest Party Majority in over a Century

Views: 11

Nancy P. will be sweating bullets. Smallest Party Majority in over a Century. HOUSE DEMOCRATS are going to begin the 117th Congress with a razor-thin majority that could leave the chamber effectively ungovernable. Man is this cutting it close or what?

THIS IS THE SMALLEST DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY we could find since 1893. There will be special elections to fill FUDGE’S and Rep. CEDRIC RICHMOND’S (D-La.) seats, and then the Dem majority will grow once again. But special elections take time.

Democrats severely underperformed in congressional races in November’s elections, losing seats after Pelosi predicted a double-digit gain.




Atlanta Mayor denies children the right to schools, but not Hollywood.

Views: 15

Atlanta Mayor denies children the right to schools, but not Hollywood. Congressman Jim Jordan calls out Democrats for shutting down the schools and denying the children interaction with friends and teachers.

Ohio Republican Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) has slammed Atlanta on Twitter for closing their schools but reportedly allowing Hollywood to make movies in those same schools in which they are closed.

Jim Jordan tweeted, “Let me get this straight: Democrats closed schools in Atlanta. But let their Hollywood friends make movies in those very same schools?”

While schools in Atlanta are closed because of Democratic Mayor ​Keisha Lance Bottoms, Clay Travis claimed that the new Spider-man movie will be able to film scenes for their movie in those schools. He said, “They are going to be able to film scenes inside of public high schools in Atlanta for the new Spider-Man movie, but they aren’t able to let ACTUAL kids go to ACTUAL school in those same buildings.”



Joe and Hunter Biden”s New Best Friend. Sends warplanes, troops for drill in Pakistan. China

Views: 20

Joe and Hunter Biden”s New Best Friend. Sends warplanes, troops for drill in Pakistan. China. I wonder what friends of Joe were there to watch? Members of his future staff if he’s elected?

China’s western Xinjiang territory hosted the last Shaheen-IX drill in September 2019, the Hindustan Times recalled on Tuesday. It was the largest bilateral military drill orchestrated between Beijing and Islamabad at the time “with nearly 50 warplanes from the two countries taking part in it.”

The PLA Air Force (PLAAF) has reportedly deployed fighter jets close to the border with India as part of the drill, taking place near Pakistan’s border with India’s western Gujarat state.

Of course this is close to the Pakistan-Indian border. So yes I’m sure Joe’s allies were sending a message to India.

China and India are currently engaged in a border standoff along their unmarked boundary in the western Himalayas following a skirmish between the two countries’ border regiments in the north Indian state of Ladakh this past summer. The June 15 clash killed 20 Indian soldiers and an estimated 40 Chinese troops and was the deadliest military conflict between the two Asian neighbors in 45 years. In July and August, the PLA conducted live-fire drills in the “middle section of the Himalayas” despite officially claiming to have “disengaged” from the border standoff.




Kelly schools the Race Baiter.

Views: 14


Kelly schools the race baiter. This was a sad sad display of why you can dress up a guy, but you can’t take him out. What’s with progressives and talking points? And why do they and white plantationists ( Progressives ) always claim that they were misquoted or taken out of context. That never gets old with the left.

Warnock was questioned during the debate about what topline number for total cost he would support for a new Covid relief package in Congress, as lawmakers in Washington are searching for a deal to pass such a proposal before the end of the year.

When asked to specify a number, he sidestepped, saying, “Look, I think that we should at least make sure that whatever we do, workers are at the center of that relief.”

The Democratic challenger also sidestepped when asked whether he supports expanding the number of justices on the Supreme Court to offset recent appointments to the bench from Trump and whether he thinks there should be term limits for justices.

“People aren’t asking me about the courts and whether we should expand the courts. I know that’s an interesting question for people inside the beltway to discuss,” he said in response. When pressed again, he said, “I’m really not focused on it.”





What does $1.9 million get you? A Progressive Democrat re-elected in what was supposed to be a safe seat.

Views: 42

What does $1.9 million get you? A Progressive Democrat re-elected in what was supposed to be a safe seat. To secure his seat, Congressman Ryan raised four times of what his Republican opponent did in the final days of the campaign. Overall He raised $1.9 million plus to $800,000 plus for his Republican opponent.

Securing his tenth term, also the only close contest that he had. When Mr. Ryan was first elected, he was pro life and a Bill Clinton blue dog. Well that changed real fast. Only thing left of his working man up bringing was that he drank Dago Red. The wine that millions of Italian working men and women drink.



Pardons for the innocents.

Views: 69

Pardons for the innocents. There has been talk about Presidential pardons. Who will President Trump pardon next, and can he pardon himself. Some say yes he can pardon himself. For sure he can pardon the family and his past and present cabinet members.

While presidents signing divisive pardons in the twilight of their administrations has become something of a Washington ritual, Trump is said to be considering an unusually high number of interventions in the cases of aides, friends and family members he believes have been unfairly imprisoned, indicted or put at legal risk.

Let’s be realistic if somehow the illegitimate elect Joe Biden is declared the winner, He’ll allow the loons on the left to go after everyone associated with the President. So here’s my solution.

First the President pardons the whole family. Then his past and present cabinet members and department heads. Then himself. But to make it official, resign two days before the inauguration. President Pence than pardons President Trump. Problem solved.



Governor Kemp see the light? Governor Kemp calls on GA SOS to conduct signature audit of ballots.

Views: 30

Governor Kemp see the light? Governor Kemp calls on GA SOS to conduct signature audit of ballots.  We have this new development. Kemp said the audit only looked at ballots, not the signatures on the absentee applications or the signatures on the ballot envelopes. He called for Raffensperger to “consider addressing these concerns” and conduct a “sample of audit of signatures on absentee ballot envelopes and compare those to the signatures on applications and on file that the secretary of state’s office.”

Governor Brian Kemp is calling on the Secretary of State’s office to conduct a signature audit of ballots after allegations of fraud in Georgia were presented at a Senate hearing.

During an appearance on Fox News on Thursday night, Governor Kemp said, “I called early on for a signature audit. Obviously, the Secretary of State, per the laws of the Constitution, would have to order that. He has not done that. I think it should be done. Especially after what we saw today. There needs to be transparency on that. Hopefully, in the next 24 hours, we’ll see a lot more.”






Fake News. MSM falsely reports that Biden was first with all female communications staff. Actually Trump was.

Views: 21

Fake News. MSM falsely reports that Biden was first with all female communications staff. Actually Trump was. Several news sources falsely reported that Joe Biden had the first all female communications staff. But both The Federalist and Brietbart fact checked this and found it to be false. Of course the MSM just took Biden’s word for it.

President Trump had the first all female communications staff.

So where does Biden come up with this stuff? Again shame on the MSM for not checking this. This from Breitbart.

Throughout much of Trump’s tenure in office, the president’s communications infrastructure has been helmed by women. Most notably, three of the four individuals to serve as White House press secretary under Trump, including Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kayleigh McEnany–the current holder of the office.

Likewise, both Stephanie Grisham and Hope Hicks served as White House communications directors. The position currently remains vacant after its last occupant, Grisham, left in April 2020 to become chief of staff to the First Lady.



Just in case. Time to form a rapid response team.

Views: 138

Just in case. Time to form a rapid response team. OK let’s say that Biden somehow is declared the President. The RNC, Trump, and any other organization must be ready to respond. Biden signs an executive order on Friday afternoon, the team is in federal court on Monday morning. Also make it multiple courts. East, West, Midwest, and down South. Force them to respond on multiple fronts.

Biden is a illegitimate President. A war was waged for four years on a legitimate President. Return the favor.

No charges ever proved, and an impeachment rejected by the Senate.



Our still President acts to protect hard working Americans. Democrats want to create a hit list.

Views: 31

Our still President acts to protect hard working Americans. Democrats want to create a hit list. The Democrats want to create a hit list. Not a list to get rid of the dead weight that Obama and Clinton protected, but a list to get rid of hard working Americans.

House Democrats are asking the Trump administration to turn over a list of employees who will be slotted into a new category of federal employment that critics fear will be used to retain Trump political appointees. 

The request, made to 61 government agencies, comes as agencies have begun implementing an October executive order from President Trump that creates a new employment category, Schedule F, for policy-focused positions within the federal government.

So don’t be surprised if and if Joe Biden is elected, he doesn’t sanction this attack. This here is something the left finds very disturbing.

Early signs show the Trump administration may seek to place a significant number of its employees into the new Schedule F category.

A memo obtained by Real Clear Politics found the Office of Management and Budget planned to place 88 percent of its employees, 425 people, into this category.


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